
Everlasting Bond

Under the twilight stars, pair boy and girl running together to grab happiness. After losing many things, they supporting each other in despair. In their will and promise, never shall they separate. Even fate said otherwise, even destiny against them. This a story about a pair of boy and girl. They aren't Heroes nor Villains. Yet, their life full of wonder, fortune, and misfortune. This is a life story of him and her. Dragged in many strange incidents, meeting with various people. Gained and lost many things in their long journey. Weaving strong and beautiful bonds with people they met in the way. This is their story. This is their life. This is the story of Arc and Misha in Everlasting Bonds. =================================================================================================================== Note for reader: To every reader, note that I'm not an English native, so there may mistake in my writing. Need to know this story will release irregularly. For the genre, it would increase as the story goes on.

Oiltumpah · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Chapter 4 – Practice

Ten years had passed since Misha reincarnated.

Back in her previous world; reincarnation, magic, monster, devil, and God, all of them just fantasy tales that exist in books and stories.

Countless days laying weakly in bed, Misha hoping they exist, somewhere outside there. However, until her death in that world, no matter how much she searching in internet, reading numerous news and books, or watching all kind mystery show in tv, Misha never found any of their existence for real.

In that world, she died with regret.

Yet, here she is.

Ironically, after her death, she's reborn in the world where those things exist.

She realized, the things she always searched couldn't found in her previous world, but her current world.

Misha wasn't born with her previous memory. Her previous live awakened in her fifth.

When her memory restored, Misha excitedly welcomed her new life, planning to make up the regrets in previous life, that's the five old Misha thought.

However, reality is cruel mistress.

Because of book she read, Misha has rather sweet looks about life of another world.

After she traced the memory of her current life, Misha greatly disappointed. Misha born as unknown villager girl in a fatherless family.

The fact she is a girl greatly shocked her. In her previous life, Misha clearly remembered she was a man. She thought wouldn't regret anymore, yet she already regretted at first step of her new life.

Being live in family without father is harsh. Misha often experiencing hunger as her mother poor and could barely earning the needs of their family. In such circumstance, Misha forced to hard labor work that unsuited to little girl.

Fortunately, even though they're poor, they blessed with kind neighbor and friend. Often times their neighbor and friend would come to give them a bit support. Misha and her mother can live in harmony despite being poor.

Despite harsh life, Misha didn't complain. For once, having a healthy body was all matter to her, as her previous-self can just lay weakly on the bed all of time because of sickness.

Life was tough, but Misha walked throughout it with smile. Secretly, she learned various thing about common sense and literature. There she found about Magist.


Something that not exist in her previous. Something she yearned as reincarnator.

Aspired to became Magist, to become stronger, let her and her mother escape from her current harsh life. Misha determined to become Magist.

Fate said otherwise.

At sixth, Misha's mother fell sick and died.

That's the toughest set back she received in her previous and new life.

Misha fallen to sorrow and despair knowing the most important in this life was gone.

For Misha, her mother who always give her affection and security in this unknown world, is very important family and guardian.

As her mother gone, Misha felt insecurity. Being an orphan in the current world is dangerous.

From Misha approximation, she reborn in some kind middle age fantasy-esque world.

Misha comprehended the ruthless fate of the orphan in this world with her meager knowledge. Without parent protection, children would become easy prey for all kind malicious.

As Misha brooding over her dark future, the lady luck hasn't abandoned her yet.

Without Misha knowledge, her mother, while in her dead bed, sent the last hope for her daughter. She called Misha's actual father–Duke Saffron, to help her.

Duke Saffron suddenly appeared before Misha, and picked her up.

There she learned her mother's last message and past. Duke saffron answered her last wish. Since then, Misha life with Everyne family.

Misha found her another origin. An illegitimate noble child.

She grateful with her mother help, but deep sadness rooted in her heart with the fact Misha lost her.

Not to waste the opportunity her mother gave, Misha studying in Everyne family diligently. She made friendly relationship with her new family, except for her supposed father as Misha silently hate him.

In that time, Misha learned various things, more than ever. She even learning magic in secret.

Three months later since Misha begun her peaceful life in Everyne family, Misha awakened as Magist. That time, Misha accidentally shot explosion, almost burned the library she resided.

The incident uncovered Misha's secret magic study.

But, Everyne didn't stop her, as she already awakened.

In regret for her lost mother, Misha very interested in learning light, holy and healing magic. Any kind magic that can save life. Misha using her previous world modern knowledge, incorporate it with magic knowledge.

Misha become a rare Healer Magist as result of her hard work.

Afterward, Misha experienced many kinds incident.

In age seventh, Misha involved in major event that changed her view toward the world.

At eighth, she met Arc in an incident and brought him over home.

Since met Arc, she developed deep friendship and dependence toward him and often being together.

She often accompanying Arc in his training and study. Misha learned martial art with him albeit being poor.

Unknowingly to Misha, Arc's presence filled the lonely in her heart and heal the sadness for losing her mother.

Without she noticed, she in her tenth.

Which mean it's been ten years since she was reincarnated.

And just the day after yesterday, Misha has celebrated her tenth birthday.

Her days still continued.







The sound of wood clashed reverberating in backyard.

In the center of backyard, a pair of black-haired boy and blond-haired girl clashing their weapon, fighting against each other.

"Uoohhh!" (Misha)

Misha swung her wooden hammer powerfully.

"Ugh!" (Arc)

In time, Arc deflected the strike with his wooden sword.

"Haaaah!" (Arc)

Immediately, he countered her.

[Small Shield]

A small round barrier appeared in air, blocked Arc attack.

Because the impact, Arc staggered, leaving his posture wide open.

Exploiting the opening, Misha gave him another powerful strike.

[Quick Move]

A sudden strength burst out Arc's leg. Managed him avoid Misha strike in narrow margin.

[Strength Up]

Not wasting her chance, Misha strengthening her physical, and performing rapid hammer strikes.

Arc successively evaded and regain his balance. He fought back.

Realizing she lost her chance Misha took a leap back.

[Light Arrows]

Three arrows formed from light launched at Arc.


Arc with wooden sword covered in faint glow slashing the incoming arrows with precise move.

The light arrows crumbled, scattered into fireflies.

Don't stop his movement, Arc took a big jump, rushed at Misha.

Misha body still stiffened from magic she released. She didn't have time to react.

Arc stopped in front of her with his wooden sword pointed on her neck.

"..." (Misha)

Cold beads fell from her head.

"…My win" (Arc)

Arc announced.

"Uwaaahh!" (Misha)

Felt strength suddenly leaving her body, Misha fell sit between her legs.

After strenuous training and battling, Arc and Misha body dirty from dust and sweat.

"…You've became strong, Arc. You managed to defeat me now." (Misha)

Misha whole-heartedly praising Arc.

In all of their previous battle session, Arc never managed beat to Misha. Misha didn't even sweat. At that time, Arc still an ordinary man while Misha was a First Rank Magist. A very unfair match.

Heard Misha's compliment, Arc sighed for some reason.

"Isn't that caused you crippling yourself, Misha? You're supposedly a Magist not Warrior." (Arc)

From beginning of battle, Misha rarely using magic against him. If Misha used her strong magic, Arc might stand no chance.

"What up with you? I thought Magist supposedly physically weaker than Warrior." (Arc)

That's the thing Arc wondering since learns mana. Despite being a Magist, Misha possessing a strength that equal or more than Warrior in same rank. It unique as physical strength is Magist's weakness.

"Are you the one saying that? I never heard or see someone that can actually cut magic." (Misha)

This Misha wondering about Arc. Since they often become training opponent, she could see Arc progression. However, unknowingly to her, Arc somehow learned to cover his sword with mana and cut through her magic. Misha was frustrated when she watched her magic easily destroyed.

"You both are weird in my opinion."

Sounded from the side.

An uncle in butler uniform watching their exchange from the start to finish. Their combat practice made him wonder if they're truly children.

"A physically strong Magist was weird and never been heard of, while Warrior that cut thought magic merely a legend and weird if it existed. You two that capable doing that very weird in my view."

"Uncle Jug, can you stop saying weird, weird." (Misha)

"Yes, Uncle Jug." (Arc)

"…For me, I want both of you stop calling me Jug." (Uncle Jug)

The Uncle said with bitter smile.

"I told you my name Robert, Arc, Little Misha." (Robert)

""We know Uncle Jug.""

Mr. Robert alias Uncle Jug is former Everyne elite knight and a house butler currently. He also a combat instructor for Arc and Misha.

As both of them have good relation with Mr. Robert, Arc and Misha don't hesitate to show their relationship in front of him. Arc and Misha even as far gave him a nickname, Uncle Jug.

"You two rascals." (Robert)

Arc and Misha mischievously giggled at Robert reaction.

It's Misha that gave Robert his nickname as it come from an incident.

That day just another peaceful day. That time Robert instructed Arc and Misha at backyard like the present. As he standing near mansion, inspecting their progress, a jug unexpectedly fell from second floor of mansion, then stuck on his head. The jug won't come off Robert's head, so the broke it to free his head.

The incident struck the children funny bones. Arc desperately hold his smile while Misha laughing out loud. They called Robert with Uncle Jug afterwards.

The day after that day was fiercest training for Arc and Misha ever received.

However, they never stop use Robert's nickname. Calling him Uncle Jug from time to time.

"Let's stop that. Now I'll give my evaluation toward your growth." (Robert)

Arc and Misha fall silent, returned to their serious attitude.

"…" (Robert)

No matter how often he saw it, Mr. Robert always dismayed by their sharp change of gear.

"First is Arc, all of your strength and technique greatly improved than before. Now you can stand equally against Misha. I'll watches for several day to prepare a new set training for you, the old one already no longer effective." (Robert)

"Thank you, Sir Robert." (Arc)

Arc bowed, addressing him with his name.

"Next, Little Misha." (Robert)

"Yes." (Misha)

"So far is good. Your physical ability grown quite well. While you have great strength, you're poor at technique. The hammer you used is perfect selection as your main weapon… I recommend you to cultivate your precision and speed to make sure your strike hit enemy." (Robert)

"I see… thank you, Sir Robert." (Misha)

Robert provided them his suggestion for their combat ability. Giving his best guidance to increase Arc and Misha's strength.

Both of them intently heed on him, noting every of his word in their mind.

"That all I can say today." (Robert)

By the time Robert finished his guidance, Arc and Misha tiredness were gone.

"Seriously, you two surely grown too fast. That made me aware my old age." (Robert)

Robert muttering his monologue.

"You Arc, it just been two years since you practiced, yet you awakened earlier than mine young-self. And Little Misha, you're Magist, why you physically stronger than most Warrior…? Both of you truly scrapped this old one's confidence." (Misha)

The uncle finished the monologue with a sigh.

"…Ah" (Arc)

"…Uh" (Misha)

Arc and Misha feel embarrassed by Robert's monologue.

"You two don't need say anything. Just make sure to take my lesson seriously." (Robert)

""Okay, Uncle Jug!""

"…And make sure stop calling me that." (Robert)

The children laughed at his words.

The practice is over and their day goes on.

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