
Eternal Tier Duplicate System

Ye Xuan woke up in world where strength reigns supreme. Star Cloud Continent. He transmigated in a body of a mediocre inner disciple of Hidden Peak Sect. A sect that is part of the top 5 faction of White Mist Empire, a top level empire located at Purple Sky Region. The body he occupied was label as someone with no future and is require to work for the sect. He was assign as in-charge in the cultivation room exclusive for core and personal disciples thanks to his father's relationship with a core elder. Being a certified Otaku, Ye Xuan quickly calm his panic and adopt to the new environment he was in. Luckily, Eternal Tier Duplicate System was bound with him when he transmigated. Having experience life full of pain in his past life where he spent 3/4 of his life in hospital, he vows that he will try to strengthen himself and not find trouble when necessary. He will seclude himself and only come out to experience life in the continent when he is on the peak of strength already. Let us follow Ye Xuan on his quest towards supreme strength secretly. *** "Who says that someone needs to experience life and death experience to break bottleneck in martial comprehension?" "I can do it by duplicating others comprehension state."

Richard_Silmaro · Eastern
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2 Chs

Star Cloud Continent

Giving the time jade to a personal disciple. I stood up and go back to my personal cultivation room in this cultivation tower.

It's been a year and a half since I've been transmigated to this world. This world is called Star Cloud Continent, a martial cultivation continent where the strong preys the weak.

Being an apprentice deacon, my life is somewhat carefree compare to my painful past life. Here, all I need is to cater the need of the cultivation tower as well as giving time jades to disciples that will come here to cultivate.

As the name implies, cultivation tower is an important location of the sect because only geniuses are allow to enter here to cultivate. That is, of course, with sect points as payment.

Like those cultivation novels in his past life, here cultivation points is what matter the most. Every resources can be exchange as long as you have enough points except for some foundation level resources. And yes, in order to make points for resources everyone is require to do missions.

I am in-charge of this cultivation tower thanks to my father's relationship with a core elder of the sect.

"Ding! Eternal Tier Duplicate System will be successfully open in 10 minutes"

Hearing the sound on my head, I can't help but be excited. When I was send in this world I was bound with this system. However, it needs a year and a half to start. And in ten minutes, it will finally officially start.

Being an Otaku in past life, I know what a system signifies. A fast leveling up to the peak of strength. Although I had this system, I still decided to keep low profile and secretly get stronger. And not follow the examples of those main characters in novels.

I had a short life in my past life and so, I value this second chance very much. I don't want to put myself in danger while traveling. I don't want to become like those geniuses that died halfway because of their posturing. And most especially, I just want a quite life.

Besides living a carefree life is much more enjoyable than risking my life for resources. I mean, I have a system and deriving from it's name I can deduce that it's all about maybe copying heavenly treasures for my own use.

"Ding! Eternal Tier Duplicate System will officially start in 10 seconds"

Ding! Eternal Tier Duplicate System will officially start in 9 seconds"

"Ding! Eternal Tier Duplicate System will officially start in 8 seconds"

"Ding! Eternal Tier Duplicate System will officially start in 7 seconds"

"Ding! Eternal Tier Duplicate System will officially start in 6 seconds"

"Ding! Eternal Tier Duplicate System will officially start in 5 seconds"

"Ding! Eternal Tier Duplicate System will officially start in 4 seconds"

"Ding! Eternal Tier Duplicate System will officially start in 3 seconds"

"Ding! Eternal Tier Duplicate System will officially start in 2 seconds"

"Ding! Eternal Tier Duplicate System will officially start in 1 seconds"

As the count down was going on, I can't help but hold my breath and wait for the system to start.

"Ding! Congratulations to Host being bound to the Eternal Tier Duplicate System! As this is the first time the system work, the Host is given two basic function! Please wait for a while....!"

"Ding! Congratulations to Host being bound to the Eternal Tier Duplicate System! As the Host has wait for the system to start-up, you are rewarded one supreme function! Please wait for a while....!

"Ding! Congratulations to Host for unlocking the Interface Function, Duplicating System and Multiplier Function!"

Hearing the sound on my head, I can't help myself from smiling. I didn't expect that my waiting for a while will bring me one more start-up function and it's a supreme one. Even though I don't know what the classification signifies but since it's a supreme one, I can say that it's not simple.

"System, explain the start-up functions"

"Ding! The Interface Function has two uses as it help the Host to examine his own data and also help the Host to view the personal data of everyone that is fifty meters away from him. The Duplicate Function can help the Host to copy the talent, constitution, certain amount of inner energy from the target, manuals and technique, comprehension and many others with the help of spirit points. And the Multiplier Function can help the Host to multiply the gains from the duplication in exchange for certain amount of lifespan points."

Hearing the explanation helps me to understand way better the system and it's function.

"System, what is the spirit and lifespan points?"

"Ding! The spirit points is needed in order for the Host to start the duplicating process. Host can get spirit point by absorbing spirit energy in the air or by extracting spirit energy from spirit stones. While lifespan points is points needed for the Multiplier Function to work. Host can get lifespan points by sacrificing the Host lifespan. One lifespan point is equivalent to ten years of Host lifespan."

I cannot stop my brows from raising when I heard the introduction of this two points. But when I hear the way of getting lifespan point, I can't help but curse the system.

My lifespan is very important because it is the number of years for me to live my second life. Nevertheless, I can understand the logic. I can't have a good thing for nothing, I need to pay a certain amount of price if I want it.

I focus my mind and view my personal data in the Interface.

[ Host: Ye Xuan

Age. : 35

Cultivation: 6th level of Martial Grandmaster

Lifespan: 571

Constitution: None

Bone Value: 59

Comprehension Value: 67

Cultivation Manual:

Hidden Formula (High-grade Black Level *** Minor Accomplishment)

Cultivation Techniques:

Hidden Sword Essence (High-grade Black Level *** Minor Accomplishment), Wind Floating (Low-grade Black Level *** Major Accomplishment), Black-gold Body Refining (High-grade Black Level *** Minor Accomplishment)

Treasure Artifacts:

Red Serpent Treasure Sword (High-grade Black Level), Great Jade Pendant (Top-grade Black Level)


Essence Vortex Gathering Pill (Low-grade Black Level) 8x, Jade Hand Healing Pill (Low-grade Black Level) 5x, Dragon-tiger Body Pill (Top-grade Yellow Level) 12x

Spirit Points: 0

Lifespan Points: 0]

Looking at my personal data helps me understand how deep my talent is. It also helps me understand my comprehensive explosive power is. At the same time it make me understand how poor I am.

An apprentice deacon is part of the low-mid level upper class of the sect but I only own some black level manuals, techniques, artifacts, and pills. Heck, there is even of yellow grade which is very low level.

Someone should understand that I am part of the Hidden Peak Sect, a top faction of White Mist Empire. Even place in the entire continent, the sect can be rank on the 30th rank, however I only own some of this low level resources.

But thinking of my action in the past year, I can understand. I didn't even go out in the past year fearing that I might cross someone who will find trouble with me.

During that time, I only focus on my cultivation and comprehension in the different techniques that I own.

The Cultivation Realms of the Star Cloud Continent is divided into ten major realms namely: Martial Disciple, Martial Warrior, Martial Master, Martial Grandmaster, Martial King, Martial Ancestor, Martial Sovereign, Martial Saint, Martial Emperor, And Martial Origin. Each major realms is also divided into 9 Star. Where 1-star is the lowest while the 9-star is the pinnacle of the major realms.

Same goes to the levels of treasure Artifacts Pills, Manuals and Techniques. It's divided into Yellow, Black, Earth, Heaven, Saint, Emperor, and the now legend Origin level. Where each level is divided from Low, Middle, High, and Top.

Comprehension of one's techniques and manuals is divided into several level: The Introductory level, Minor Accomplishment, Major Accomplishment, Small Circle Level, and Great Accomplishment. It is said that there is a level beyond Great Accomplishment which is the Embryo of Intent. This Level is big watershed. Only by having his own embryo intent can one breakthrough to Martial Ancestor.