1 Chapter 0: The Eternal Eyes

Walking along the street with a stick in hand.

When the skies were in its purplish and orange blush.

The natural beauty of the environment seemed to be a lackluster to him.

He's Alon, a blind youth. After of years of experiencing walking in the dark, he learned to familiarized himself to the surrounding using his sense of hearing.

While going out like this, it is a form of reverie for him, for he felt the liveliness of the outside world.

Rather than holing himself up in their silent house.

Amidst of his silent mind meditation, he heard a loud cries of the people around him.

He ignored everything about the noise, not knowing that he will meet his end that moment.

He felt something hit him, he flied and rolled several meters before he felt his body.

Pain flowed around his entirety, even in his soul.

His ears became deaf as his eyes closed.

He felt nothing but an overwhelming coldness inside him.

Even his breathing seemed to become ethereal.

He surrendered his self into the destiny, hoping that in his next lifetime he would gain sense of sight.

After a couple of days passed.

Alon opened his eyes. He saw a mystical world of magic and swords.

At that very moment, a mechanical voice echoed in his mind.

"Congratulations host Alon, for obtaining the Eternal Eyes System."

"Let your eyes see the beauty of this world and discover its mysteries."


Alon was so shocked when he heard the voice in his mind, but he calm himself after a moment of pondering.

"A system." He thought.

He was familiar with that concept, he always listen to his younger brother about wuxia novels and such.

But before anything else, he accustomed himself first with his new body. After collecting the original's owner memory, he learned that this body's name is Wave.

He couldn't help himself but find astonishment in his eyes because Wave is the English word of his name from his world. To think of such coincidence.

He also found out that the original owner of the body died because of blindness, he was poisoned by a Soul Snake.

Resulting to his immediate death, and dispersing of soul of the latter.

After that Alon already transmigrated into this body. Knowing that his life will never be in darkness again, he is determined to change his destiny at least in this lifetime.
