
Eternal Martial Journey

In an ever growing universe, thousands of galaxies, millions of planets, quadrillion of races, I, Zhong Yi stands alone at the pinnacle of existence . Zhong Yi, an ordinary fifteen-year-old found himself a rusty metallic mirror. Little does he know, the mirror will change his whole life. He will travel through the starry sky, walk on everlasting flames, slay nine-headed asuras. This is a journey of a martial artist, an Eternal Martial Journey. *** Notice: - I am not a native English speaker and English is not my first language so you might find a few mistakes in my work. And this is my first time writing so feel free to complain. -The guy in my cover is not mines. It's a fan art of ORV. If you are owner of the art and doesn't want me to use it, you can contact me on discord, C1Tokun#4860.

C1Tokun · Action
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12 Chs

War Demon

"It is said once you reached rank 7, you can live for 100 more years than a normal human. There are only 50 rank 7 martial artists in the world. They all are more highly respected by all martial artists and presidents of the countries. Even rich families respect them. War Demon is ranked top 4 in the World Rank 7 Martial Artist Rankings. Angering or provoking a rank 7 martial artist could lead to the total annihilation of your whole country. It is said that she got the name "War Demon" because she was the one to stop the war between China, Russian, and North Korea by destroying both Russian and North Korea Special Forces alone by herself, but she injured herself in the end of the battle. Now, she is retired. She reached rank 7 at the age of 30 making her the youngest human to reach rank 7. She is a genius among geniuses." The policeman praised the woman.

"Hmm! You don't have to be so tense. And thank you for the compliment." The woman smirked. She goes near the corpses and noticed the slices of the corpses are all smooth. "A teenager you say." She smirked and disappeared into thin air.




After Zhong Yi took off his mask, he went to a place to stay.


The middle-aged woman appeared in front of him. Zhong Yi quickly draw his sword from the sheath as soon as he felt her presence. The woman blocked Zhong Yi's hand from pulling the sword out of the sheath. She put pressure onto Zhong Yi's hand, causing Zhong Yi to slip down. "CLOUD STEP" "FIRST STEP" Zhong Yi ties to step back, but she instantly pulled his shirt closer to her.

"Listen here, you little shit. Why are you so disrespectful to your elder? I am here to talk to you. I am not going kill you or anything." She calmed him down. "Kid, I didn't expect you to alive and kicking."

"You are talking like you know me or something. Whatever. If you are not here to kill me, mind your own business." Zhong Yi said. "I used to clean your fucking diapers and this is how you treat me. Brat you need some beating." The woman his sword and heavily beat him in the head in a flash.

"Ahh! That hurts a lot!" Zhong Yi cries. "Well. Well. Remember the only person who beat you into shit when you were naughty. Little Yi." The woman chuckled. "Aunt Lin?" Zhong Yi question.

"You finally remember me. I used to come to your house whenever I was free. When I heard that you suicided, I was extremely sad... Ara~ you think you are manly just because you killed some gangsters mercilessly." She slaps Zhong Yi's butt with the sword. "Don't go around killing people. You might be wanted as a terrorist. Thank god that those gangsters are from an evil organization or else you will be in big trouble. I will take care of the murder case. So why did you try to suicide and kill some gangsters."

"I have my reasons." Zhong Yi replied. "Whatever, seeing you mature is enough for me. Your grandpa still hasn't come out from his secluded cultivation. Imagine even after 2 years of secluding training, he still can't break through rank 7. Hahaha!" Aunt Lin laughed. Aunt Lin and Zhong Yi's grandpa used to be comrades on the battlefield, so they have a good relationship. Even though Zhong Yi's grandpa is older, Aunt Lin's rank is way higher than Zhong Yi's grandfather.

"I can see that you are training very hard, but you should come back to your home. Your sister is very depressed right now." Aunt Lin reminded him. "I will after I am satisfied with my training." Zhong Yi replied. 'Soul Guide' He checked his aunt's status.

[Name: Lin Mei]

[Race: Human]

[Age: 36]

[Title: War Demon, Crazy Bitch, Major Lin, and +10 titles]

[Level: 210]

[Rank: Peak Rank 7]

[Condition: Severely injured]

[Vitality: 709]

[Strength: 774]

[Agility: 821]

[Mentality: 791]

"I can't wait for your growth. I will be going then, bye!" Lin Mei disappeared without a trace after she said her goodbyes. "The difference between rank 7 and rank 1 is so huge. I wonder when I will be able to get stronger than Aunt Lin." Zhong Yi wonders.

"That child is very talented." Yuang Fei suddenly talked to Zhong Yi. "Oy my god! You scared me." Zhong Yi was surprised. "Do you miss your elegant master while I was away?" Yuang Fei teased him. "That child called Lin Mei possessed a divine body. Interesting." "Divine Body? What is that?" Zhong Yi asked her. "Divine body are gifts from the heaven. When one is born with a divine body, he or she doesn't need that much effort as the normal cultivators to reach the apex. There can only be one type of divine body in an era. Divine bodies have different properties and are ranked in order. Your aunt's divine body is called Trillion Blows Body that is ranked top 11. A body that the Ancient God of War once possessed. Trillion Blows Body is a body that improves its hardness two times every time it gets damaged. If you received 10 damage, your hardness will increase 20 times. If you get poisoned, that's another story. Other than that, it's a body which every body cultivator wishes to possess."

"Woah! Divine bodies are powerful. Do I possess a divine body?" Zhong Yin asked Yuang Fei. "You don't only possess a divine body, you also have trash talent. Don't be sad that you are utter trash. You have a supreme being as your master and I even passed you down 2 godly techniques. If you want a divine body, I can teach you."

"You told me that the divine body is blessed by heaven. How can I obtain it?" Zhong Yi questioned. "Hahaha, this master of yours has lived a very long time. This is a secret forbidden technique that I will share with you. I have studied this technique, but it can only be done by males, so I don't need it." the mirror shot a golden lazar onto Zhong Yi's forehead.


[Perverted Emperor's Dual Cultivation Technique(------- Technique)]

[After dual cultivating with millions of women, Heavenly Demon God found the secret way to obtain heaven's gift. When performed, one can get half of the divine body power from his partner. This is not only a technique to obtaining a divine body's power but also a manual on how to satisfy your partner to the fullest. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)]

"Master, what kind of technique have you implanted in my knowledge!"