
Getting A Dragon For 2 Silver!

Carl was moved to tears as he turned around and began to run back to the pottery shop. His eyes were burning with rage as he suddenly stomped his feet against the ground, using the force to propel himself into the air.


Carl landed at the end of the alley with a slight smirk on his face. The jump helped Carl cover a few feet in an instant.

"Haha, this is true power. Now, let me go save the damsel in distress!" Carl's eyes flashed as he turned into a bolt of lightning which flew back to the pottery shop.

Carl was stunned to find seven tied up men in bad shape lying miserably on the floor. An old man who was sitting on a chair and drinking tea with a pleased look on his face suddenly sighed in disappointment.

Mary was standing behind the old man like a loyal servant, not daring to move or speak as she obediently lowered her head.

This was her master, Hao Qi, a 7th Grade Potter and a 8th Grade Cultivator from their Azure Badger Clan. He was the owner of her potter shop, and the one who taught her pottery.

After Carl left, these men appeared and asked for the coins. She wasn't willing to give in, so they attacked.

During the fight her master who had gone to the mountains to cultivate returned, his eyes curved in crescents as he easily beat up the men including square face with her mop!

Carl was dumbfounded by what he saw... what was he even doing here? Where's the girl the hero was supposed to save?

"Carl? What are you doing here?" Mary asked immediately she noticed Carl, confusion written all over her face as she stared at him with a questioning gaze.

"I was attacked by thugs, so I ran back here to see if you were ok." Carl said righteously as he bowed his head in acknowledgement of the old man who suddenly opened his eyes.

The old man had long straight white hair that reached the centre of his back, with a long thin beard that danced from side to side on his jaw. Two strands of his hair were allowed to flow past the two sides of his head before his ears like an ancient chinese elder.

"Oh..." The old man turned to face Carl, only to freeze in the process. His small bright eyes squints as he instantly recognised Carl's dressing...

Celestial Sect Member... Long silver hair... incredibly handso- cough cough, that's enough description for now.

There's only one man who fits this description... that brat Thomas!

But Thomas is more than fifty years now, who's this kid? His son?

"Are you Thomas's son? Uh, what was his name again... aha! Carl?" The old man, Hao Qi said as he placed the cup to his lips while closing his eyes with a jovial expression on his face.

"My name is Carl Thomas, how do you know me?" Carl asked in confusion as he pointed at himself. Although he was the laughing stock of the ancient Heavensoul City, he couldn't be that famous right?

"That long silver hair isn't very common for handsome men like us, and besides I was there at your naming ceremony. Of course I could faintly recognise you." The old man said as he opened his eyes and moved his cup away from his lips with a bright smile on his face.

"Oh, then I must say it was very nice to meet you, Elder..." Carl was confused... what was the old man's name now?

"Hao Qi." The old man said as he stood up and passed an empty cup to Mary who frantically tried to stop it from falling to the ground. "Follow me."

"Hmm?" Carl curiously walked after Elder Hao Qi with a curious expression on his face, "What about these thugs?"

All the seven men suddenly felt the urge to cry. Just when heaven was about to forgive them, a devil from the depths of hell had sealed their fates. Didn't he know what mercy was?

"Mary, hand them over to the city law enforcement officials. Next time, they won't greedily try to take what isn't theirs. If they try to resist, you know what to do." Hao Qi said as he pushed open the door and stepped in with the same joyful and jovial smile on his face.

Knowing what Mary was being ordered to do and seeing the old man smile like no tomorrow, Carl felt goose pimples all over his body as he shivered subconsciously.

No matter what, no harm must come to the little Carl in-between his legs... what kind of trouble had he landed into?


Andrew on the other hand was sitting on a sofa with a panic-stricken expression on his face. Cold beads of sweat constantly rolled down his face as he restlessly tapped his fingers against the glass desk.

A tall, well-built, and handsome silver haired man was glaring furiously at him. The had a fair angular face, with sharp silver eyes that were fixed intently on the person sitting adjacent to him.

He was Thomas, one of the strongest human cultivators.

Right now, things were getting really messy for the panicking Andrew. This was the effects of being against greater powers.

"How dare you banish an aristocrat from the sect without permission, and my son at that?!" A thunderous rage filled voice escaped Thomas's throat as a powerful coldness descended upon the already tense atmosphere.

"I- He- Well-" Andrew wasn't able to speak under the oppression from his brother as he stammered continuously. He couldn't open his mouth and answer back with:

'You moron! Your son was hopeless so I helped you clean the trash in the sect, and now you're complaining?!'

And that's where he'll lose his precious head... it wouldn't have ended up like this if Carl was truly trash, but that bustard was a dirt covered gem!

His soul had been concealing his true strength all along, and only truly power existences like this monster before him could fish out such abnormalities.

Carl's soul wasn't empty as Andrew speculated, but the Soul Scanner was too weak to figure out Carl's true strength!

Carl was a cultivator above the 4th Mortal Grade! That's why the stupid tool was absolutely useless!

His father who was passing by noticed the largest fluctuations of natural energy coming off his son, and the inability of the 4th Grade Soul Scanning Tool to continue scanning souls, so he checked it.

The Tool had become nothing but a shell without an ounce of energy, and only 3rd Mortal Grade and above cultivators could do that!

The heavens seemed to love playing games.

"Cough cough, this can all be solved without violence." Andrew said with a wry smile as he lifted up his arms in surrender.

Thomas nearly turned into a fierce beast to tear the b*stard to pieces! S-Solve without violence? You moron!

"Arghh!" Thomas slammed the glass table in fury, shattering the glass as if hitting air before speaking with bloodshot eyes, "You have 24 hrs to find him or else!"


Carl on the other hand was looking inside the elder's shop in curiosity as a frown appeared on his face. What was there to see here except pots... and even more pots?

"Carl, sit down. Let's talk business." Hao Qi said as he sat down cross-legged with a serious expression on his face. His eyes were flashing with intelligence and power as he slowly let out a deep breath.

"What is it?" Carl sat down with an anxious expression, but didn't dare to drop his defences even once. A single unusual movement from the second party, and he'll immediately go into battle mode.

"There's something your great-grandfather wanted me to give you... it's a special weapon that even I can't use. It's practically garbage for me, and I'd wanted to sell it." Hao Qi let a sharp exhale before continuing, "I think you should have it for just 3 Silver coins."

Carl's face darkened as he instantly turned hostile... this was daylight robbery!

Old man, as an ancient cultivator. Why don't you just go rob a bank? 3 Silver is too much for the pile of- oh f*ck me.

Hao Qi solemnly brought out a glowing blue orb from within his sleeves. The blue orb seemed to grow brighter when placed before Carl, as if saying:

'Hurray, my one and only master had returned!'

To anyone else the orb was nothing but a blue stone, aka, glowing blue junk. Carl on the other hand was seeing something else...

It was a freaking dragon! An eastern blue dragon!

A legendary beast for just 3 Silver coins? Haha, I've struck gold!

"Do you want to buy it? You don't have t-" Hao Qi was about to speak when three coins suddenly dropped on his lap, and the orb vanished from sight.

Carl had already snatched it, and without even waiting to say goodbye, he disappeared.

That brat! He must have truly been the one, God I should have sold it for a thousand gold coins!


Carl had finally left the pottery shop with a smile on his face as he rubbed the orb only to hear an enraged female voice in his head.

"Shameless human, stop rubbing me in such a manner! It's not fun!"

"Don't worry, your daddy Carl here will take care of you." Carl felt like thunder struck him and he became a superhero as he continued, "Now let's cultivate!"



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