
Eternal Rebirth: The World Within

****************************************** Ethan, the overlooked member of a family of geniuses, feels perpetually outshined by his Einstein-level relatives. Life seems monotonous until a family trip turns tragic, and Ethan meets an untimely death. Just as his life flickers out, his soul gets trapped in a golden meteor, catapulting him into an unknown universe. In this strange new realm, Ethan's consciousness becomes "World Will," a god-like entity with the power to shape a nascent world. His first task? Creating an avatar to navigate this bizarre reality. But in a twist of cosmic irony, he ends up stuck inside his own creation. Imagine a god getting a taste of his own medicine! Ethan's next project is even more ambitious: creating the first life form, whom he names Luca. But parenting isn't easy, especially when your offspring evolves into something far from what you expected. As Ethan grapples with his new powers and responsibilities, he can't shake the feeling that this wild adventure is just the beginning. With every twist and turn, from unexpected crises to comedic mishaps, Ethan's journey is a blend of cosmic wonder, heartfelt moments, and a dash of divine comedy. What's next for Ethan in this fantastical universe? Only time-and a few million years of evolution-will tell *********************************************** The above given statement is entirely false so please dont take it to heart "by the same author"

Diablo2004 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

"The Genesis of Terra"

Ethan submerged back into the vast, deep waters, his mind buzzing with the challenge ahead: how to bring land to the surface.

He sat in a meditative position, inside the water, and started to think about the problem.

He began backtracking through his previous life memories to find a suitable way to raise land from beneath the surface.

He recalled a geography lesson from his 9th-grade class where his teacher had explained the process of how land emerged from the ocean:

Plate Tectonics.

His teacher had said, "The Earth's crust is divided into several large and small tectonic plates that float on the semi-fluid magma beneath them. These plates move due to the heat from the Earth's interior, and when these plates interact, they can cause the land to rise."

But Ethan knew he couldn't move land like this. Even with his super strength, it wasn't enough to move the tectonic plates of the planet. So, he abandoned this idea.

He put more pressure on his mind and continued to think of solutions. He remembered several processes such as:


When magma from the mantle reaches the surface, it can build up over time, forming volcanic islands.

However, the problem was that he didn't know how deep the magma was.

If he started to dig at a random place, it might be extremely deep, and there was no clear way to define how long it would take for the surface to be formed.

It might take more than a thousand years before he could complete his digging and another thousand years before the land formed.

But he wanted to find a solution urgently, and the maximum time he allocated himself for the formation of land was just one hundred years.

Still, he kept this idea in his arsenal. If he couldn't find a better solution, he would have to dig the ground until he reached the magma and wait for the surface to form.

He also remembered:

Sea Level Changes.

When global temperature changes, it may cause land to rise.

Though he could order every living being on the planet to do his bidding and change the temperature of the world,

it could cause negative impacts in the future. So, he also abandoned this idea.

Finally, after deep thinking, he remembered:

Sedimentation and Erosion.

When several organisms die in the same place over a long period, they form sediment, which, after many years, combines to form land.

Though it was one of the longest processes, but under Ethan's control, every living being would follow his orders, and this process could be shortened multiple times.

With this thought, Ethan finally selected the way for the land to rise. No, it was not about raising the land but the creation of land from scratch.

Ethan was going to create land from the bodies of dead organism

Ethan started to move, searching for a place with shallow water to create land.

After five years of roaming in the water, Ethan finally found a shallow water place. Even in this shallow water, the land was 10 kilometers deep.

After finding the place, Ethan opened his third eye on his forehead. Instantly, his soul, which was extremely powerful, increased the force a hundredfold.

With a connection to all living beings, Ethan ordered every multicellular creature on the planet to reach the place he was in.

The vast global movement began.

Every single-celled and multicellular organism started to move toward Ethan. Countless died during the journey, and their bodies sank deep into the water.

Five years after Ethan gave the order, several single-celled and multicellular organisms reached this place and formed a 10-kilometer giant land.

The process was initially very slow, but with time, it increased in speed. As more and more living organisms reached this place and multiplied, they contributed more to the formation of land.

In the beginning:

At 1 year, the land was just 1 meter wide.

At 2 years, the land became 10 meters wide.

At 3 years, the land was 1 kilometer wide.

At 4 years, the land was 5 kilometers wide.

At 5 years, the land was currently 10 kilometers wide.

The process continued. After noticing the influx of multicellular organisms, Ethan finally stopped his order for moving every living being at the 6th year.

Even without any more living organisms, in the next fifty years, this land would be more than 5000 kilometers wide, which, from Ethan's perspective, was more than enough for organisms to evolve on land.

Sadly, other than Ethan, there was no one to witness the sacrifice of so many single-celled organisms for world development.

For their sacrifice, Ethan brought a giant rock as their tombstone from deppest part of ocean and establish it on the first land the world had created, as a homage for so many singlled celled organism for there sacrifise for world development

he also covered his entire body with dead bodies of single celled organism

and said "you the singled celled organism have given up your life for development of the world, though there is no one to see, and appreciate your sacrifice,

I the ethan (with some hesitation)...the first being of the world, promise to wear you on my body for the eternity"

with his voice ecohing across the several place's in the world