

As the days go by I sit and think of what my life could have been like. I wonder sometimes what I could have done differently. If I had stayed away from some people or pursued others. A big part of me wishes I could get out of this cycle of a 9-5 job, working at a restaurant isn't where I thought I'd be at 28. It's decent money but not the greatest. I lost my apartment a year ago so now I'm back home with my parents. It's not the worst situation I mean at least I have a roof over my head and food to eat. I often hope for something better in this life. I long for some kind of adventure some kind of fun or hell even love. I've had "Love" before if that's what you wanna call it. Me nahh not so much. I look back and remember things he did that weren't normal for a boyfriend to do or say. At the time I was young and thought it was okay. But being older I know it wasn't. What if I had chosen the other people in my life? What if I had stayed as an assistant? What if….

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