
Eternal Garden

In the realm of dreams, a person finds themselves consistently drawn into a captivating vision. Every slumber carries them to an infinite garden adorned with pristine white flowers that stretch endlessly in every direction. Amidst this floral expanse stands a majestic white tree, its branches adorned with the very same blossoms that blanket the ground. A curious seeker, the dreamer often ponders the significance of this recurring dream. Each night, they find themselves transported to this ethereal sanctuary, as if called by an unknown force. As the dream's enigma deepens, follow as the dreamer embarks a thorny path of despair. Onto the dreamer’s paths to the eternal garden. Update: 5/week You could also find it here: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/75470/eternal-garden https://www.scribblehub.com/series/890195/eternal-garden/ https://zenithnovels.com/book/eternal-garden-393

DailyAuthorCiel · Fantasy
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117 Chs

Sci-Fi Technology

  Quantum Annihilator Cannon (QAC)


1. Quantum Energy Initiation:

  - The railgun initiates the process by drawing an initial surge of quantum energy from a specialized reservoir. This quantum energy serves as the primary propulsion force for the anti-matter projectile.

2. Anti-Matter Projectile Generation:

  - Within the railgun's chamber, a compact anti-matter generator is activated. This generator creates a highly compressed anti-matter projectile, utilizing advanced technologies to safely contain and manipulate this volatile form of energy.

3. Mobius Compression:

  - The railgun incorporates Dr. Mobius' revolutionary Mobius Compression technology. This allows for precise control over the release of anti-matter energy. Instead of allowing it to disperse widely upon impact, Mobius Compression enables focused and controlled annihilation.

4. Directed Energy Beam Formation:

  - As the anti-matter projectile approaches its target, the Mobius Compression technology comes into play. It triggers the controlled annihilation process, converting the anti-matter energy into a highly focused and devastating energy beam.


1. Variable Power Settings: The QAC can be adjusted to operate at different power levels, making it adaptable for a range of targets and situations.

2. Advanced Targeting System: The railgun is equipped with a state-of-the-art targeting system that combines artificial intelligence, quantum sensors, and real-time data processing for unparalleled accuracy.

3. Safety Protocols: Stringent safety measures are in place to prevent unintended discharge or malfunctions, ensuring that the QAC is only activated under controlled conditions.

4. Minimal Recoil: The design of the QAC minimizes recoil, allowing for more precise and stable firing, even at high power levels.


1. Military Defense: The QAC is a formidable weapon for strategic defense, capable of neutralizing heavily armored targets, incoming projectiles, or fortified positions with pinpoint accuracy.

2. Planetary Defense: In the event of celestial threats like large asteroids or comets, the QAC can be deployed to intercept and redirect or obliterate the objects before they reach the planet.

3. Anti-Structure Operations: The QAC's devastating energy beam makes it highly effective for eliminating fortified structures, bunkers, and high-value targets.

4. Space Defense: With modifications for space deployment, the QAC could serve as a powerful defense system against hostile satellites, space debris, or potential threats from extraterrestrial sources.

5. Strategic Deterrence: The mere presence of the QAC can serve as a powerful deterrent against potential adversaries due to its overwhelming destructive potential.


  Reality Normalization(RN)


1. Quantum Field Manipulation: Reality Normalization operates by manipulating quantum fields in the surrounding environment. It detects and counters deviations caused by reality-bending phenomena.

2. Localized Stabilization: It establishes a localized field that temporarily enforces order and consistency within the affected area, mitigating the unpredictable effects of reality manipulation.

3. Energy Regulation: The device intelligently regulates the energy flow within the quantum fields, ensuring a controlled and stable environment.


1. Universal Adaptability: Reality Normalization is designed to counteract various forms of reality manipulation, whether arising from technological, supernatural, or natural sources.

2. Temporary Effect: The stabilization effect is temporary, creating a safe zone within which reality-bending effects are significantly reduced. This allows for controlled exploration and study.

3. Adjustable Intensity: The device allows for adjustments in the intensity of the stabilization field, providing flexibility in dealing with different levels of reality manipulation.

4. Real-time Monitoring: It continuously monitors the quantum field, adapting to changing conditions and ensuring the stability of the affected area.


1. Scientific Exploration: Reality Normalization enables scientists and researchers to safely investigate areas affected by reality-bending phenomena. This is crucial for advancing our understanding of quantum mechanics and reality manipulation.

2. Extraterrestrial Research: It can be used in space exploration to navigate environments where natural quantum anomalies might be encountered.

3. Supernatural Phenomena Control: In situations involving paranormal or supernatural activity, Reality Normalization provides a means of establishing a stable and controlled environment.

4. Emergency Response: During reality-bending emergencies or crises, such as quantum anomalies or reality warping events, Reality Normalization can be deployed to restore order and safety.

5. Reality-Bending Hazard Mitigation: It serves as a preventive measure in areas prone to reality-bending phenomena, ensuring that such effects do not pose a danger to inhabitants or operations.

6. Temporal Anomaly Research: In the study of time travel or temporal anomalies, Reality Normalization can create stable environments for controlled experiments and observations.

Reality Normalization represents a pioneering advancement in the field of quantum mechanics and reality manipulation. Dr. Mobius' invention provides a vital tool for scientists and explorers, enabling them to navigate and study environments where the laws of reality are in flux.

~Sci-Fi Technology stuffs

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