
Steps in Matchmaking

The light from the setting sun turns the whole room into a small golden world. From afar, the picturesque view of a beautiful girl drenched in sunlight gives off an ethereal feeling. As if she's a fairy on retreat and has become one with her surroundings.

Eve, the lazy fairy, sprawled on the bed and gazes towards the ceiling absentmindedly. The expanse of stillness was deafening that she can even perceive the sound of petals falling and her heart beating.

"I'm dying." She muttered.

Halfsie: ???

How could the host be dying if her vital signs show that she's healthier than a horse?

"The boredom is killing me. "

Eve feels so weary that aside from snacks, nothing appeals to her anymore. There's no father and son live entertainment, the television shows are distasteful, and she's getting tired of the constant hospital room view. She's so bored she had even counted the number of slats on the Venetian blinds, and she's damn close to counting the petals on the daisies.

( Host, maybe you can call Sarien?)

The furball proposed. The hero has been visiting Eve for three days straight now. It anticipated their relationship would progress by leaps and bounds, yet their status has stagnated to a willing food provider and a shameless freeloader. Its boss is even heartless to doze off right after having her fill. What frustrated Halfsie more is that the leading man even enjoys watching Eve fall into a coma after pigging out. In the end, it can only gape at the two and doubt life.

( No.)

( He had only left three hours ago.)

Eve, naturally, isn't compassionate about the teenager. She only finds it tedious to entertain him after she's gotten the snack she wanted. Her user-friendly trait is deplorable like that.

Knock knock

Suddenly, the sound of knocking disrupted the quietness in the room. Eve sat up while waiting who the unexpected visitor is. A few seconds later, the door opened, and a beautiful woman clad in a white coat entered.

" Good Afternoon, Eve." A cheerful voice greeted her.

" Good Afternoon, Doctor Iris." Eve responded.

" Okay, you know the drill." She smiled as she walked towards her.

" Anything out of the ordinary?" Iris asked as she proceeded to set her instruments on checking Eve's recovery.

" Well, I think I may die of boredom soon." She truthfully answered.

" Haha. You kid. You really have a peculiar sense of humor." She motioned for her to lift her top. Eve is used to the regular procedure and hence readily lifts it.

"Are your dad and grandpa still busy to accompany you?" Iris asked while examining the incision site on her chest. Undoubtedly, it had truly healed entirely without leaving scars whatsoever. She had already checked a couple of times but still wanted to monitor her condition just in case. In a typical setting, that kind of injury should render her bedridden for a few weeks, contrary to now, where her only remaining trauma is her fractured leg. If she has not seen her near-death situation before, nor had she done the tube insertion herself, she will think those things didn't transpire at all. This girl is truly a living miracle.

"Dad will be arriving tomorrow." Eve replied as she scrutinized her attending physician, Iris Dey.

She is a 29-year-old, unmarried, beautiful lady who is intelligent and has a lively personality. Eve recalled her praising her as an "angel cutie" as they got along. Of course, that's not entirely the reason she has a good impression on her. Iris also checks on her well-being aside from her professional duty. Most importantly, she never misses giving her a dose of compliments. Such a fan deserves her goodwill, and thus, they got along pretty okay.

Eve studies Iris' side profile while she immerses herself in her inspection. Then as if having enlightenment, she smiled sardonically.

" Doctor, you're single right?" Her sudden inquiry almost jabbed the other.

" Hey don't remind me eh, I have not forgotten at all." She jokingly answered. Is this girl targeting her now? She can only sigh and lament that it was impossible to resist being fond of this patient of hers. Eve's adorable look only makes her want to pamper her instead. She's even a little sorrowful that she may leave the hospital soon. Indeed, she is happy with her full recovery and sad at the same time that she won't be able to feast her eyes on such a cutie pie anymore.

" I want to recommend someone." Eve spoke once again.

" Oh? Who? " She decided to humor the young girl. However, she has indeed become an old spinster. She had focused on her education and career and failed to notice that years have left her. Anyway, she doesn't mind if fate dictates she become an old lady surrounded by cats in the future.

" Sylvius Tang." Iris, who heard the familiar name, paused for a second as if trying to remember who the person was.

" The business mogul? You're related to him?" She recalled hearing his name on the news way back. He was acclaimed to be the youngest successful businessperson who took the marketing industry by storm. In all fairness, she appreciated such a man who truly excels in his field.

" He's my dad." Eve indifferently answered. The doctor who was cuffing her arm after the chest inspection, almost dropped the equipment. She knew they share the same surname but didn't expect that she's his daughter. After all, what are the odds? In their profession, it's not necessary to know the full identity of the patient's guardian. Recognizing that they are the patient's family is enough.

" He's been alone since my mom died 14 years ago. He is a handsome hopeless romantic. He's 36 years old this year, I hope you don't mind that."

" I won't mind if you become my stepmother. I'll even root for you." The non-stop endorsement almost shut down Iris' mind. She stared at Eve with an incredulous look. The young lady who didn't seem to realize what absurdity she has spouted only smiled sweetly at her.

She doesn't resemble her dad at first glance, but they share the same eyebrow and nose shape if you observe closely. It made her recall the attractive man she has been interacting with for the past week. Good-looking, tall, has a low magnetic voice, and with an impressive aura. He is also courteous when consulting with them about his daughter's condition. Iris thought back on what Eve has mentioned, hopeless romantic and faithful to his departed wife for fourteen years. That is truly commendable. If ever she, a single dog for 29 years, meet a man like that, she might genuinely fall head over heels. Then gazing back at the lovely girl, she had a notion that it would be perfect to have an adorable baby like Eve. That idea almost made her jump off her seat.

[ What, What was I thinking?]

She was frightened by her line of thought. The little girl only said she doesn't mind her being her stepmother, and then she had the gall to imagine their future life together? She must have gone insane.

" You girl! Stop teasing this old lady alright?" She poked Eve's forehead softly and continued taking her blood pressure.

" Just keep in mind that I am serious about it." She smiled as she watches Iris try to concentrate on her work.

[ It's quite fun teasing her.]

( Host, do you genuinely want her to be your stepmother?) The curious furball started to gossip.

( I'd rather have her than that woman.)

As a matter of fact, she would prefer any other living thing over that creature. Still, she likes Iris and has goodwill towards her. She is smart, well versed in medicine, and aesthetically okay. Eve reckons that it would be better to pimp her dad to someone like her than let a scheming bitch move him. Though she has confidence that she can prevent her nasty ass from laying hands on her dad, she still wants a foolproof plan. Controlling other's emotions isn't her forte anyway, and therefore must prepare just in case.

Eve anticipates how wonderful it would be to watch Hemiura Qin attempts to seduce her father and to make a fool of herself after. Thinking that both mother and daughter will be sharing the same fate of unrequited love makes her delighted. It made her more determined to matchmake the two.

" Alright. All good." Iris summoned back Eve's attention.

" You should always remember my words okay?." Iris rubbed the girl's hair as she spoke and can't help but marvel at its softness. Coupled with Eve's blue eyes staring back at her made her think she's an adorable kitten. So soft and so cute that her heart melts.

" You should also remember mine, Ms. Iris." The hand caressing her came to an abrupt stop. Iris can only look at those penetrating azure orbs filled with seriousness.

" So mischievous." A helpless expression can be seen on her face. She patted Eve's head one last time and excused herself.

Seeing the closed door, Eve returned to her original position.

She contemplates ways on how to make them develop feelings for each other.

( Host, how do you intend to push them together?) Halfsie was quite intrigued by its boss' plan.

( Still thinking.) Eve is clueless on how to matchmake people. She, who has no experience in love or whatnot, is now trying to make people fall in love with each other. She finds it rather amusing.

( Host, I know sure-win steps in making couples fall in love.) Finally, the furball can impress its host on how awesome it is.

( Pray tell.) She closed her eyes and felt drowsy again.

( You see, host, according to the manuscripts I have collated, it says that the best way to develop feelings is first to let them spend time together as much as possible.)The childish voice accentuated the words " develop feelings" and "spend time together," giving her hints of the essentials.

( Go on.) She thinks it makes sense. How could someone liken them if the other party doesn't even know they exist.

( Second, secure a good impression to gain their trust.) It continued its lecture seriously. Eve also listened attentively.

( Third, you should show your best traits and not just sleep when he is around.)


( Fourth, ensure there is physical contact. It would be best if you touched his hand, then kiss his face or lips.)

Eve: ??

( Then last but not least, seal the deal before he realizes you're an evil incarnate.)

Eve: ???

[ Why does it sound off-track?]

She doesn't know that the cunning life form has started browsing erotic novels to help the host brew some sauce with the hero. It says that the best way to a man's heart is through his reproductive tract. The villains all implemented such a method and successfully captured the leading man. This move ultimately pushed one of the plot's turning point.

Eve surmises that it would be quite taxing to make them seal the deal at first sight. First and foremost, how can they get married without foundation, right? So, she intends to follow what the furball said about spending time together. Her only problem now is how to make that happen? Dad Sylvius is busy as a bee, and Dr. Iris is also a busy bee. Both are hustler bees, so how can she pull them together?

[ I wish there's a way to make them interact more.] With that fleeting thought, she dozed away.

( Host? Host? Are you listening?) The furball tried to nudge Eve from within her consciousness. Seeing the host has gone offline yet again, Halfsie can only curse the iron for not becoming steel.

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