
Ethereal Depths; Chronicles Of The Unknown

For thousands of years since the beginning of time people have been living safely on the surface. This all changed with the arrival of an Elder God who brought the Song to this life in this dull and tuneless world with his arrival the Song became joyous and loud once more. Through thousands of years of mutation due to the presence of the Song being found in every inch and crevice of this world, People, animals and environment alike all changed, mutated and adapted alongside the Song in order to survive. Throughout these uncountablle and untracable years multiple races emerged with no true knowledge left behind as to how they came to be, simply that they emerged with mutations. These races later on became normal and the people before them were slowly driven out and near extinct. During this Era of Song chanting and attuning multiple Godlike beings emerged and alongside them, the world itself changed, cults and religions were made, people started to master the Song. This Era however did not last forever, after an unknown amount of time the Gods, Elder Gods, Celestials, Monsters and other Authoritive powers went to war. What exactly transpired during this time is unknown to us, it is only known that during these times all of the higher beings had made their homes in different dimensions. After the war between the Gods, the Song had finally reached its climax and it begun to sink, the pressure of the surface world began to become heavier and heavier, until even the lands cracked, islands and mountains split apart, and the great city of Celdor which had become the worlds center. Sunk into the bottom of the sea along with most of the Song singing techniques. It is now present day and we can see what seems to be a humanoid figure wearing a mask with horns protruding out of his head. There were weird stripes and symbols adorning the mask, in a strange, mystical and weirdly captivating way. This boy is one of the rare direct bloodline descendants of one of the Ancient Gods, follow along his journey of finding out about the story of his ancestors, uncovering the truth of what happened to the great city of Celtor and why his parents were taken as sacrifices. ------- DISCLAIMER!!: This novel is HEAVILY inspired by Deepwoken so make sure to check out the actual game! Also the picture for the cover is not made by me but by Thiamine on Pinterest.

NoobAuthor_1 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Volume: 1 | 4 | The Surface│ Dreams: 3 (Chapter 4)

In the quiet of the night most people were sleeping peacefully. The moonlight was very strong this one night in particular, as people were sleeping a certain smell started to overtake peoples homes.

As Luthier was sleeping in peace a loud yell was heard.

"FIRE!! There is fire!" A man outside the wooden cabin was yelling.


"Huff, puff" Luthier woke up drenched in sweat from head to toe, everysingle pore in his body was protruding sweat.

"Huff..a dream, just another dream" Luthier said as he slowly turned his head towards the still on going campfire.

He slowly sat up and started unclothing himself, once everything was off he put them aside at a certain distance so that they would dry from the fire, but not catch a flame.

Luthier looked around the dimly lit cave room, roughly one third of the ground was covered in moss and the walls of the cave were roughly the same.

He then tilted his head upwards, the small crack in the ceiling which allowed the moonlight to pass through was now completely black.

Hinting at the fact that it had been several hours since Luthier fell asleep. Once he fixed his posture and was in a more comfortable position he brought his status window up.

[Status] [Talents] [Mantras] [Summary]

Name: Luthier Light

Power: 4 

Race: Primal Vesperian

Age: 8

Strength: 25

Fortitude: 25

Agility: 20

Intelligence: 0

Willpower: 2

Charisma: 0


Light Weapon: 0

Medium Weapon: 0

Heavy Weapon: 0


Flamecharm: 0

Frostdraw: 0

Thundercall: 0

Galebreathe: 0


Vitality: 2

Erudition: 0

Proficiency: 0

Songchant: 0









"Seems like I have gotten a bit stronger after killing that Sharko" Luthier mused to himself in the dark, yet weirdly comforting night.

He took a look at all of his talents and mantras, once he was done looking through them he decided to think up a plan.

'I can't stay here forever, it's cold most of the time, wet, and I am always in danger' He thought to himself.

He glanced at the fire, memories of his tragic past flashing past his eyes in a flash '..I just'.

"Huff, okay tomorrow morning I will try to find a town" He said as he threw in some more firewood and headed off to sleep.

The night outside was still quiet, it was a peaceful night the monsters were all in their own habitats and asleep, whilst people were sleeping peacefully in their own homes.

During this night somewhere else, a place far far away, in a different dimension all together, a place which seemed to be at the bottom of the ocean.

Yet in a strange and mystical way people weren't drowning to death, it seemed as if this strange dimension was located in a place which everything was surrounded by water, yet at the same time it did not affect one.

In this strange, dark and sanity depraving place a little girl with a mysterious and magical mask with a pair of horns could be seen, shivering and crying inside of a small stone building with the lights on.

She was currently curled up like a ball, staring at the small fire inside the firepit.

"Sniffle, sniffle..brother..where are you?..I'm scared" The little girl said, rocking side to side slowly trying to ease her own mind.

Time passed and it was now dawn, Luthier was already up and awake on his journey to find a new and safe place to live.

He was casually traversing the giant forest with no particular direction in mind, the sounds of twigs cracking under his feet, the sun was at full blast, blaring down its strong flare towards all of the forest inhabitants.

Luthier was walking underneath the shade of the trees, trying to avoid the sunlight head on as much as possible.

Step, Step

He kept walking for what seemed like hours, eventually he had to take a break.

"I'm starving, I need to find something to eat" He mused to himself, he looked around his surroundings for a good 20 minutes before spotting something.

It was a little dark green rabbit, lizard creature, it had the overall shape of a rabbit but with the sturdier scales of a lizard, along with its tail, fangs and regenerative capabilities. It had a small white patch on its nose.

"A Rabbard, it has been a while since I ate one of those" Luthier said as drool slowly started to pile up in his mouth without him even noticing.

'Alright it's decided, you will be my lunch!'.

He slowly and steadily crept forward towards the Rabbard, inch by inch he was closing the distance between the two.

Then when he was merely 4 meters away from it, hidden inside a bush he slowly raised himself and brought up his wooden spear, and without a moments hesitation he threw the spear.


"!" The Rabbard quickly turned its head around to look at what was charging towards it, but before it even realised what happened.



Drip, drip

Blood was splattered all over the ground, the wooden spear went instantly through the little Rabbards head due to Luthier using [Strong Left] along with his [Strength] which instantly pierced through the Rabbards skull.

The Rabbard fell down to its side, its body still twitching from the sudden death it went through.

Luthier slowly walked up to collect his prize "Sorry little one, the stronger one always survives".

He picked up the Rabbard and hung its corpse to dry off at a nearby tree, in the meantime he started another fire from scratch.

Once he was done eating and the fire was put out he continued his journey southwards.

Although the amount of ground he covered was unknown, it was without a doubt a lot of ground that he covered, but the day had fallen to night, and it was now time for Luthier to rest.

"I think I'll have to skip dinner today and just go to sleep, I'm too tired to hunt anything".

"Now where can I sleep?" He asked himself, he looked around trying to survey his surroundings, when an idea came to him.

"Well, I guess I can just sleep on one of the trees tonight, like I used to" and so he climbed up one of the taller trees, made himself as comfortable as he could and fell asleep, ready to continue his journey southwards the next day.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter :D

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