
evelors the 7 roses of hell

etrelaki14 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

chapter 2

The humans started to prepare for war , they discovered that ateros the golden gods lose their powers when they have sexual relationships with humans , the first thing to do was to destroy the golden gods by sending the princess of the humans to be the ateroses king 's wife , after that they started to execute the whitches with the excuse that they were spreding illneses to the other races especially the soliosis , they started to hunt the werewolfs and blame it to the vampires so the humans manipulated the hibrits to murder the vampires because they killed the werewolfs , it was a chaos and humans ended up wining ,they knew that bladers were only a few left in the world and noone saw them in the past 100 years so no need to fight creatures you don t even know exsist. everybody was relieft to know that the creatures who wanted to kill the humans are now gone although the neither of them wanted to kill humans it was just the king of the humans who wanted to rule the world by himself, but made everybody believe that they were threats. This story got lost in the pages of the history and noone remembered that these cteatures ever walked the earth.

Now in the present days the story travels in a different way , were the big buisnesses fight in the matrix which is dominated by the money.

Who is gonna get at the top and who are theses people who are about to play the game of thrones.