
Chapter Eight

Kore's PoV

Where was I going, I had been walking for the past hour and no matter how I hard I tried to look at my surroundings, nothing felt like home.

I stopped in the middle of the road feeling the most vulnerable I had always been, my heart was racing and I felt tears burn in my eyes.

Was I lost?

Mother would have been so disappointed in me, she would have found me and screamed at me and I promised in that moment that only then I would have cried.

"Don't cry" I whispered to myself and I dramatically looked around me, I was scared so my hair grew longer and my braids weren't needed anymore.

I dropped my luggage and I took in a deep breath as I brought my shaking-hands to my hair, I started to loosen my braids as I breathed out.

The stares around me grew, they span around me at the speed of light just like a high road with traffic lights and I felt every string attached to my body pull towards their stares, my skin was burning and internally ripping apart.

"Don't cry, for my sake" I murmured undearneath every breath.

I wanted to go back home so much but my money wasn't even enough to buy another apartment and pay for the rent but all my life I wasn't focusing on learning how to solve tasks like this, my anxiety didn't let me and I like a prey kept on running away and hiding.

Now I'm here I've hid so many times I'm now lost and all I want is to be is found.


My phone, I thought, I was so anxious I didn't notice how all this time I could have used my phone and called someone I knew; I checked inside my pockets and there it was.

I let out a breath of relief and tried to turn it on but it was completely off and quickly my eyes started to tear up.

"I might as well just throw away the whole phone" I said irritated, I was talking to myself as people walked passed me and I could hear their whispers and they cut like sharp blades against my back and my arms.

I kneeled down and rushed to pick up each one of my braids from the floor and pushed them into one of my bags.

My glance shifted around me and I started to panic as Oizys slowly kissed my bare chest and held me into her hands, she then proceeded to hold my hands and kissed them gently, my breath grew louder as I sometimes felt her tongue slide across my bare skin.

"Don't you feel it?" she whispered in my ear, maybe my vulnerability turned her on, her eyes turned red and she kissed a path from my shoulders to my neck, then she gently moaned in my left ear.

I held my face in my cold and sweaty hands and Alala held Oizys and they both beautifully kissed each other right in front of my eyes, my hurt gave them pleasure.

They smiled at each other and kissed again, for a moment Oizys was unable to open her eyes from how vulnerable she felt from that kiss.

"Please" Alala begged and they they're mouths found each other again for one last time, she slid her fingers through her hair and held Oizys head still as she was in control now, her eyes started to water and she pulled onto Oizys' hair and from her mouth a moan left.

Alala stopped, her glance now pointed towards me as she moved closer to my body and pressed her fingers onto my eyes and whispered on them and in that moment my chest started to move frantically it hit against her breast and I started to hyperventilate, tears started to rush out of my eyes I cried out-loud and hoped my cries where heard.

I felt a shiver across my body.

I felt something coming my way.

Something that felt like someone's wanted presence, something I needed and always wanted, was coming closer to me and I wasn't that scared anymore.

Night fell as quickly as day came, everyone stopped walking around me and I looked around confused, was it actually coming my way? Was it coming for me?

I turned around and slowly stood up as our eyes met and damn if I was ready to run away.

That's exactly what I did, I ran as fast as I could and tried to gather as much of my extensions as I could, I stepped on one of them still attached to my scalp and it pulled my scalp.

I let out a scream of hurt as butterflies rushed their way out of my chest and right flew behind me towards my desire.

"Kore" he simply called my name and in a moment of thunder I was in his arms across the dark blue skies as dark as his hair and his arms hugged me tight, like he never wanted to let me go.

"Why are you being like this?" He asked and he sounded tired and hurt as he rubbed his nose across the back of my neck his breath glued onto my back and it was as cold as death.

I used my magic and drew circles all over my arms, my wrists and my neck, till my magic seemed to ware away and my nails dag deeper into my skin.

"Hey don't do that you'll hurt yourself" he said as he saw and he grabbed my hands, he brought them to his soft cold lips.

I instinctively interlocked our fingers and let out a deep breath and breathed in the humid clouds.

I was finally home.

I was finally where I was meant to be.

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MaeMyungcreators' thoughts
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