
Chapter 44

Since Huanxi Zong was in chaos, Su Zimo's spirit was lifted, and he leaped forward, unfolding the posture of the horse through the gap, and sprinted diagonally forward.

Elder Qian and others hurried to catch up.

Not far ahead, stood a steep mountain.

The eyes of elder Qian and others lit up.

Su Zimo doesn't know how to fly, and if he wants to cross this mountain, he will inevitably make a detour. In this way, they can take advantage of the situation to surround Su Zimo.

It is even possible to capture him alive!

But what puzzled everyone in Huanxi Sect was that instead of slowing down, Su Zimo's speed did not change, and he rushed towards the mountain in front of him.

"Does this person seek his own way of death, wanting to hit himself to death?" a gas trainer murmured.

As soon as the voice fell, Elder Chen said softly.

Before Su Zimo's figure came to the mountain, he disappeared strangely!

Everyone in Huanxi Sect rushed to take a look. It turned out that there was a cave at the foot of the mountain.

It was dark and deep inside, as if a ferocious monster beast lying on the ground, with a big mouth wide open, waiting for the Huanxi Sect to walk in by themselves.

Su Zimo escaped into this cave!

The cave is dark and gloomy, and the space is small, neither the air trainer nor the foundation building monk can fly in the air.

This means that all the advantages of Huanxi Sect have disappeared, but Su Zimo has become extremely dangerous, and may even kill them!

Suddenly, the hearts of the Huanxi Sect were covered with a haze.

It should have been an absolute crushing situation, but for some reason, everyone felt like being led by their noses.

Chase or not?

If you chase, how should you chase it?

Two questions flashed in everyone's minds.

If this cave is dead, it is better. Everyone just stays at the entrance of the cave, and Su Zimo will starve to death in it before long.

But if this was just a tunnel in the mountain, if the Huanxi Sect people stayed here, Su Zimo would have already escaped.

What is even more difficult is that if there is another exit from this cave, the Huanxi Sect people don't even know where the exit is.

But if they gather together to look for the exit, once they find the wrong direction, Su Zimo would have escaped long ago.

"Damn, this untouchable!" Elder Chen suffocated his heart, gritted his teeth and cursed.

Elder Qian groaned a little, gritted his teeth and said, "Chasing!"

After a short pause, Elder Qian said again: "Chen Bin, we have amulets. Even if Su Zimo gets close, he can't break your defenses. Let's go ahead and protect Gongliangjing and Lu Wencheng."

Gong Liangjing and Lu Wencheng are the other two elders of the Huanxi Sect. Although they are foundation-building cultivators, they don't have talisman in their hands, and they control lower-grade spirit tools.

In the realm of comprehension, foundation-building cultivators do not have talismans in their hands, and it is common to control lower-grade spirit instruments, especially small sects like Huanxi Sect.

This is why alchemists, tool refiners, talisman masters, and array masters have a special position in the realm of comprehension.

If there is a refiner who can refine a middle-grade spirit weapon, many foundation-building cultivators have already broken through the threshold, come to make friends, and exchange spirit stones for them.

Elder Qian and Elder Chen flashed a light mask, and they entered the cave first, followed by the members of Huanxi Sect.

The ground in the cave is uneven and pitted, and there are many treasures in the storage bags of many gas trainers, but there is no lighting.

Only relying on the faint light emitted from the amulet of Elder Qian and Elder Chen, he walked forward quickly.

The Huanxi Sect people who followed were pale and tense. They looked around, for fear that Su Zimo suddenly jumped out and killed them by surprise.

Although Gong Liangjing and Lu Wencheng were foundation-building monks, their palms were sweating at the moment, and they walked in the cave with fear.

The atmosphere is getting more and more depressing!

A little turmoil in the cave will cause a commotion in the crowd.

Elder Qian and Elder Chen walked in front of them. The first thing they noticed was their feet, and then they were to the sides, but they never looked up.

In everyone's subconscious, Su Zimo wouldn't fly in the air, so naturally it was impossible to kill him from the top of their heads.

But they forgot a little.

This is a cave.

Above the cave is a rock wall!

At this moment, there was a person clinging to the stone wall, squinting his eyes, and looking coldly at the Huanxi Sect people who passed under him.

Suddenly, Elder Qian stopped and whispered: "No, it's bloody and heavy. This son is nearby!"

Before the words fell, a dazzling knife light cut through the darkness in the cave.


A Douda head flew up, blood splashed in the crowd, and everyone in Huanxi Sect exploded in an instant!

"Elder Lu?"

"Elder Lu is dead!"

"Where is he?"

"On top of your head...ah!"

There was another scream, and a gas trainer hung his corpse on the spot.

Prior to this, Su Zimo had shot five arrows, testing out the remaining four foundation-building cultivators, two of them were wearing defensive means similar to the Diamond Talisman.

With his current strength, it can't be broken at all.

Therefore, Su Zimo's sword cut exactly Lu Wencheng and Gong Liangjing who did not have amulets.

However, Gong Liangjing was more alert. The moment Elder Qian stopped, he realized that something was wrong, and immediately leaned down, lying on the ground regardless of his face, and escaped.

When Su Zimo fell from the stone wall and wanted to chase him down, Gong Liangjing had already fled behind Elder Qian and Elder Chen, shocked in a cold sweat.

At this time, Su Zimo was falling among the crowd of many Qi practitioners.

In the small cave, Huanxi Zong's Qi Practitioners had almost no extra space to dodge, and some even fled in haste and hit Su Zimo's body.

In the darkness, Su Zimosen's cold laughter sounded.

"Hehehehe...want to kill me, this is not enough!"

puff! puff! puff!

Su Zimo didn't need to look at it at all, holding the Hanyue Knife in his hand and waving it casually, the Qi Practitioner would be killed on the spot.

Accompanied by the screams of the air trainer, blood flashes continuously, splashing everywhere.

In this cave, Su Zimo entered the flock of sheep like a tiger, slashing left and right, slashing, and the Huanxi Zong's gas trainer could not fight back at all.

Even running away is an extravagant hope!

This was an ambush against Huanxi Sect, and it was perfect.

Su Zimo used his familiarity with the terrain of the Canglang Mountain Range to successfully lead the opponent into the deep and gloomy cave.

The advantage of the cultivator is minimized, while the advantage of Su Zimo is maximized!

The three elders of Huanxi Zong stood on the spot, sweating on their foreheads, and never made a move.

It's not that I don't want to.

It was because Su Zimo had been walking through the crowd, his body skills were agile and fast, and the light in the cave was already weak.

Seeing that there were fewer and fewer sect disciples, a ruthless look flashed in Elder Qian's eyes, and he whispered, "Do it!"

"What?" The two elders were surprised.

"I said, do it!"

Elder Qian said coldly: "I can't take care of a lot. Even if the sect disciples are injured by mistake, it is better than they all died in the hands of this son!"