
Where am I from?

[The power!!]

What power?

[The power that flows in you!!]

I don't need it.

[It's all yours!!]


[Take it!!]

Never!! Never!!





"Where am I!?"

"He's finally awake! Doctor! "

"I can't believe!"

Who are these two? I don't know them! There's a nurse and a doctor in front of me.

"What is going on!?"

"You've been in a coma for 3 years now! It's miraculous that you woke up!"

"What happened to me?"

"The police told us that you were hit on your head and that caused your coma!"

"I don't remember anything!"

"That's normal. Your brain was hit so it's normal that you would lose some of your memory like the last moments before getting in the coma."

"Wait... my eye!"

"You were hit with a knife on your left eye."

"I don't feel pain!"

"You've been in the coma enough time to let your body recover."

"I want to see my family!"

"I'm so sorry tell you but they were killed during the incident."

"I see."

Why am I not surprised?

"Can I go home now?"

"Sorry but you need one last check up before that."

"Can I at least go to the toilet?"

"Of course."

When I tried to get up, I couldn't move. After some tries, I finally got up. But, when I tried to walk, I fell on the floor.

After so many failures, I was, in the end, able to get to the toilet. I was washing my face while trying to remember.

What were the voices I heard in my dream? Wait, it's the first time I remember something I dreamed about!

What made me get in coma? They said I was hit with knife. What for? The last thing I remember was when I was heading home. Then, I started running. Why? Oh yeah, that's because I felt pain all over my body. Then, I entered the house and...

And? And what? I can't remember anything! What did happen next?

Ahh! I can't remember!!!


What? I broke the sink? How? Is that even possibl-

Aaaah my eye! What is going on? I have lost my eye long ago so why do I feel pain!?

"So you finally came back!"

This voice! I can recognize it! It's..!

"Emma! What are you doing here?"

"Just visiting an old friend!"

"How did you know I came back to my mind?"

"Because I was waiting for your return! Haha."

"Why? Were you so worried about me?"

"Not really I just had the mission of keeping an eye on you."

"A mission? Who gave it to you? And why?"

"I will explain but please pay attention."

"I'll try."

"Well, your biological father was a dragon, the "True Dragon King" and so you're a dragon as well."

"A dragon? The "True Dragon King"? Are you serious?"

"Does it look like I'm joking?"

"But how? Dragons are just legends! It's unimaginable that they would exist and you want me to believe that I am one of them?"

"I knew you wouldn't believe but it's actually the truth."

"But Dragons are giant reptiles with wings that can fly."

"The dragons can switch form dragon form to human form and are physically very strong.  They also have magical powers like creating energy of destruction or healing ability."

"How can I believe such lies?"

At my words, Emma raised her finger, then light appeared from her finger and that light generated a sphere of energy. Yeah, a sphere of energy! Then, the sphere disappeared. I don't think I could believe this if I didn't see it with my own eyes, I mean with my own and unique eye.

"It's not that you can't believe such a thing but you don't want to believe!"

"Tell me what happened to me 3 years ago?"

"I wasn't there so I don't know but we can discover it together."


Out of no where, she put her finger on my forehead and then...

Where... where am I? What is this place? It's all dark!

Suddenly, I started seeing some memories! These are the memories I was trying to remember! This is what happened to me when I entered the house.

What is this? Blood? Isn't this Dad's corpse split into two pieces? Isn't this Mom's corpse with no hands and legs? Wait this is Jack! He is...

"Don't worry son, you'll quickly join them!!"

A masked man? This must be the killer!

"It won't hurt, trust me! Hahaha!!"


I lost my left eye and fell on the floor.


Is this me? Is this really my voice?


What is this!? My eye! It came back! How? I can see this memory through it!

"What is this?!? Your eye!! Not only it came back but it's all red!"

What is going on? What's happening to me!? Black scales covered my left arm and I feel them on the left side of my face!


I'm strangling him and lifting him but how!? How can I be so strong!?


I don't know how but red energy came out of my hand, covered his entire body and made him suffer so much that he was crying out.


Suddenly his whole body vanished and I heard the sound of an explosion! Did I kill him!?


Right after I killed him, I fell on the floor and felt like my left eye vanished. Then, I just lost consciousness.

"Where? Where am I?"

"Do you believe me now?"

I'm back? So that means...

I turned around to see my face in the mirror and I took off the bandage covering the left side of my face including my lost eye. Then I saw a shining red eye.

"My left eye!! It came back!!"

"Like I told you, some dragons have healing ability and destructive energy. But it looks like you have both."

"But why did my eye vanish after I killed the murderer? Is the healing temporary?"

"It didn't vanish. You made it vanish just like your memory."

"Why is it red and shining?"

"That's your true dragon eye, the true color of your eye! Of course you can make it become black, just like you can make your right eye red."

"Can I heal the scar to make it vanish?"

"Sorry but there are some scars that can't be healed even with Dragon Magic."

"I don't mind having this scar, it's pretty cool!"

"I've never heard you talk like that."

"I'm myself confused but it's not important. The most important thing now is that I want you to answer me this question. Where am I from?"

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