
Bonds and Hobbies

The sound of whispers in the usually solemn room awakened Eve. The person's voice is lowered but was tinged with impatience as if admonishing someone. Her eyelids fluttered as she gently opened them towards the source of noise, contemplating whether the disruptor of her slumber deserves death or forgiveness.

"I'm sorry child, did I wake you up?" The voice of Sylvius Tang immediately captured the drowsy girl's attention.

"Dad?" Eve unhurriedly sat as she examined her father, who had finally arrived. However, his appearance made her eyebrow raise.

Her dad is currently sitting on a newly erected bed beside her. He is also wearing a white pajama similar to hers, making him appear casual and laid back. Still, the most eye-catching part of his new look is the sling cradling his left arm. Noticing her eyes glued on his injury, Sylvius lied without batting an eye.

" I accidentally fell and hurt myself." He downplayed his accident as he didn't want his daughter to worry.

( Host, he lied. His car got hit not long after leaving the airport.) The furball whispered within her.

[ Accident?] She narrowed her eyes without responding to either of them.

" Evangeline?" Sylvius called his daughter who's gaze won't peel off his broken extremity. It made him guilty.

Before she could answer, a knock took their attention towards the door.

"Good Evening, Eve." Iris grinned as she greeted Evangeline but is seamlessly replaced by a professional smile when her sight shifted to the other person.

"Mr. Tang" She wasn't informed that Mr Sylvius Tang had chosen to share a room with his daughter. Here she thought, dropping by at the cutie pie's room for a quick energy boost was a good idea. Anyway, it's a good thing since her new patient is also here. Switching to her duty mode, she walked towards the attractive man and started explaining the management for his case.

Sylvius only presented with a bruise over the affected site and sustained a hairline fracture. He can be discharged after a thorough observation but chose to stay instead. He wanted to take this opportunity to take a break and spend time with his daughter.

The two of them communicated about his options and matters of the like. When everything is said and done, Iris excused herself to Sylvius and bid her goodbye to Eve albeit reluctantly. She came here for the cutie but had to work instead.

" Are you not feeling well?" Sylvius worriedly asked as he recognized Eve had not talked much since the doctor came.

"I'm actually quite happy, Dad." Eve elatedly answered while scanning him meaningfully.

"Oh? Tell Dad. I want to hear." The pampering tone is evident from Sylvius' tone.

"I'm delighted because you are here, Dad." She finds it incredible, alright. Not only is Iris her attending physician, but she is also his. With such convenient god-like assist phenomena, her plan on letting them seal the deal is finally in motion.

"Well, I'm also glad." He stood up and went to Eve to caress her hair.

"Dad promises to stay with you for as long as I can, okay?"

"That would be best." Eve spoke and continued.

"Dad, just keep in mind that if you ever decide to remarry I wouldn't mind. "

The unforeseen blessing that came out of nowhere successfully jabbed Sylvius. His palm paused, unable to retract from the teenager's mane due to the perpetual words of advice.

" I would not mind as long as she is intelligent, pretty, fond of me, and would be best if she has a medical degree and named after a flower-like Iris."

[ That condition is quite specific.]

Then Sylvius recalled that his and Eve's physician is named Iris. That realization made him scrutinize his daughter who's smiling sweetly at him. No way, is this little girl trying to matchmake them? Sylvius also noted their interactions a while back and noticed they get along pretty well.

" What? Are you already getting tired of your old man and want to drive me away?" Sylvius gently poked his daughter's forehead. Won't this little girl start criticizing his single life now that she has a young wolf around her all day every day? She must be finding ways to distract him from her blooming love life by giving him one. Alas, his daughter is still tender and thought such skullduggery would be useful on him. It's good he had read tips on parenting teenage girls 101 before and thus knew their little tricks. With him here, that rascal won't fool his innocent daughter with a beauty trap.

How could Eve know that Sylvius's mind is already filled with such rich scenery? Lush brain supplement is really a gift that runs in their family.

" I just think you also need someone to take good care of you Dad." Sylvius can see sincere wishes within her vibrant orbs.

Besides, Eve finds it pitiful to waste such handsome looks to wither away in desolation. Not wanting to brag but, oh wait she does, Sylvius Tang is always on top list of the most desired bachelor in their country. How awesome is that? That's her dad. She inherited fifty percent of those genes.

" Don't I have you? Won't you take care of me when I'm old?" He sat next to her with looming sadness.

" Of course I will but it's not the same. You deserve to be happy, Dad." If he's content won't that mean he is cherished and her task will be 50% complete?

His daughter's sentiments moved Sylvius. Happy? How long has it been since he genuinely felt happy? Since losing Lilian that day, his heart stopped beating. Nevertheless, he dragged himself to raise their daughter. Evangeline is the sole reason why he is trying his best. In the past, he couldn't help but question himself what he lacks that his daughter won't communicate. She is so distant and reticent towards him. He even thought that maybe it's because they lacked quality time together. Sylvius then decided to cut his working hours and made sure to get home by sunset no matter what. However, what welcomes him is her closed door and two-word sentences. She won't even look at him at times and goes back to her room without uttering a word. Such long years of loneliness made Sylvius' soul weary.

Nonetheless, everything has changed after Evangeline's accident. She has started to respond to them with enthusiasm. She smiles often and has the initiative to reach out to them and other people. He felt that everything has turned for the better.

" As long as you grow up well, Dad will be happy." Sylvius responded with a deep smile and patted her head once again.

" I'll make sure you'll be happy Dad. Leave it to me." Eve let out a meaningful grin.

Since that day, Eve spent her days in the company of her father. Mostly, she observes how he handles business matters or indulges herself in her new "hobby".

Sylvius discovered that he never truly knew his daughter. He learned how amazing she grasps new knowledge so quickly like a sponge soaked in water. She is similarly enthusiastic about how he manages the company. It made him energized that his child is showing such promising potential. He started coaching Eve every time she shows interest in his affairs. The inquisitive lady also listened attentively and absorbed whatever she can. No way, who told her to be dedicated to her goal? If she wanted to push people together, she needs to free their timeline somehow. That's why Eve has taken action to learn so that soon, her dad has enough time to brew some sauce with the future stepmom of her choice.

It's been three days since Sylvius joined her in the hospital. Eve, who has found a new fun time, isn't bothered by the hospital stay anymore. She either spends her time being idle or examining the progress between her Dad and future stepmom. She witnessed how arduous it was to seal the deal between Sylvius and Iris. These hustler bees live up to their workaholic bones. Iris only comes once a day and stays for at most five minutes since technically both of them are ready for discharge. Not to mention she also has other patient's to attend to. Her Dad, on the other hand, buries himself on his laptop having conference calls and whatnot.

( Halfsie, is there a way for them to develop feelings at full speed? ) Eve asked the unusually quiet furball.

[ Huh, now you know my pain.] It secretly thought.

( Host, you need to give them time. Don't worry as long as they brush each other's existence, falling in love is a matter-of-course.)

Eve grunted as a response and continued watching. She didn't dwell on their slow progress anymore since she has better things that needed her focus.

Sylvius glanced at his daughter who's been staring at her reflection for hours now. Since spending time with Evangeline, he noticed that she seems fond of venerating her face. Though she is indeed a blooming beauty, it doesn't justify her being fascinated by her reflection for most of the day. He had consulted Dr Iris about it and was advised that Eve's peculiar behavior may be brought about by the stress of staying too long in the institution. She also added that if she doesn't resume her former "non-narcissistic" state by the time she's in a new environment, then they can ask for psychological counsel.

The assumed self-fascinated Eve, though true, is in actuality only using the system manual she "borrowed" from Halfsie as means to watch erotic cinema. That day, the furball has introduced her to an entirely engrossing world. Fueled by curiosity, Eve watched with gusto. Halfsie, on the other hand, is filled with thoughts of pleasing the host and expanding its data with methods of capturing the leading man. Together, the depraved creatures have immersed themselves deeper in depravity. Needless to say, the initial search has launched them further to more exciting things- more immoral things.

To enjoy her newly found entertainment more, Eve asked the furball of ways to transmit the data to her without needing to close her eyes. Sometimes they lose track of time and end up in meditation state for almost half a day that one time, Sylvius panicked and notified the doctors. Her curious case alerted every practitioner in the hospital to investigate the root cause of her state. How would they know that the "comatosed" girl is only immersed in viewing the beauty of procreation?

Fortunately, the system manual can accommodate transmission of data from the system guide and thus used it since then. From the outside, she only appears as though she's looking at her reflection with an odd mirror. The content of the manual is only visible to her and Halfsie hence people of the current realm will only regard it as a mirror with a golden rose logo on its back. If not, Sylvius might suffer from stroke if he sees his innocent daughter feast on an xxx movie-marathon alright.

" My child, aren't you bored here? How about we go home?" Sylvius successfully pulled Eve's sight away from her mirror.

[Home?] Indeed she has grown tired of the constant view. If it weren't for Sarien's steady food supply before, she would have already convulsed away.

" Okay." Eve wanted to know if her bed at home is more comfortable than what she has now. Surely, a better recliner will be more conducive for her recreational activity. With that cognition, she agreed right away. Naturally, she did not forget to update Sarien on the new location where to send her snacks.

That instant, the father and daughter have packed their stuff and ready to move out.

Hello everyone,

Im sorry for the late update. We've been grinding nonstop at school that i can't squeeze my remaining braincells after. Hopefully everything will be done soon.

Thank you for waiting!

- M

Marionette_creators' thoughts
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