
Escape Your Fate - Leo's Retaliation

If you have no power then just create some yourself! Leo is the only one out of the 5 people summoned to another world that had nothing. No magic , no fighting talent, no strengh, nothing. Everyone labelled him useless but he didn't give in to the despair. Who needs magic when you're a tactical genius? Soon enough Leo will show everyone that his talent is a power that can win fights, battles and even wars, But how far can talent really overrule magic...? Join him on his journey to destroy a predetermined fate and find a destiny which he wasn't allowed in his world. "If the world is cruel, then you just have to be crueler." If the world hates you, then let your hatred be free and see where it takes you." A story full of action, darkness, twists but most importantly: Retaliation.

Lonewolf11 · Fantasy
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95 Chs

No Way Back

He who was once worshipped among them now wanders amidst those. Is this a blessing or a curse upon himself and/or his followers...?

After Nadal shared this unbelievable news with them, both of them pushed their way through the crowd to speak with its leader.

Both just opened the door an saw Lynia thinking.

"You realize this sounds way too weird, right? It's very good that your mother is still alive, but the fact that she found Maris sounds absurd."

"This guy comes in second place. First of all, I want to get in touch with her. According to this messenger, he found us by chance. Better you talk to him yourself if you want to find out everything. There is another matter to be settled after that."

Leo approached the messenger and questioned him about everything.

"How long have you been on the road and which direction did you come from?"

" For 5 days I have been walking through these parts. For me to still be here in the first place is a miracle. The number of elven outposts is incredibly high. We are located in the southern region. To even get there will take a miracle. One person can perhaps pass through but such a large amount has no chance of not being detected."

" We are aware of that. But I thought the capital of the elves was located deep in the south."

"It is true that it is on the southern border but from our position it is still three days' march to get there. We can' t do much in our current situation, but at least we are able to defend it properly.

"If your numbers are so great, where is your hideout?"

" Within one of the surrounding woods. Word of our whereabouts has spread, however, they are afraid of us. Several times we have proven that we can take them on and conquer them."

" That doesn't mean you are safe at the moment, though. Things have changed drastically recently. That's why I want to hear your opinion: Do you really believe that Maris, the former emperor of yours, is among you? Furthermore, if he really was of a divine nature in the past, then it' s ridiculous to see him as a common person."

" Exactly that is what the others have been saying but it is really him. He reveals his true identity to only those he trusts. For most he may be a simple dark elf, however, I have witnessed just who he is. Elayn knew he had to be the one.

"Your leader huh? Wait, since when have you found Maris?"

"Hmm, like 3 or 4 weeks ago."

("Maybe they showed themselves at the same time. He really may be who he says he is.")

"Still, I doubt we can overthrow Yrasil even with his support."

"Wait, what do you mean Yrasil? I thought he was gone?"

"Oh man, you guys know even less than I thought. Things are very serious pretty soon for you guys as well. Look, we've got to find a way to unite."

"As I said, this is next to impossible with the amount of elves along the paths. I hardly think we'll be able to fight our way through, even with your forces."

"Well, I'm afraid we have no choice unless we wish to be overrun on our own..."

Leo shared everything he knew about the elves and how the future would soon look if nothing changed. The messenger just couldn't believe all that Leo was sharing with him about Yrasil.

"Oh no, has he really shown up again? In that case we have no way to defeat him like this. Oh why is fate so adverse to us?"

" To sink into self-pity is the worst thing you can do right now. As I said before, we will soon have no other choice but to go on the offensive and do so as a united force. We may have endless enemies waiting for us. You underestimate the people here and especially their leader. After all, she is Elayn's daughter, don't give up hope just like that."

" Nearly every enemy camp is heavily superior in numbers, I think you rather underestimate the opponent! Unless we have a decent strategy, we're not going to get anywhere."

" You know, without a fast move, we will soon have no opportunity to do absolutely anything. If you don't trust my words then so be it. And yet, there are enough people who have been able to believe these words of mine through my actions alone. You are always on the move, constantly witnessing new dangers so why are you so against fighting?"

The messenger hesitated slightly and cried it all out.

"Because there have been too many casualties okay? I have been a part of the resistance for years now and for years I have had to watch hundreds of us die little by little. All this time our suffering never ended. Elayn said that we have to be strong, but over time my strength has disappeared. Of course I want to save and protect others of our people, but I' m no longer determined to do so. Her command to find you was a liberated feeling for me. I was on my own but for ages I was free from all the worries in our camp. And now I'm supposed to go back there right away and sacrifice my life."

"Do you realize what you are saying? You just lost sight of the objective while losing yourself. When she gave you the order, she considered you to be an essential person for her, as well as for everyone else. To sacrifice is not to lose yourself but rather to remain true to yourself until the end. You' re just going in the wrong direction. The best thing for you to do is to take a closer look around here, use the rest to once again realize the things you are struggling for."

Leo stood up and left the messenger alone. Afterwards, he knocked on Lynia's door, who was already waiting for him.

"So let's get right to it. Carleen has told me everything, including what you guys must think of me right now. Yes, I may have overdone it again, yet that doesn't mean I don't have faith in you. Everyone of you has seen for yourselves just how hopeless our situation was. Should I really be an important factor, I myself also demand your trust. Connor said it quite well: I have never been so sure of myself this time. I can' t really explain it, but for some time now I have been able to tell when, along with you, we can achieve certain victory. The risks I take are too drastic for you but the fastest way for me to survive."

" Ah, I should have known you' d say such nonsense again. Suppose we trust you and let you go on like this: Then what about us? Won't you even involve us as assistance?"

"You guys are my support in case I fail. So long as I can find an opening, it's your move."

"I think you've misunderstood things: you're not our commander, you're just a warrior as well. The fact that you ruthlessly do whatever you want doesn't mean we're just going to stand around. Next time, should we operate without you or your stance, don't complain."

It gave Leo a bit of insight. His old nature as a commander combined with his sole journeys took over his decision-making ability. Lynia was right: he, too, was only a person made of flesh and blood and not a lord to whom they were subordinates.

"Tsk, do as you will. Let's hope we don't get in each other's way in the future."

"Is that supposed to be a threat?"

"More like good-intentioned advice..."

Eventually, the atmosphere quieted down as they both settled down again.

"So what do you think of his intel? The fact that one person among them is the ancient ruler of the dark elves is really hard to believe but Mother has never told lies. I am willing to put my trust in her even after all this time."

"Let's assume he is real then nevertheless not much will change for the time being. Actually, they don't even know about Yrasil's appearance which means he has kept his word. Once they find out about what's really going on, everything will change completely. Altaria is willing for an alliance but not until the city is secured again. We can expect news from Carleen after the wall is rebuilt. In the meantime, I suggest we prepare everything around here. If we want to have a chance we must join forces with Elayn as we have no other alternative. Surely you're not against seeing your mother again either."

"Of course I want to see her again and support the resistance but that everyone here will move with us is out of the question. I know human military service and I will not use this method under any circumstances. Furthermore, there' s no question that the fortress will be left behind, all that we have built here will not be simply thrown away."

"No one intends to do that either. Look at the situation outside. The crowd is tense and naturally wants a lot of things confirmed. You either blindly confirm everyone's hopes or clarify for everyone what this path really means. In any case, I hope you can convince the majority. Not all will agree let alone participate, a lot of them are more of a burden than anything else. While your position is not to be envied, you do have our support so find a use for it. Nothing but your words carry weight so as long as you convey them in the proper manner there should be a solution to this."

Lynia's task was becoming much bigger than she ever imagined. It was now a matter of both protecting her home and trying to reclaim her homeland. The next few days saw both tears shed and new courage taken. Initially, after she revealed their situation and their future to everyone, things got messy again. However, with the support of her companions, peace was restored within a single day. Everybody was given a choice whether they are ready for an assault. In spite of initial doubts, a great number of them decided to join this huge task. The rest of them were to stay here for the time being. The next step was to sort out the volunteers that could not survive in combat. The protests were big, after all, their pride and honor was questioned. Still, from now on, it was only a matter of the bigger picture. As Leo pointed out: there was no time for such minor matters. Apart from the selection, there was nothing decided yet until they got feedback from Altaria. Their alliance would play an extremely vital part in the future.

It took another week until Carleen personally arrived at the fortress. Without wasting time, everyone got straight to the point. Carleen looked surprised but at the same time optimistic when she heard the news about Maris. This only reinforced her proposal.

"We have about 500 warriors ready to go to war alongside you. The remaining amount will remain behind, however, it has not yet been determined how precisely to proceed with the departure. I have spoken with Lucy regarding this matter. If you need military support we can provide troops. However, as much as I'd like to defeat this asshole, I'm going to stay here."

"Carleen are you sure?! You saw for yourself just what they're capable of!"

" You still don't get it, Leo? A lot is at stake here, but so is the survival of the residents. My soldiers are competent, yet my responsibility is far greater than just them. Over the years I have seen people settling into the city. Therefore, I cannot simply leave here. The assistance given by forces is assured, however, that is all we shall be doing in this regard. I take it you made all the preparations necessary on your side?"

"As far as possible, yes. Your help is important so thank you Lucy for me. If you are really staying here then I do have a suggestion or rather a request. I' m sure more folks can fit under your care. So long as you can keep the rest of our people safe I can leave here in good conscience."

"That depends: They will probably have no choice but to join us. This number should be possible but their willingness is the real problem there as well as yours. I thought you cherish this place very much.

"I really do but right now it represents more of a danger than safety. It took a long time to built it but if it can't keep my people safe it's a problem. That's why I want you to patrol this area once in a while by some soldiers."

I can certainly do that. Regarding these people: If you can convince them to place themselves under my care, I will personally ensure their safety. Your mother probably has missed you for a long time."

The plan was to let those who were good enough to fight tag along and to keep everyone else together. Those remaining would receive the same protection even without Lynia's presence. This took some time for Lynia to persuade them with some minor forcing. Yet again, they had no choice but to follow Carleen if they did not want to face dangers on their own. This was a long process which took up too much time.

"Best you all accompany me back to Altaria all together, sort of like a final parting from here. I don't think it will take them very long to get acclimated. Firstly, we have enough of their kind in the city and secondly, the atmosphere is very welcoming."

On the way, most of them felt very nervous and tense. Their minds were already imagining the worse: that they will never see the others again. But as of now, there was no time for uncertainties.

When they arrived at the city gate, many of them were astonished and surprised. All of a sudden their fears disappeared and they became captivated by the city. Once they entered, they were treated like everyone else normally. This was supported by the other dark elves who had been living here for some time. They guided them through the streets, explained what the city had to offer and finally brought them to their new temporary home. Some still disagreed, but the majority had finally come to terms with it. On the same day, a final meeting was called. It was attended by Lynia, Ryu, Carleen, Leo, Connor and the most important of the round: Hajas, the messenger and their guide on the way back to his camp.

" Do we have everything decided? We' ll be leaving tomorrow alongside Carleen's troops.

" All the supplies as well as the weapons have been prepared. The participants have been informed and given time to say farewell to each other until tomorrow. Distribution of houses and sheds has been made thus everyone is accommodated."

" Before this, I would like to suggest a last exercise in cooperation with volunteers in order to test their abilities as well as our own to see if they can be polished.

"Uh, what else do you say? Ok, so I'm ready to go and feel fit as well as having my senses sharpened. Anyway, I'll do everything I can to make sure as many of us as possible get to our destination alive."

"Since I have no choice, we will take a detour to the south since the number of enemies along the way I took is very high. Yet that doesn't mean there will be fewer on this way."

"This is a gamble we must accept. Provided we adapt to the situation, respond quickl, and look out for each other, the casualties should remain low. Although you may not approve of my approach, at least pay attention to my suggestions. You can decide if you like them afterwards."

Upon everyone's agreement, Ryu's proposal was accepted. About 20 men gathered at the training ground. Ryu and Carleen then took the role of leaders and put everyone through an intense training course. Despite the fact that Leo thought it would be difficult, he found it relatively simple not only to keep up but to be at the front of the pack along with Lynia. His body felt very light and his stamina wasn't running out. As he looked into his hand nothing about the rune had altered.

("What's going on here? When did I become so quick and sturdy? I thought it was because of this thing...or was it?")

After the course, the fighters engaged in practice battles in which they competed in a variety of duels against their fellow competitors. Unfortunately, or maybe on purpose, Leo got to deal directly with Lynia.

" Well, let's see if it was all just total luck from before."

"I'd be curious to know that myself."

Leo picked up one of the practice swords and moved to his position. Upon the signal, they both rushed toward each other. All of a sudden, Leo felt the same sensation he had during the previous battle. Things around him moved as if in slow motion. Whilst he couldn't believe it himself, he already dodged Lynia's blow automatically.

"Oh, it seems it wasn't a trick after all. How did you know which way I was going to attack?"

"I can't exactly describe it myself. Instinct took control of me and led me for a moment."

"That was all mere instinct? Well, then I don't have to worry about you in combat."

In the next moment, she took advantage of the element of surprise and caught Leo off guard. But again, Leo was able to parry and defend himself. As he himself tried to surprise her, he hit empty space this time. When Lynia tried to counter him, once again everything appeared in slow motion. Suddenly the effect disappeared after a moment and he lost his balance. So Lynia managed to hit him on the chest. Even though it wasn't a hard blow, Leo went down and was unusually completely finished.

"What, that's it already? Tell me what's up with you?"

"I really don't have a clue. There really is something most strange going on. Guess I'll have to admit defeat, though, it was a good fight."

" Rather, a much too fast one. While the course wasn't a problem, you failed here after two minutes."

As he finally got to his feet and faced his next opponent, he focused on his movements. In a flash, he lost his focus again but managed to dodge once before failing again.

("Damn it what's wrong with me?! Is it that effect? Is it robbing me of all my power? Is that why I'm not ready for that voice? Where did it go, anyway? Come on, I thought it was trying to help me?")

"What are you still lying there for? Your training is done, right now you look incapable of fighting. Just watch the others and try to learn something."

"So now I'm the loser who only gets to watch the others? Wow, this world is really cruel..."

-South of Altaria, 3 days' march away-

"Milady, a scout has found a fortress on the northern border. It appears unmanned yet in good condition. Furthermore, a large group of dark elves is heading northwest. Its highly possible they are the inhabitants.

"Is that so? So they' ve left their home and are on their way to this pathetic city now? Inform all the soldiers to be on maximum alert. We''ll be receiving some opponents soon enough. This is going to be fun. They think they can create chaos but their efforts will be in vain since chaos is just order waiting to be awakened. I shall demonstrate it to you all...in my own way!"