
Chapter 1: The way we met

Kara's Pov:

Hey guys, I am Kara Michelle, I am 22 years old and right now, I am at airport cause I am going back to my country America, it's sounds so good ... As I completed my studies here in Oxford University, I was about to join job here but my elder sister Venessa is pregnant and she needs me there so I am going back. After so long, I am going to meet my family, I am so happy all my happiness got vainshed as I heard my filght was 4 hours late.

Why does this always happen to me ? Why God, Why? For the first time, I am on time for my filght and now my filght is late. Now don't think that I am not punctual I am .....but mostly I am not.

Even in college I am like always that last person who enters just before professor arrives. I guess, I just have been lucky all that time.

Now I have to wait for another 4 hours on this airport like a stupid person but Thanks to God I have my earphones with me, they are my best buddy cause they never leave me alone. It's not like I don't have best friend ... I do have it but she is not here with me now... Well that's sad !

It is night time and I don't why but it is so cold today also but atleast I have hoodie. I was listening music and I try to sleep a little. One of my special abilities I can sleep anywhere even if the place is crowdy and there is a lot of noise, it doesn't matter to me once I am sleepy, I don't care about world and where I am, all I know is that I am sleepy and that's it.

I slept for some time but I got up because of my phone, it was going carzy ringing again and again there were 30 missed calls on my phone by my sister Vanessa and it again started ringing, I picked up the phone,

Venessa :  It took you so long to pick up a call, You were sleeping right?

Kara: Hmm...

Venessa: I just got your message that your filght is late .

Kara: Yes .....it is !

I am so sleepy that I was yawning.

Venessa : Don't you tell me you are going to sleep again?

Kara: So what else I should do here on the airport?

Venessa : Don't sleep ... You will miss your filght cause I know if you slept once you won't wake even if there is a earthquake.

Kara: But I am so sleepy.... What should I do?

I am continuously yawning.

Venessa : Go get something to drink like coffee.

Kara: You know I don't like coffee.

Venessa : Yes, then go drink anything but Don't go to sleep again.

Kara: Okay .....

Venessa: Come soon I am waiting.

Kara: Yess.

I got up and started looking for cafe so that I can get something to drink. I went to cafe and ordered an ice tea I know, coffee will help me more to get over of my sleep but I just don't like the taste of coffee. That's why, I prefer to drink Tea. I found a table for me to sit and drink my tea on peace. I found it ....and started walking towards the table and suddenly I felt someone's hard chest on my face and my tea got spilled on me and him.

Kara: I am so sorry, I didn't see you.

Unknown: Ohh .....off course you did saw me and that's why you came onto me.

With that he chuckled, like what the hell! What he thinks of himself.

Kara: Listen Mr. Whoever, you just mind your tongue. I said sorry that doesn't mean that It was completely my mistake it was yours too.

Unknown :  Seriously! .... It wasn't my mistake, you did it cause you wanted my attention that's it and now you got it..... you must be so happy but I am not, you totally ruined my shirt.

He is so irritating though, I don't know why but he is so full of himself. Suddenly someone approached us, I guess he was his friend well it looks like ....means who will be friend with him, bad luck.

He was shouting his name , Jackson....Jackson ... And he looked at his direction,

Ohh so this jerk have name too.

'What happened to you Jackson ? And who is this beautiful lady here? '

Jackson: Beautiful my foot.

Kara: Mr.Jackson or whoever the fuck you are please be in your limit and how many times, I have to told you that I didn't do it intentionally....

Before that jerk can speak his friend come in between us,

'Woahhh! Woahhh! Both of you shut up now ....'

Then he looked at me,

'I am sorry on the behalf of him,'

Jackson: Mike you don't have to say sorry to anyone ... She did it intentionally, it's her mistake.

Kara:  See your friend don't have mind but I guess you have it so make him understand that the whole world doesn't revolve around him.

And for you Mr. Stop daydreaming about yourself not every girl is after you okay.

And now move aside.

And I walked straight out of the cafe. I again got sitted, I was so frustrated that my tea got spilled and then that men like seriously what that man thinks of himself. My mood was so bad that now I don't even want to sleep now.