
Where am I?

I wake up in a unfamiliar place. Everything I see is white. No one. Only a door. A big, white door. Why am I here? Who am I?

Where have I been? Am I dreaming? Am I dead and this is heaven? Or hell? What do they want with me? Why won't someone talk to me!?

Right now, I'm being tied to a chair. I tried break free from the chair, but it was no use. I can't break free. I could scream, try to fight against the weird mechanism of the chair that tied me down, but what good would that do? Nothing I could say will change their minds. So, I sit there and wait.

Suddenly, the door opened and there was two person walk towards me. They're both wearing black leather jackets. One has long dark hair and wears glasses while the other has light brown hair and is shorter, maybe a year or so older.

"Is this the dangerous guy? he look weak compared to the other person ." says the first boy as he looks at me with contempt in his eyes.

"He's more than that! He's the worst of them all!" replies the other person as he points an finger at me.

"Why am I here?" I ask desperately "why did you bring me here?". The only answer they gave me was silence. Silence was my only friend until someone else enters the room.

The first person walked towards me.

"Hurry up", said the dark haired man in an emotionless tone.

"Relax." replied the taller blonde haired woman. "I just need a minute alone with him". She took out her phone from her pocket and started to type something into it. When she finished typing, she put her phone back into her pocket again and looked at me. She starts walking towards me with a smile on her face.

"I will explain." As the woman about to touch my arm, I tried to moved away from her. Before she could move any closer, I used all my energy and shout to get her away from me.

"Don't touch me." I yelled "don't come near me!". The woman slowly comes to me and whisper to my ear.

"Listen... We don't have time. It's either you want to know why you are in this place or not. Do you want to live or die? Answer honestly".

That statement caught me by surprise and made me rethink things. If she doesn't have time then maybe she is telling the truth? So... does this mean I will be able to leave this strange world. Is this real or am I imagining this whole thing?

The woman began to explain. "This is your new home forever. You will never escape from here".

"But why must I live here!?" asked me as I felt anger creeping up inside me."Open this thing that tied me!".

After a few moments of silence, the short blonde haired lady speaks. "I think you need to cool down a little." As she said that, they both leave the room. After the footsteps were gone, tears start falling from my eyes and drip from my chin. Why is all this happening? This can't be true! Why can't I remember anything How come I don't have any memory of my past life, or even a part of it?

After about a day, the lock on my chair open and I inspect the room. There is nothing much in the room. Just a small chair, one door and a camera.

All I can do now is just sit here and wait for someone to tell me what's going on, how am I supposed to survive here.

About half a day has passed since I can roam freely in the room. Suddenly the door opened.There is no one in front of the door. I guess they want me to go outside. I also need to drink water.

When I peek at the outside of the room, it was a hallway and I saw a multiple door. The right side is dead end. So I go to the left. I saw light at the end of the hallway.

When I reach the end, I was stunned.

There is many people and they can use magic!? My eyes got big when I thought of all those possibilities. This can't be real right? I can't be living a dream.

A boy came to me with a grin on his face and say, "You new here right? I remember every face in here".

I just nodded and replied, "Yes..."

I heard him laugh. "Then let me show you around. My name is Jack, by the way". The boy pointed to himself. "And you are?"

"Uhh... I don't remember my name". I really need to remember what happened before I woke up here in this weird place.

"Okay well follow me then. I'll take you to the cafeteria. Maybe you'll feel like eating something and forget everything that's going through your mind". Jack leads me down the hall with the same grin on his face.

There isn't much food left. Probably everybody has already take their food . There is still some food left though.

I decided to take it. It's been so long since my last meal. After taking one small bite, I realize how hungry I actually am. I finished it quickly and looked up at Jack.

"Thanks for showing me the way." Said me smiling.

"No problem. By the way, if you ever find yourself alone and can't recall who you are or where you are, you can always call me. I'll help you."

I'm glad that I have someone to rely in this unfamiliar place."Why everyone here can use magic? Where is this place?"

Jack scratched the back of his neck. "That's a bit complicated."

Another person then talk to us about it. She appeared mature and elegant unlike Jack. Her clothes are simple. But she also looks friendly.

"It's a secret", said the girl in a serious way. Her dark brown eyes are piercing mine.

"If you want to know, you should ask somebody else."


"Because we aren't allowed to speak about it. Sorry to disappoint you, but you'll know when you tell me something valuable."

So, I have to find out myself? And by who? I have no idea who these people are or why this place exists.

All i know is they keep calling themselves "we".

"I don't remember anything so I don't have any valuable information at all." I explained.

The girl seemed disappointed with my response. But Jack seems to care more about our conversation rather than his disappointment of not having any valuable information.

"I want to know your ability."


"Yes. Abilities. Can you create weapons? Create fire? Can you make things disappear? Or summon objects without touching them?"

"Well....no...not really."

I don't know what she thinking of me. Is she doubt me? Does she thinks of me as a freak? Or is she testing me? Testing whether I'm really stupid?

"I just want to leave this place, can you just please tell me?"I ask.

"Are you stupid? The administrator should has tell you from the beginning that you can never leave this place." The girl said harshly.

"What administrator?"

She sighed and said. "She's the one you saw in the white room."

Oh. That must be the administrator. The girl with blonde hair.

"Well if you don't try you will never know right?"

"Try? Try what? Do you think we never tried to leave here before?"

Jack tried to calm down the girl from getting angry and said. "Come on, Lizzy, He just a new guy. Let's give him a chance to understand our rules."


The girl in the light blue dress and her blonde hair turn around to face me. "Welcome to hell. Your new home is here".

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