
Everlasting Bond

Under the twilight stars, pair boy and girl running together to grab happiness. After losing many things, they supporting each other in despair. In their will and promise, never shall they separate. Even fate said otherwise, even destiny against them. This a story about a pair of boy and girl. They aren't Heroes nor Villains. Yet, their life full of wonder, fortune, and misfortune. This is a life story of him and her. Dragged in many strange incidents, meeting with various people. Gained and lost many things in their long journey. Weaving strong and beautiful bonds with people they met in the way. This is their story. This is their life. This is the story of Arc and Misha in Everlasting Bonds. =================================================================================================================== Note for reader: To every reader, note that I'm not an English native, so there may mistake in my writing. Need to know this story will release irregularly. For the genre, it would increase as the story goes on.

Oiltumpah · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Chapter 18 – Herlin, the White-Haired Girl      

"As for that sissy boy, he isn't needed. Just kill him brutally in front of his companion. Show them what would happen if they oppose us!"

After get the order to catch the little girls and kill Arc, Slave Hunters approaching the children.


"There~ there~ calm down. Uwah… Arc, you truly provoked him. Look how angry he is."

"He's childish than a child, Misha. How could an adult get mad by this low-level provocation?"


"How we would deal with them?"

"… We'll do like always."

Arc took out a wooden sword. He doesn't bring out a real sword since his opponent just non-mana civilian, no, criminal.

"Ahahaha, seriously!? A wooden sword!? This sissy boy wants to play knight!"

"Huh? Where did he store the sword?"

"Don't know and don't care, just hurry up deal with them."

Observing the Slave Hunter, Arc notice their move was sloppy and unguarded, clearly underestimating Arc's party. The corner of Arc's lip rose a little, imagining the Slave Hunter's expression when they realized what have they deal.

Like Arc predicted, the Slave Hunters truly thought it'd an easy job since Arc and others are children. What a children could do when surrounded by many adults.

One of the Slave Hunter reaching his hand to Riana incautiously.

"Little maid, don't glare me like that. Just follow me obediently."


Riana glance meaningfully to Arc, and get nod from him as respond.

"Huh?" As he was about touch her, a sudden powerful blow stroke into his stomach. He was flying by the impact, and stuck to the building behind.


The man fainted before he could recognize what happened to him.



Slave Hunters petrified in their place, doesn't registering what happened.

Doesn't stop from there, Raina leaped, taking advantage when her opponents current state still paralyzed. She punches the two nearest men, sending them fly in one blow.


"Hah!? What you lot idiots are doing? Stay away from her!"

Woke from his stupor, Slave Hunter Leader quickly instructed his underling.

Heard their boss instruction, Slave Hunters immediately took distance from Raina. Because of the instance before, Slave Hunter no longer look Raina as an ordinary child, since there's no child could send an adult fly.

Slave Hunter Leader carefully observing Raina, he didn't actually regard her before, as Raina stay silent in the background. Now Slave Hunter take a care look of her, his expression went ugly as he found something unbelievable.

"Be careful everyone! That little maid is a Warrior."

Slave Hunters shivering heard Raina identity.

"B-Boss, are you kidding!? She just a brat, how could she be Warrior!?

"Warrior? Are you kidding!? There's no way we could win against that!?"

"H-Hey, I didn't participate to fight a Warrior!"

Confusion, disbelief, and panic spread among Slave Hunter group. The group fighting spirit dwindled by a lot, as they recognize what they dealing.

For Slave Hunters, as an ordinary people, the existence of Warrior deeply imprinted in their mind since birth as symbol of prowess and might. The power of Warrior could easily subjugate them, even when Slave Hunter out-numbered them.

As Slave Hunter stop dead in fear, the leader lit their spirit.

"What are you useless gawked about? Hurry up catches the boy and the girl over there! She'll stop attacking us if we use them as shield!"

"Y-Yeah! As expected of boss, there's still a way!"

"R-Right, there's a hope."

"Don't worry, boss. We'll fight until our last breath."

Once encouraged by their boss, Slave Hunters spirit restored. Then, charging toward Arc, Misha, and little girl.

Spotted Slave Hunters rush, Arc and Misha make their move.

[Quick Move]

[Light Arrow]

Arc leaped in straight line comparably with Raina's speed, struck those three men he passed. Their consciousness instantly cut off just with one swing of Arc's wooden sword.

Misha also brought down another three men. She produced three light arrows in the air, shot them to each man. Misha have adjusted her strength so her magic won't kill them.

With six men instantly down, leaving only three people left, including Slave Hunter Leader. Now, their spirit shattered thoroughly by unbelievable scene before them.


"W-W-What are they!!?"

The remains two Slave Hunters attempts to escape, as fear have been possessed them.

Slave Hunter aware they didn't against children, but monsters in children skin.



Arc doesn't intent to let them escape. Immediately, Arc calls Raina, and she rush forward, blocking the two men way escape.

[Quick Move]

At same time, Arc speed off toward Slave Hunter Leader.

Slave Hunter Leader spotting the boy, unsheathed his sword, and fend off Arc strike.


Arc knocked back, slightly unsteady by the impact.

Saw an opportunity, Slave Hunter Leader trusting his sword toward Arc.


Watching the trust, Arc nimbly bend his body, barely avoid the trust. He twisting his body, counters Slave Hunter Leader Assault.

"You piece of shit!"

Slave Hunter Leader annoyed by Arc, as he parries the incoming slash.

[Heavy Slash]

Slave Hunter Leader releases a heavy slash.

Arc skin grazed by impact even though he avoided the attack.

"Arc! [Heal]"

Misha immediately healing Arc wound from distance. Misha couldn't join the fight since the little girl still in her embrace.

"Hey, isn't that unfair!?"

"This our advantage!"

[Quick Move] [Horizontal Slash] [Vertical Slash]

[Strength Up] [Heavy Slash]

Arc and Slave Hunter Leader exchanging many clashes. Their battle matching evenly. Arc slightly disadvantage since his body smaller, but he got the upper hand as Misha supporting him from behind.


Arc jump backward after the clash.

Slave Hunter Leader doing same. By now, his head no longer clogged by anger, and calmly surveying the surroundings.

"You're a Warrior, who exactly are you?"

"Hoh, I never expected you too a Warrior, Sissy boy. It should me who ask just who are you all exactly? You three are awakens at this young age, there's no way you are people from slum."

Slave Hunter Leader suspicious gaze observing the kids before him.

"No, the little lady over that is a Magist. From what I knew, there only a Magist that young in the entire country…"

Slave Hunter Leader frowned as he guessing the children identity.

"Misha Everyne, [Little Saint] of Everyne Duke family."

Slave Hunter Leader grumbling as he hit Misha true identity.

"Isn't you realized that too late, Mister?"

"Could you blame me for not realizing? Except for the little maid over there, you two wearing too shabby for noble party."

That true. Arc nodded in acknowledge.

Arc and Misha like wearing simple clothes, event their clothes look shabby in front of noble status. That's way, many people often not realizing their status.

"Rather than talking, could we continue our battle?"

"Can I refuse? Even this shameful, I won't going into disadvantageous fight."

Slave Hunter glance at the returning Raina, who dragging two adults with her as she heading toward them.

"I apologize, Mister, but I won't let you escape."

"Hahaha, I'm too sorry. You aren't sissy boy, but a real man!"

Slave Hunter Leader laughing amusedly.

"However, do you think I'll just sitting nicely and wait my defeat!?"

Slave Hunter Leader was a man that bullied the weak and fear the strong. Previously, he wanted to kill and capture Arc party, since he thought they're just weak and helpless children. Now, the man intending to run between his tail, since Arc party stronger beyond his recognition.

"Good bye, kid!"


Slave Hunter Leader took out a small ball from his pocket. Threw it near Arc feet.

The ball exploded, letting out loud boom and light, obstructing Arc's sense.

When Arc regained his sense, Slave Hunter Leader already gone. Leaving his underling alone in their predicament.




"Take the criminals to jail"


Emer instructed as he charging the guards to catch the Slave Hunters. They are still unconscious after been knocked down by Arc party. However, the guards don't have sympathy and handling the Slave Hunters roughly, as Slave Hunter greatly hated by people.


From the corner, Arc and Misha secretly watching the process while sweating profusely. Raina standing coolly behind them.

Their fight with Slave Hunters caused big commotion, especially Slave Hunter Leader escape move, attracted big crowd and nearby guards towards their location. Somehow, Emer's accompany the guards, end up with him took care the criminals. With that, Misha misdeed revealed to his brother.

Arc and Misha are quite worry the punishment they would receives once they back home.

"…Why are you… sweating…?"

"We had fought just now, of course we'll sweating, right Arc?"

"Oh, ah, that's right."


"…Oh… Okay…"

The white-haired little girl nod at Misha and co prompt answer. Her timid gaze grazing through them before said:

"…Thank you… For helping me… and sorry… involved you… in my trouble."

The little girl shyly bowing her head, showing her heartfelt gratitude to them.

"Don't worry. We are just gotten in small problem, we already used with that situation. If anything, we glad could help you out that situation."

Arc smile gently at the shy little girl gratitude.

Unknowingly, he put his hand on top little girl head, caressing her white hair gently.


"Ah, sorry."

Arc instantly pulling his hand, realize what's he done.

"Geez, Arc. What happened with you? Lately, you like patting someone head."

"I don't know. When I look at her, there's somewhat weird feeling inside me that tempting me to caress her."

"You just want to touch her because you found she was cute, right?"

"...…Maybe you right, Misha?"

"…I'm prefer you denied that, Arc…"


The little girl's face turning beet-red hearing the conservation of master and servant. She went behind Misha, hiding herself from Arc.

"Now, you scare her."

"Ugh, sorry."

"N-No… I-It's okay…" Half of little girl face protruding from Misha back as she responding Arc.

Arc just could smile wryly at the little girl state.

"By the way, we're just calling you since ago. Can we introduce ourself now?"



Misha and little girl current expression like an enlightenment monk. They realized they never introduced themselves to the others.

"I'm Arc, the servant of the girl in front of you."

"*Cough* I'm Misha Everyne."


"The girl standing there with cold face is Raina."

"…Arc… Misha… Raina…"

The little girl mumbling, planting their name deeply in her mind.

"I-I'm… my name… Herlin…!"

Herlin introduced herself in husky voice. Arc party would miss Herlin name if they didn't be focusing their hearing.

"Nice to meet you, Herlin."

"Yeah, hello Herlin."


"With this we are friend." Add Misha.

Arc party warmly greets Herlin. The beet-red on her face increasing as they calling her name warmly.

Embarrassed, Herlin eyes wandering through the surroundings, then glimpsed someone she knew among the gathering crowd.

"Arc… Misha… Raina… Thank you for today… I… Umm… there's someone… I must meet now…"

"I understand, until we met again, Herlin."

"Good bye, Herlin. I hope our next meeting doesn't like before."


Herlin bowing her head once again, then disappear into the crowd.

"Well, seems it's time to back now."



The three children return to Everyne manor accompanied by Emer.

Needless to say, Misha gets another house arrest after Emer reporting their misdeed.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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