

Not even a single soul in the world knew about my relationship with Eiden.

This mesmerizing man has stunning jet black hair brushed back; giving a touseled appearance and the eyebrows of the same color added his charm while his body was covered with light-colored skin. He was handsome and that was sure but his real charm lay in his eyes where both his eyes looked silvery but I know they weren't identical.

His left eye had some dark spots of grey resembling the moon while his right eye was silvery resembling the fog or the cloud. His nose seemed to be a little big but I loved it. As for his lips, I have no words for them; it has the ratio of one is to one and their charm made me crave for them to be pressed at mine.

He was taller than me and my head barely reached his chin. His muscular body will be enough for me to go numb and blurt out my words ending up getting teased by him. He was such a loving and caring man but the thought that I can't see him again stabbed me right in my heart.


After pouring out her heart content to Eiden she falls to sleep as he was holding her gently without disturbing her when she was crying. Smiling at her, he walked to her bed quietly while carrying her in his embrace, and with a great effort he laid her on the bed; not disturbing her sleep.

Without making a slight disturbance on her body he retreated his limbs but once he raised his head two hands wrapped around his neck and pulled him down to the bed. Gulping down a bit, Eiden somehow managed to escape from her clasp and sat on the floor while leaning on the wall. He made sure that her face will not be hidden from him and cheered himself seeing her face.

Perhaps he doesn't have a strong heart but if he was not acting tough, he can not see her lying on the bed with no worries. Even though her lips were still, he saw a smile on them.

He enjoyed his night by staring at her peaceful sleep. He made a deep sigh; not knowing what to do was a very depressing moment in life. He ensured that he will come to the soul hall to take her hand but he wondered how to get to the soul hall.

The soul hall is a very secure place especially people like him are not allowed. He will be doomed for sure if he forcefully entered the hall but he couldn't think of another way.

Since Eiden getting into the soul hall make her happy it is a worthy risk for him. Either live with her or die for her was the only thought his mind recited.

He stands up from where he was and walked toward the woman who was sleeping on her bed peacefully. He bends his back and pressed his lips on her forehead and whispered "I will be with you" he smiled and smoke flowed out from his body and he disappeared just like that.


I wish he was still here *sigh* he can't be here. If anyone spots him with me, especially after all these series of unfortunate events it will do no good for either of us. My back felt sore and my body felt partially numb; when I recalled the moments with him the previous night my face boiled and my cheeks looked as if they were roasted.

I buried my face unconsciously in the sheets of my bed and with a heavy heart, I stood up and tried my best to start doing my chores. When I recall the events yesterday I could feel that there is something in it.

Why does the stone of wind choose no one in the past two thousand years?

Why did the stone choose me after many centuries?

Most importantly what does he mean by having the same personality as the previous owner of the stone?

These were my questions with no answers. I should have asked Eiden whether our relationship triggered the stone of wind but if that is a yes; I would deny it because I and Eiden were not the only couple here.

It's said that only a maiden will be enlightened by the stone of wind but I have no idea why I have been chosen by that stupid stone. But if it chose me because I am having a secret affair; no it can't be because many of them have secret affairs in our club. So it leads me to ask myself if I have the trait of its former owner, but how in this world do I know who she is?

It is a secret most members were not aware of. The seniors would sometimes make love with their peers when they feel frustrated. Who would be a child even after exceeding the teens? But I and Eiden, I will save it for the other day.

Now my questions get more and more complicated to understand and very difficult to answer. Anyway, I should expect to have a hard day with my peers today because I don't know what yesterday's events triggered.

Other than pondering myself with these stupid things I shall go to train instead. I took my staff of wind and started to train all by myself. I did some basic warmups and practiced some moves. It's only three months since me being here but I have become the esper of the wind now surpassing numerous men and women who dedicated their lives to becoming the esper of wind.

I suspect that my life will end miserably here but what others are not aware of was I am stronger than they are. I am stronger than many of them. Maybe this was the reason for the stone of wind esper to choose me but I don't care. Since Eiden thought me to flexibly move the wind and move through the wind I became very powerful.

Not so fast! Why am I always being the center of attention?

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