
Chapter 1(rewrite)

I was walking down the street after another ordinary day of my life. Well, as ordinary as my life can get. You see, I was an assassin and a very good one. My name was well known throughout the world but nobody knew what I looked like. Of course, I made sure to use a fake name whenever I took contracts.

I got multiple contracts every week from low level gang members to politicians known on the world stage. I had just completed one of those contracts and was on my way back to my apartment. Although assassination contracts can be a bit weird at times the one I received a few days ago definitely was up there with the weirdest ones I've completed.


I woke up as normal and preformed my normal routine. Everything was normal. My laptop in the corner of the hotel room I was chimed, indicating a new message. Still normal. The moment I laid eyes on the message though, was the moment my life stopped being normal.

The message contained a contract detailing the way a high level gang boss was to be killed.

"Toes cut off, fingers cut off, nose cut off, eyes removed, break his shin bones, use said shin bones to puncture left lung, remove punctured left lung, pour boiling water in one ear until it comes out the other, electrocution, the dropped out of a building"

"What a psycho" I said out loud as I was reading the contract.

"This guy is almost as crazy as me!"

Nevertheless I packed my kit and got a cab to the location specified in the message. In the cab I checked and doubled checked my equipment. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the driver staring at me in the rear view mirror.

"You won't tell anyone about this, will you?" I said twirling a large knife between my fingers.

"Of c-c-course si-si-sir, I-I-I won't te-te-tell a-a-anybody"

"Good to know" I smiled at him and my smile widened as I saw him shudder and break eye contact.

After a few minutes of silence in the cab the driver shakily turned his head towards me. I smiled widely at him causing him to shiver and turn back towards.

"W-W-We are h-h-here s-s-sir"

"Thank you"

I opened the door and got out of the cab. I walked over to the drivers side and motioned for him to pull down the window. The window slid down and I pulled a silenced pistol from my pocket and shot him in the head.

The body slumped back in the seat, blood already staining the leather. I reloaded the pistol and walked up to the door of the house the cab stopped outside.

I concealed the pistol in my pocket again then knocked. Unsurprisingly, there was no answer. I reached out for the door handle but then stopped.

"I almost forgot"

I pulled a pair of black leather gloves from my pocket and put them on. I reached out for the door handle again and pushed.

The door creaked open and I stepped inside. All the lights were off and there was a door at the end of the hallway.

I noticed slots in the wall beside me at chest height and leaned in to inspect them. I heard a "click" and jerked backwards as a nail shot past me and into the wall at the other side.

I walked over to the nail and plucked it out of the wall. There was a red liquid at the end but it didn't look like blood.

I put the nail near my mouth and licked it.

"Hmmm… ricin maybe?"

Some of the other assassins I knew favoured ricin as their go-to poison because of the little amount needed for a dose to be fatal.

However I never used poisons. The reason being that when you used poisons you had to be extremely careful when handling them, lest you accidentally poison yourself. I had a complete immunity to every poison I could think of and therefore it wasn't dangerous whenever I handled them.

Because of this there was no danger and that was the exact reason I became an assassin. I loved danger. I remembered my childhood, stealing the toys from the Rottweiler across the road from my house just to feel some sense of danger.

I shook my head and sighed to myself

"Better get on with the job"

I dropped the nail to the floor pulled my glove back on. I set down the hallway again towards the door at the end.

I reached it and pulled. Immediate I sidestepped and a man went flying past me. I turned around as he got to his feet and pulled a knife from a pocket.

He approached me cautiously and didn't attack. I just stood there waiting to react to any move he might make.

All of a sudden he lunged forward and jabbed the knife towards my head. I ducked under the knife and punched him in the back. As he went flying forward I stuck my leg out and he crashed to the floor. I looked at him with disappointment. In the contract he was labelled as a high level gang boss so I expected him to be able to fight.

I watched him struggling on the ground as he tried to get up. As he was about to roll out over I stamped on the back of his head. His body went limp so I grabbed his hands and started to drag him into the room he had run out of a minute ago.

I walked into the room with the gang boss behind me, dragging against the floor. It was just an ordinary looking room, a table and a chair.

I pulled him up and sat him on the chair. I reached into another of my many pockets and pulled out a rope. I quickly tied him to the chair and stepped backwards.

If I remembered correctly I had to cut off his toes, fingers and nose, remove his eyes and break his shin bones. Use the shin bones to puncture his left lung, remove punctured left lung, pour boiling water in one ear until it comes out the other, electrocution, the drop him out of a building.

I sighed and got to work.


As I was walking down the street I was thinking about the many things the gang boss had said once he had woken up.

He said that he would pay double of whatever I was being paid to kill him or even triple. However he quietened down once his lung had been removed.

I did find a few interesting objects in his pockets thought. A few more nails laced with ricin, presumably to replace the ones fired from the wall or maybe to try and use than as projectiles.

I also found an envelope detailing his dealings with a "Mr Ivanov". According to the letter he was a Russian politician that ran a drug business across Asia and Europe.

He wanted to use the gang boss to expand into America, then kill him when the job was done.

"Well, at least he won't have to deal with that problem anymore" I said to myself as crossed the road.

Just as I was nearing the entrance to my apartment I felt a very sore pain in my chest. I leaned up against the wall and rubbed my chest, trying to ease the pain.

The pain kept intensifying and soon I was lying on the pavement. I tried to get back up but my body kept spasming from the pain.

My vision started to go and I made one last attempt to get to my feet. I was halfway to my feet when all my strength vanished.

"After all I've done, is this how I will die?" I thought as I laid on the ground. I felt one last jolt of pain then everything went dark.

"Well aren't you an interesting one"

This is the rewritten version of chapter 1

MrTemplarcreators' thoughts
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