
Eternal Me

“Yin Kang," a nineteen-year-old orphan, atheist, lives in this never-ending loop of torture that is “life,” as he calls it. But then there's “Mei Chang," who is the reason behind his will to live. However unbeknownst to him, Mei has demons of her own she can’t handle. On a fateful day, Yin’s life turns upside down when he's late for his fencing class.

diwiz · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

The Entrant

"Thirsty?" That was Yin Kang's first question to the boy.

Lars nodded with worried eyes. 

Yin gestured for Vegas to hand him some water, and he drowned it in seconds like a wild animal.

"Pleased to meet you..." Yin Kang paused before trying to guess. 

"Lars." He answered sharply to his doubted attempt. 

Lars was quite short, a little shorter than Vegas, with lines of blood all across his dirty brown cloak, and he wore torn sandals. He had blonde hair and golden eyes, which sparked of innocence. He was thin, but not frail. He could carry a whole lamb on his own. 

"You an orphan, boy?" Vegas asked.

"Vegas, he just told us his name, didn't he? Lars. Address him as Lars." He ordered strictly.

"For all we know, he could've been sent by someone to kill you. Look at this, in the middle of the night, in the forest. And this would not be the first time a kid was sent to kill you." 

"He's got no weapons, Vegas. Hush now." He ended. 

"You're the new King?" Lars queried with excitement in his eyes.

Yin nodded subtly at his enthusiasm. 

"I'm sorry, I almost forgot to introduce myself. My name is Yin Kang. And this is…"

"Vegas." She continued.

"Why don't we walk to the campfire?" Suggested Yin.

The three young souls gently walked towards the fire flare in the distance, and they neared it with good pace. Two men had already occupied the small campfire. 

"Lars, meet Colt and Neilus. They're my men." 

"You smell different, boy. Where ya from?" Neilus threw the first question, and Colt remained silent under his helm. 

"East." Lars answered immediately. 

"East? Ain't no way!" Neilus exclaimed. 

"How in the hell did you end up 'ere" he continued.

"I fled… Um…No… Ran away." Lars hesitated to blurt out the truth. 

"Ran away? Why, Lars?" Yin asked politely.

"Um… I… I'm… I…" He perspired. 

"You're safe here." Yin was assured as he placed his hand on his back. 

Lars paused his shaking, locked his eyes into Yin's, and saw a bright light. A pure one. A purposeful one. After a moment, he lifts his right arm in the air.

"Holy fuckin' shit." Vegas curses gently.

Yin noticed the red ring on his finger, and so did everyone. 

"You're a Mage?! No, it can't be. They're all gone. The fuckin' Elders. How? Did you steal it?" Vegas and Neilus raged out with exhilaration. 

"Mage? What's that?" Yin has never felt such perplexity since the experience in the Astral Realm. 

Lars looked around, worried and terrified, thinking about Bucky and his final words.

"Kid! Are you afraid that we're going to kill ya? We already have magic on our side." Vegas broke his shell.

She points Juno at Yin.

"A God." 

"We've no desire for you or your power." She ended.

Lars took a few breaths and closed his eyes. 

"Bucky. Was my friend. A brother, I must say. He was all I had, and I was all he had."

He sniffled. 

"His parents were killed during the War, and his grandfather brought him to me and my mother when he was just a baby, and we've grown together ever since. Before his grandfather headed to war again, he put his ring on Bucky's finger and made me promise that I would take care of him and the ring that was given to him. Well, today Bucky was killed by that fuckin' ugly guard who saw us usin' the ring. They tried to steal the ring. But I managed to flee." Lars held on to tears that were dying to escape. 

"Why did his grandfather trust you with that ring?" Vegas raised an unexpected question, her eyes filled with suspicion. 

"He…He…" He struggled. 

"Lars, I repeat it again; you are safe here with us." Yin assured.

Lars sighed. His breath caught the cold breeze. 

"His grandfather was secretly in love with my mother. And my mother was too. I didn't know anything about this. And when I came to a certain age, my mom told me herself about her affection. But Bucky never knew this." 

The others looked at each other. 

"I'm very sorry about your friend Bucky. I know what it's like to lose someone you love. So does everyone here. Don't worry, we will get you back to your mother safely." 

All the soldiers nodded in approval. 

"Yeah, we'll help." Neilus raised his sword shakily. He was drunk like a mindless creature. 

"Yeah." Vegas stepped in.

"Anything my commander says." Colt spoke finally. 

Lars glanced at every one of them and dropped his head.

"Um... My mother died last year. And by now, the entirety of the East would've come to know about the existence of the ring. Soon enough, everyone from everywhere will know. We would start a war if we went back there again." 

The soldiers froze, speechless. 

"Well…" Vegas looked around. 

"Many lords and assholes will be lookin' for him now. It's war regardless. But the kid's got nowhere to go, though." Neilus debated his own statement.

Yin looked over at Vegas and Colt, and both of them nodded. 

"Lars. We will take you in. From today, we are your home." Yin stated. 

Lars nods his head with eyes that spark on the edges from where the tears were stored.

"Follow Colt; he will make you a bed." 

Neilus had slept long ago amidst the spiky grass, and Colt slept under a tree with his head against the branch, and near him was a small wooden cot where Lars rested. But the other two were sleepless. 

"So tell me about this ring." Yin asked.

"Ah. The bloody ring. I thought it was a myth. The Elders wore it. Long befo'. Them bastards were magicians. They used spells, chants, and all that magic shit. And they used to teach these powers to their kids secretly. But soon after, everyone came to know about it. So the bastards found a way to seal these powers into some rings. And war began. People waged wars for those powers. To own it. Today, some of those rings are missin' and one of them is sleeping on that cot right there." She pointed at Lars. 

"Magical powers, you say?" Yin posed a question.

"Yep. Never seen one with my own eyes though. I guess we all will soon." 

"But why war? Maybe a pact or something? An agreement?" 

"You see, once the ring is worn, it belongs to them. And until that person dies, no one can use it. It's merely useless metal for anyone other than the user. Hence, War." She ended.

Yin was astounded.

"Wha? Are you plannin' to take the ring? Want me to kill the boy for you, King?" She interrupted his silence. 

"Gosh, Vegas, shut up." They laughed.

They laughed and laughed, but softly. And the forest was quiet, with no hoots or howls. But the crickets kept chirping. The lake was struck by the moonlight, and somehow it was getting brighter and whiter each day. The burning blue moon was slowly dying. Perhaps it was indeed one of The Elders's devious spells that changed the colour of the moon. 

Vegas looked at Yin.

"Have you ever kissed Mei?" She asked keenly. 

"Oh man, that also could've been the death of me." He answered with glee. 

"So no?" She continued.

"No. Why're you asking me this?" 

"I've never kissed anyone too." She added. 

"You can be scary at times, so I can understand why anyone hasn't." 

"How fuckin' dare you!" She pokes Juno at him. 

They laughed again. 

"Soon, a greater war will begin, Vegas. And it is not going to be easy." 

"I'm sure we can face any fool. You are a God." 

"We won't just be facing fools."

Ah! I'm not doing justice to the worldbuilding. That will be my goal in the coming chapters.

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