
Escaping My Contract Husband, Finding His Step Brother

Alayna Sandra's path, marked by trials and societal expectations, becomes a canvas for resilience. She faces childhood bullying due to her less affluent background. Like a phoenix rising from ashes, she moves abroad and finds success as a news anchor. Just as life looks up, a fortune approaches her through a contract marriage proposal from a famous billionaire. Yet, marriage reveals hidden facets of her husband. Five years later, the contract nears its end. Alayna never expects to it to be this tough to end a marriage. She thinks a contract marriage will be easy, but these years have been a nightmare. She wants to escape from her contract husband, but what if she finds solace with his step-brother instead, while her husband won't let her go. "We're ending our marriage now. The contract is over!" "No, I can extend it. It's written here! Plus, if you force a divorce, you'll lose all rights!" Copyrighted2023: Yuliaresi Anjelina

Yuliaresi_Anjelina · Urban
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24 Chs

Chapter 2 She was Torn Apart

Alayna's dream of a harmonious marriage quickly turned into a harsh reality. From being an immigrant news anchor to marrying a wealthy man in the US, her life seemed like a jackpot win.

The extravagant wedding, adorned in a white dress with sparkling crystals, took place at a prestigious five-star hotel, with media coverage and thousands of guests. Alayna and her husband became the talk of the town, the most famous couple in the entire country, trending on social media.

However, the fairytale she envisioned was short-lived. Alayna found herself crowned as a queen just for one day. After that, the beautiful image shattered as she faced the truth of her life, as a woman from a third-world country striving for success in a foreign land.

After the wedding, Alayna came to realize that her contract husband, Lev Halton, was not the prince charming she had imagined as a child.

Behind the closed door, there were hidden gaps behind the exterior of their marriage that Lev didn't reveal in public. Lev met a woman on their wedding day inside the wedding car. Right after they got married, Alayna saw them, right in front of her eyes. He said she was just one of the guests he had met and barely knew her, so it meant nothing to him.

Alayna felt uncomfortable, but still, she was willing to make the marriage work for the sake of the agreement. She constantly compromised and put on a brave face for the cameras while delivering investigative news with fierce elegance.

The challenges grew even more daunting when her contract husband broke the agreement. In the first year of their marriage, she almost gave up.

She questioned whether her contract husband started to love her. However, Alayna knew that a man didn't necessarily need love to be with a woman, especially considering her undeniable attractiveness and incredible body proportions.

It's clear in the agreement that they were not allowed to have physical contact, but on that night, the influence of alcohol made Lev Halton cross the line of the agreement.

That night, the atmosphere in the room was full of tension. Lev came to Alayna's room, gripping her arm tightly. His gaze was filled with excessive desire.

"I'm your husband! You have to serve me!" Lev ordered as he approached Alayna.

Alayna felt fear and confusion flash through her eyes.

She tried to escape, but Lev grabbed her even tighter. "No, Lev," she said in a loud voice. "This is not right. We have to respect our agreement."

"You're my wife, you're mine," Lev claimed.

Alayna felt her heart pounding in the middle of that tense situation. She could feel his breath hitch. She tried to stay calm and tough in the face of an angry Lev. However, her fear deepened as Lev narrowed the distance between them even more.

"No, Lev!" Alayna cried with a voice full of courage. "I can choose for myself. You need my consent even though I am your wife on paper."

However, Lev did not seem to want to listen. His emotionless and lustful gaze made Alayna feel as if she were captive prey. She tried again to release Lev's grip, this time he gripped her even harder.

Alayna screamed for help, but no one heard. If anything, they might assume they were a married couple, free to act as they pleased without interference.

As the tension in the room reached its peak, Alayna's palms grew clammy and her heart pounded in her chest, the sound thundering in her ears. She could feel the weight of Lev's intense gaze bearing down on her, his eyes like lasers cutting through her defenses. It was as if the air around them had thickened, suffocating her with its oppressive presence.

Alayna tried desperately to gather her thoughts, to find the strength to stand up against Lev's domineering presence. But every time she summoned the courage to challenge him, her voice was cut off before it even had a chance to escape her lips. It was suffocating, leaving her feeling like a prisoner.

The boundaries in the room began to disappear. Alayna felt like she was on an empty land, every inch of her being controlled by the Lev's dominance. The room itself seemed to close in on her, leaving her with no privacy, no escape, and no space to breathe.

Fear began to consume Alayna in its entirety, his grip tightening around her with each passing moment. She felt shrouded in darkness, unable to see a way out of the suffocating cycle she found herself in. Every attempt to challenge Lev's authority only served to fuel his anger, his outbursts mirroring the tempest raging within her soul.

Desperately, she pleaded once again, her voice trembling, "Please, nooo!" Her tear-filled eyes pleaded for mercy, but it fell on deaf ears. The pain began to sting, intensifying with each passing moment. But Lev remained disregarded, his grip on her tightening with an unrelenting force.

Her mind raced, frantically searching for a way to escape this nightmare. With every passing second, she grew more desperate, her hope dwindling.

The pain became unbearable, consuming her entire being. She could no longer hold back her screams, her voice echoing through the empty room. In her tear-filled eyes, she found a flicker of defiance, refusing to let Lev break her spirit.

The room was filled with an eerie silence, broken only by the sound of Alayna's ragged breaths and the palpable tension in the air. Alayna, who had been torn apart by her chastity, left a trace of trauma that time could never erase.

Alayna lay there, weak and vulnerable, her body trembling from both physical and emotional pain. The forced nature of the encounter shattered her into a million little pieces, leaving behind a sense of violation that would haunt her for a lifetime.

Her voice, once vibrant and full of life, was choked in her throat, silenced by the overwhelming agony she endured. At that moment, she felt the weight of her helplessness, her spirit crushed under the weight of Lev's dominance.

Meanwhile, Lev casually made his way to the nearby sofa, a smug smile playing on his lips. He lit a cigarette, the flame casting an ominous glow across his face.