
Iwasaki High

Kouta woke up the next morning with a slight headache. He groaned as he got out of bed.

He checked the clock.

"Huh... it's seven-thirty... I'm up early..." Kouta dragged himself to the bathroom. He turned on the water to brush his teeth and stared himself in the mirror while he did.

He walked out the bathroom to get his school uniform. It was an all black two piece suit with black pants and a button up black long-sleeve top. There was a white tee underneath.

He put on his black school shoes and grabbed his backpack.

Kouta looked back into the dark house before he left out.

"Mom, Dad, I'm off."

With that he closed the door behind him.


Iwasaki High wasn't far from where Kouta lived, so he always walked.

About halfway there, he was walking up on a girl. He tried walking to the side, hoping that she wouldn't notice, but of course she did.

"Hi Kouta!" she said cheerily.

Kouta sighed. He slowed his walking speed. "Sup."

Sato Kasumi. Also known as Kouta's next door neighbor. She was super cute actually. Brown hair, brown eyes, clean. Kouta always loved clean people. She usually left for school earlier than him, but Kouta walked faster than normal people, so he always ended up running into her on the way. He hated walking slowly, but he didn't want to blow her off. Only because she was a good friend.

Kasumi pouted. "Why don't you look happy to see me?"

Kouta was walking with a slouch. "Because you walk like an old lady."

"No I don't!" Kasumi exclaimed, "You just walk too fast!"

Kouta dug his pinky finger into his ear. "Could you not talk so loud? I just woke up you know."

Kasumi lowered her voice. She had a pitiful smile on her face. "Really... again with the super hearing? Kouta, we talked about this remember?"

Kouta removed his finger from his ear and blew off the wax. "You've got a text message." he said as he walked quicker.

"Huh? No I-"


Kasumi's phone made a sound.

She slowed down. "How did you... my phone is in my bag..." she muttered.

Kouta waved behind him as he walked away. "Phones vibrate before they go off. See ya in class."

In the next five minutes Kouta got to the front of the school building. He walked up the three steps that went towards the entrance and went straight to his homeroom class. He was the fourth person there.

"Sit down anywhere you'd like." the teacher said. A female one.

Kouta snorted at the smell of perfume. He chose a window seat and looked outside. He felt relaxed seeing the birds dance around in the sky.

He started to hear footsteps coming towards him but paid them no mind.

Then he got a feeling of malice.

Kouta turned around with an annoyed face.

A third-year with a buzz cut was inches away from him, giving him the stink eye. Hashimoto Ryoto.

"Hey. This is my seat. Move."

Kouta thought about it. It was true, last year this was the seat that Ryoto sat in. But he was being an a-hole about it, so he decided to stand his ground.

"No way. Too much of a pain. Sit somewhere else."

The other students that came into the room gasped when they heard. Kouta could hear their whispers.

"Is he insane? That's Hashimoto Ryoto, the strongest student in the school."

"I heard someone bumped into him on accident, and Ryoto broke his arm because he didn't say sorry."

A vein pulsed on Ryoto's head. He clenched his teeth. "I'm not gonna say this again Murakami. My seat. Move."

Kouta looked back outside. "Should've been quicker on your feet."

Ryoto growled. He raised his hands.

The teacher was turning a blind eye, as Kouta expected from her. She looked like a wuss.

"Ryoto, stop!"

Ryoto paused and looked to his left.

Kouta glanced behind him.

Miyazaki Yumi. The prettiest girl in school.

She had jet black hair, flawless skin, and blue eyes. Definitely Kouta's type. And the best part? She smelled clean. Like flowery soap. Her mother was the CEO of some big-time company. She was loaded. Everybody knew that Ryoto had a thing for Yumi. Everyone did. But she remained single.

"Can you not start a fight on our first day?" she said with a stern look on her face.

Kouta smiled. He loved it when she looked like that.

Ryoto grunted and sat down on the other side of the room.

"Thanks Yumi, you're the best!" Kouta said.

Yumi went back to reading a book. "Kouta, it's your fault for not being respectful to your seniors. You knew that Ryoto liked that seat."

Kouta scoffed. "It's not my fault that his face looks like that."

Yumi looked up sharply. "Kouta!!"

Ryoto got up and walked back over to Kouta. "Mind saying that again?" he said, cracking his knuckles.

Kouta looked up at him with a neutral expression. "Your face looks like a- oof!"

Ryoto punched him in the face before he could finish his sentence.

Kouta's head was knocked back. He looked back down.

"Is that it?" Kouta said.

Ryoto's punch didn't do a thing.

Everyone again gasped and whispered.

Ryoto growled with anger and grabbed Kouta's desk with two hands.

Kouta slapped his hand on top of it. It wasn't budging.

"Hey. Can you not?" Kouta said.

A boy stood up and placed his hand on Ryoto's shoulder. "Calm down. It's not that serious. Can't you take a joke?"

It was Nomura Rin. Another second year.

Kouta didn't know much about him. He usually kept to himself. The type Kouta liked.

Rin's appearance was dignified by his snow white hair and gray eyes.

Ryoto seemed to respect him though. Something Kouta didn't know of.

Ryoto sat back down quietly, grumbling to himself. Rin looked at Kouta before he sat down.

Kouta frowned. "I don't like the way he just looked at me. Like he's... better than me..."

Kouta was already annoyed and school hadn't even officially started yet.

Next chapter