
Eternal Rebirth: The World Within

****************************************** Ethan, the overlooked member of a family of geniuses, feels perpetually outshined by his Einstein-level relatives. Life seems monotonous until a family trip turns tragic, and Ethan meets an untimely death. Just as his life flickers out, his soul gets trapped in a golden meteor, catapulting him into an unknown universe. In this strange new realm, Ethan's consciousness becomes "World Will," a god-like entity with the power to shape a nascent world. His first task? Creating an avatar to navigate this bizarre reality. But in a twist of cosmic irony, he ends up stuck inside his own creation. Imagine a god getting a taste of his own medicine! Ethan's next project is even more ambitious: creating the first life form, whom he names Luca. But parenting isn't easy, especially when your offspring evolves into something far from what you expected. As Ethan grapples with his new powers and responsibilities, he can't shake the feeling that this wild adventure is just the beginning. With every twist and turn, from unexpected crises to comedic mishaps, Ethan's journey is a blend of cosmic wonder, heartfelt moments, and a dash of divine comedy. What's next for Ethan in this fantastical universe? Only time-and a few million years of evolution-will tell *********************************************** The above given statement is entirely false so please dont take it to heart "by the same author"

Diablo2004 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

"Journey of Cynobactria (2)"

today after 20 year of his continuous hard work 

ethan once again felt the tingling sensation running over his body,

ethan, was extremly suprised and was instantlly filled with joy, because he knew from his previous experince it was time for evolution 

generally, evolution for any species dosen't happen this fast but ethan has blessing of "world essence" with him

a single drop of world essence is formed after processing 100 trillion unit of void energy by world and time taken to process this single drop of world essence is more than 10,000 year 

therefore, when ethan main consiessness first created the single cellular cell by world essence and his soul it was no longer categorise as just simple living being,

this was also the main reson that universe had created "proginetor law" which ethan called a "bullshit law" to slow down the development of first living organism 

in other world's it has happened several time the world failed to create a evolve species because proginetor die before the species could evolve 

and in such condition the only degraded version of orignal species which lost it's function which was inherited by proginetor of species ,survie and evolve in the world

ethan, knew from the start that if he die only degraded version of what he had produce would survive 

and, how could he let that happen, it will directly affect the future potential of world,

after all everything he was doing was for development of his world, and if it was for development of his world even if he had to spend 100 million year without interacting with intelligent life, he would do it

In, previous life ethan had lost many thing, because he didn't try his best


in this life ethan had resolve to give his very best to this life, he had promised himself that he would not do anything which he regreat in future.

The tingling sensation which ethan was felling over his body, sarted to slow down

and, ethan felt a air coming out of his body and his body started to enrgise by itself 

ethan knew, he finally got ability "photosynthesis" now he dont have to be dependent on eating he could now produce his own food

after, aquairing the ability of photosynthesis ethan didn't hold back energy in his body which he was holding back for past 30 year's and started giving birth to second life on the planet 

his body started to enlarge and two tail started to form behind his back, this process took whole 1 day before it came tpo halt, after which his body strated to split in two 

and, second life was formed on this day

ethan felt strange sense of joy from deep within his soul as second life was formed , it was the joy of world consieossness which has noticed birth of second life on the planet

though world will was asleep but ethan was the part of world consiessness and through ethan world consiessness was subconsisly realisng it's joy 

after, second life was formed "ethan started to examine it and he noticed that even though this newly formed life has ability to do "photosynthesis" but, it didnt have the ability to prodouce the "life essence"

ethan was, confused and coudn't find the reson for this and ,even world inheritance didnt react to this situation. which means, he really didnt no any reason 

then, ethan felt strange connection to newly formed life, and he guessed that this connection has something to do with "bullshit law" but he didnt devel more into "bullsit law"

he thaught "no matter how many curse i give to the person who created this law it will never be less"

he started to examine the conncetion with newly formed life and see if he could use this connection to some how command it,

ethan used his powerful soul with connection to newly formed life to command it to move

and, suprisingly it worked newly formed life started to move, though it seem more like wrigling instead of moving


it was moving in same place without any intention to stop.

ethan also excitedly started to command it like move left, move right and so on

and, first time in 30 year ethan had something fun to do, how could he let this opportunity slip

now, ethan started playing cough* cough* sorry my mistake ,experimenting with newly formed life