
No Idea How To Coax Him Back

Ye Zhenzhen noticed that something was a bit odd about her sister so out of fear, she asked.

"sister... you are going to get divorced right?....this is for your own good...you can not pull out now" Ye Zhenzhen said as she held Ye Ruoxia's hands gently with her face showing all traces of care.

'This girl is such a good actress. She has been putting on this act of love just to deceive me. Fine, since she wants to play with me, I definitely won't turn her down. ' Ye Ruoxia thought to herself.

"Zhenzhen look at the time" Ye Ruoxia said as she turned to look at the clock on the wall and observed Ye Zhenzhen. There were bags under her eyes.

"It's 1:15pm.... I am sure you did not sleep well because you were worried about me".

Sleep?...Ye Zhenzhen was too excited to sleep. The thought of her sister getting divorced roamed her mind the entire night. She was just too elated to sleep.

"why don't you go back first and have a good sleep...." Ye Ruoxia said with a gentle smile on her face.

"Hmm... OK.... sure.." Ye Zhenzhen agreed as she smiled and left.

Ye Zhenzhen walked down the stairs smiling as she couldn't wait for her sister to get divorced.

"I thought she was going to help her sister move out of the Emerald Garden." a maid said.

"Look at the way she is smiling....so irritating" the other said as they watched Ye Zhenzhen leave the Emerald Garden.

"what are the both of you doing here?" Auntie Chen, the housekeeper asked wondering what the two maids were looking at. They quickly went over to explain to her.

"well she might move out later, no body knows....and the two of you should not interfere with this any longer....now go back to work" Auntie Chen said as she dismissed them.

Later in the evening, Ye Ruoxia sat on the bed and began thinking of ways to get her husband back. Ever since they got married, she has never even treated her like a husband but he was different. He provided her with all the luxury she wanted. If she had given him the chance, she was sure he would have spoiled her rotten.

This was a very big problem. Qin Yuchen is not an easy person. He is the country's most powerful and influential person. He isn't one that you could just sweet talk and also his distant and aloof personality made it seem impossible. She really had no idea how to coax him back. She opened the door, went downstairs and entered inside the kitchen.

She was in awe when she saw the food that was being prepared. She wondered if they were holding a feast.

Auntie Chen who was instructing the maids turned around and was surprised to see Ye Ruoxia standing there, she quickly went to her.

"Madam!....is everything alright?....do you need something?"Auntie Chen asked.

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