1 Prologue

In this world there are many kingdoms with different types of people.Depending on the kingdom you can find many different types of people. I live in the realm of magic where there are two types of people: the people with the ability to provide power considered the witch and and people like me who have magical powers but have to rely on them so that our power doesn't get exhausted. Yes, you got that right....our power can get exhausted if we use it more than our capacity. So, we have to make sure to train ourselves so that our power remains stable, but our trainings can't keep pace with our energy that's where we need the help of a witch. Witches mix up healing elixir so that we can keep training without losing to much energy. Losing too much energy is very harmful to us as if we lose too much energy we won't be able to use our magical powers for at least three days. Depending on what we are (witch or magician) we have different schools. We can't choose if we want to be a witch or magician as it is fixed for us from our birth.
