
Esrella 2

My mind is clouded with so much thoughts I don't even hear when April calls out to me. "What are you thinking of you this young girl?" I snap out of it and take a quick look at her.April one of the worlds prettiest girls, very naughty bitch but only at times. Expresso hair colour which makes her very fashionable, dark and tiny iris , fair skinned, very tiny lips, she's very wealthy, hates everyone but me . Loves music , food, dancing . Works for her parents. She's the first and only daughter of her parents and she has never had a real conversation with someone who's not me. Despite the fact I have a more attractive body, she'd always outshine me with her pure skin and great scent. I wish my parents had a little wealth, jealousy is a weak trait a person should not possess ." Thinking of how much I love you" "you've mastered the art of lying. Ella tell me what's wrong. I'm your friend...if it's money just say the word and I'll help you. You've always been reluctant to ask me for things. Your skin looks very pale. Dark circles under your eyes and your become less of a talkative. I miss you Ella. Tell me what you need? " I just smile at her as flashbacks run through my mind. Pain is now a huge part of me , one can say I'm used to it. " There's nothing wrong. I guess I just need some time with a female". " Then come stay in my house or we can rent an apartment just for the two of us.". Her eyes tell something different and I can't seem to understand.

I walk towards the cafeteria with doubts in my mind about what to eat. I turn and see some girls looking at me. Their skins look heavenly and they're very beautiful. They gossiping it's so obvious. I had the opportunity to talk to one , their leader but she cut me off because of a boy. Stupid right? April had it in mind to lock them up but I talked to her. "Hey , rabbit face order something and get out of there. Your disrupting my view". Jewel shouts. Jewel, the famous school bully. Her parents are so rich that they could buy the whole school if they wanted to. She has a really bitchy attitude although I can not dispute the fact that she is one of the most beautiful girls in the whole school. I pretend not to hear her. I never knew being quiet would cause so much trouble. She walks over and pushes me to the ground. Wait ! Did she just lay her filthy hands on me. I hurt myself badly, I think of fighting back but I decide to ignore. 'Not today Jewel ' I whisper to myself as I get up, a lot of people are looking at us and she's smiling. Without saying a word, I pick up my phone and walk away. She sighs and shouts" where do you think you're going ?" .

She walks towards me and unexpectedly pulls my hair. I become paranoid as she also pulls my shirt. Tired and upset, I throw my hand across her face, honestly that was a huge mistake. Jewel has a way of making one loose their sanity. I do not want to create a scene that is why I put up with her. She sneers at me but it doesn't shake me one bit. "How dare you this low class bastard. I'll have you pay for this" . Those words took me back to the time I and mum used to dream about going to different countries. Mum made promise to never feel sad when someone insults me because of our situation. " Even talking to you is low enough. Who do you think you are ? For the fact you're wealthy doesn't give you the right to order people around you mannerless pig. I have had enough " She's embarrassed, she raises her hand and is about to hit me, suddenly April appears out of nowhere and it is just like those action movies where the lover boy is just in time to save his damsel in distress.

"Jewel, I can take anything but I will not accept any mother fucking person hurting my bestie. If you do not want to sign a death certificate ,get out of here" . Jewel is quiet . She picks up her bag and storms out in anger. I sigh as I turn and look at April. She is upset and I feel it. " Ella stop letting this people talk to you like this."