
Who are we ?

People always give us the look. They try to hide it with their fake smiles and their half-assed compliments, but their souls do not lie: I can see the darkness they bear whenever we appear in front of them, my sister and I.

Who are we, you may ask? Well, it's a very long story, but definitely one worth listening to.

My sister and I formed the eternal one, the primordial Yokai. We have existed for as long as the concept of life was. 

We appeared in front of humans many times to guide them and give them pointers to a long life. Never did they listen to us though, always trying new tricks to trap us, hurt us, or kill us when all we wanted for them was eternal youth. 

They are always skeptical, never believing that something can be just good. 

That very nature made my nieces and grandchildren die in the great war against the exorcists. Those humans really grew up, huh? They went from fireless apes to beings with enough spiritual knowledge to even hurt low forms of Yokai.

I tried to reach out to their leader, Nakamoto Sekai, but he was rotten to the core, assuming anything that looked different from him was an instant enemy. Well, he met his demise at the hands of my twin sister after trying his tricks on me so I guess he was right.

After the death of Nakamoto, the humans begged the evil gods for power enough to even hurt me, the eternal one.

Of course, the evil gods agreed as entertainment was their reason d'être so I had to actually hurt the mortals.

A battle that lasted 5 years took place and I survived for I am the personification of eternity but thousands of my children met their death at the hands of unbelieving mortals. 

After the battle, I did what any sane primordial would do: Rule over humans so as to stop any future attempts at killing our race. I ruled in the shadows, making them fight between themselves and fabricating stories about our race to make it less believable that we exist. If you don't know who your enemy is, you can't fight him.

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