
Even A Saiyan Can Be A Fairy

Ever wonder what it would be like if a saiyan was suddenly put into the world of Fairy Tail, Join Time Patrol Saiyan, Tato, in this grand adventure where he finds himself in another world. A world filled with magic and wonder, a place with crazy strong people, and equally crazy magic wizard guilds, this world, is the world of Fairy Tail. With his memory wiped of his home world and his powers reset to 0, Tato will have to train and fight his way back to the top. Tato will also face rising emotions to some of the beautiful yet powerful ladies of this world, will his heart be won over by their love? Is there only one spot open in his heart for one special person, or will there be room made for more? But peace doesn’t always last, evil lurks behind the scenes and people in high places will stand in Tato’s way, and he will have to befriend some strang people from a powerful wizard guild to get where he needs to go. Will Tato be able to transcend back into the realm of the gods? Come and see why Fairy Tail is number 1! ——— Hey everyone CountrySaiyan here, and just wanted to let everyone know that this series is going to now be my secondary work. I will still post chapters but it’ll be slower now due to my new original, “Iglecion- I Hate My Life!” I ask that you all check it out and I’m even getting a book cover custom made for it so please support it if you don’t mind! Thanks!

CountrySaiyan_30 · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Tato VS Yaka and Toby

"What! No way! I'm going to fight these guys," Natsu argues. 

Natsu and Tato get in each other's faces and begin to argue. 

"You always have to argue!"

"You're always trying to take the glory for yourself!"

"Yeah! Because you're always jumping into battle before anybody else!"

"You snooze, you lose buddy!"

"That's not how it works!"

"Yeah huh!"

"Nah- Oof!"

Yaka sucker punches Tato in the face, causing him to fly back a couple meters. 

Tato hits the ground and rolls, but quickly recovers and sees Natsu attacking Yaka. 

"Fire dragon roar!" 

A fire breath attack comes from Natsu and consumes Yaka. The fire is quickly dispersed with a swipe of Yaka's hand. 

"Your magic won't work on me, I practice anti-magic, so you have no chance against me." 

Natsu grits his teeth. 

"Then we'll have to do this- AHHHHHHHHH!"

Natsu is sent flying through the air by a kick to the bottom by Tato. 

"I told you, go help Lucy!"

Natsu flies in the direction of Lucy and then disappears from sight. 

Yaka is shocked that Tato would attack his own guild mate just to fight. 

"You think that was wise? Sending your friend off in the distance like that."

Tato laughs for a moment. 

"He'll be fine, but this is my fight. That little cheap shot you had earlier, it won't happen again." 

He grows serious and then visibly angry. 

"I won't let you get away with trying to kill innocent people and then disrespecting Bobo's grave! Your time has come! I will stop you here and now!"


Tato positions himself, then powers up slightly. 

"Did you not hear what I told that other fool? I practice anti-magic, you can't win. Toby just stay back, I've got this."

Toby nods his head.

Tato smirks. 

"Well it's good that I don't use magic." 


Tato flies towards Yaka with incredible speed. He throws a punch and Yaka is barely able to put up a anti-magic barrier. He captures Tato's arm inside it. 

Yaka begins to laugh. 

"Looks like you're trapped now. And your arm is in the center of my barrier, which is pure magic energy. Hope you enjoy it." 

Tato still smirks at Yaka.

"Oh? Am I supposed to be in pain? Because right now, all I feel is just a tickle." 

Yaka's jaw hits the floor and Tato begins to laugh. 

"Big Bang Attack!" 

A blue orb of ki quickly forms in Tato's hand. 


Yaka grows scared that Tato is able to form an attack within his barrier. 

Tato launches the attack and it makes contact with Yaka and an explosion happens. 

Yaka is sent several meters back, damage covering him. He hits the ground hard and rolls. After he stops, he recovers slowly and is breathing heavy. 

"Haha! After one attack and you're on your last legs. Give me a break. After all you've done and all that talk, this is all you can manage," Tato says, taunting him. 


Yaka sends a couple of magic blasts at Tato, who just dances around, dodging them. 

Yaka keeps up the attacks and Tato just laughs and dances around. 

"Come on! This is just child's play!"

Yaka grows angry and decides on a frontal attack. He covers his fist in his anti-magic and punches at Tato. 

Just when it seems like the punch is about to connect, Tato blocks Yaka's fist with his hand. 


Tato latches down on Yaka's fist to keep him from escaping.

"I've grown bored now," he says.

Tato slowly lifts his other arm and places two fingers right at Yaka's stomach, while keeping the other fingers closed. 

Tato smirks. 

"Good. Night." 

He tenses his two fingers and closes them forming a fist and an attack happened. Tato had performed a 2-inch punch. 

A shockwave traveled throughout Yaka's body and completely takes his breath away. Spit flies from his mouth and air could be heard leaving his lungs. The lights go out of his eyes, as he's sent flying meters away. 

"Well," Tato says, cracking his neck, "That's one down." 

He turns to face Toby. 

"Now for the next." 


"Don't worry about your friend there," Tato says, motioning towards Yaka, "He's still alive." 

Toby chuckles.

"I'm not worried about him, the only one who should be worried is you."


Tato raises an eyebrow at this claim, curiosity setting in.

"I'm much stronger than he is," Toby says, extending his claws.

His claws were a deep green color and they gave off "stay away from me" vibes.

"Check out my mega jellyfish paralyzing claws! Bet you can't guess what these bad boys can do."

Tato snorts as he crosses his arms.

'He's joking right? Is this guy some kind of fool? Well now that I think about it....oh god'

Tato facepalms.

"Hey! Who said you can go ignoring me!"

Toby starts to attack Tao. He gracefully dodges each attack, because it's wild and sloppy.

Tato finally grabs Toby's wrist when he got in too close with an attack. He takes his other arm and grabs Toby's shoulder and pulls him downward. Tato brings his knee up and burys it in Toby's stomach.

Spit and bile protrudes from Toby's mouth as he struggles for air.

Tato stands there chuckling at his handiwork.

'I'll wait until he's ready to fight before finishing him off.'

A few moments pass and Toby grits his teeth, due to the pain he's in, but he manages to get his air back.

He growls at Tato and gets ready to attack again.


Tato hold up his hand. Toby relaxes wondering what he could want.

"I have a question for you."


"Why did the chicken cross the road?"

Toby scoffs.

"Because, to get to the other side obviously."

"No, wrong."

"What! What do you mean! That's obviously the answer, because everyone knows this question!"

"For that question sure, but mines a riddle," Tato smiles.

"So I ask again, why did the chicken cross the road?"

Toby lowly growls as he's stumped by this question.

Tato smirks.

"Just think about it real hard."

Toby starts to think harder and then reaches up to scratch his head in confusion. When he does l, he starts dancing like he's being electrocuted.

"You t-trick-ke-edd mmeeeeee!"

Toby collapses, his body twitching and unable to move.

Tato sighs.

"What a fool. Butttt…"

He snorts with laughter.

"I can't believe he feel for it, haha."

He walks over to Bobo's grave and resets the headstone back to it original standing position.

'Now that that's taken care of…'

He begins to feel the power of a familiar person.

His color fades from his face and he starts to sweat profusely.

'Oh shit! Erza is here!'

Tato could feel that Erza is now on the island and close by.

Tato heads quickly into the direction of the temple.

'I better hurry and defeat this Lyon guy, if Erza catches me…'

Tato begins to shake. He takes off into a sprint and makes it quickly to the entrance of the temple.

He composes himself.

'Now, down to business.'

He beings to study the temple and coming up with a plan.

Hope you enjoyed this fight, I tried to keep some of the comedy that the fight in the anime brought but also with the coolness that dragon ball brings. I hope you enjoyed it and I hope you’re looking forward for the next big fight coming up reallllll sooonnnn!!

CountrySaiyan_30creators' thoughts