
Escape Your Fate - Leo's Retaliation

If you have no power then just create some yourself! Leo is the only one out of the 5 people summoned to another world that had nothing. No magic , no fighting talent, no strengh, nothing. Everyone labelled him useless but he didn't give in to the despair. Who needs magic when you're a tactical genius? Soon enough Leo will show everyone that his talent is a power that can win fights, battles and even wars, But how far can talent really overrule magic...? Join him on his journey to destroy a predetermined fate and find a destiny which he wasn't allowed in his world. "If the world is cruel, then you just have to be crueler." If the world hates you, then let your hatred be free and see where it takes you." A story full of action, darkness, twists but most importantly: Retaliation.

Lonewolf11 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
95 Chs

Abhorrant Descend (R-Rating)

*This chapters includes somewhat horror so be aware.*

Days passed, but nothing happened in the fortress. Leo continued to observe the events inside the walls and the surroundings near his position. As expected, the situation inside the walls developed for the better. The key players he selected were once again taking charge of their areas. Leo was both reassured and tense. He knew their leader felt the same way. It took almost a week for Ryu to decide to meet with Leo again.

"Your words...I have been thinking...I will keep an eye on you. Your actions so far have not been of any hostile intent. Lack of resources was also clear to me that's why I accompanied you despite her prohibition. Some of the risks were too high and yet there are many improvements within the people thanks to this accomplishment. Nevertheless, Lynia shows no sign of letting you back in."

"Ha, that would be pretty stupid of her. You heard me say my goodbyes, so most people will hate me very much right now. I won't come back voluntarily, I was well aware of this outcome."

"And what are you going to do out here alone now? Practice won't get you far here."

" That' s correct so it' s time for me to do something. With a bit of luck, I'll be able to prove my worth soon enough. You saw their faces, their doubts and reluctance towards me. The few people who took part in the trip were unlikely to say anything against it. Besides, no one knows for sure if I am really responsible for the success of the battle. Since they didn't see it with their own eyes, they are free to form their own opinions. The words of their leader are paramount, but saying that a stranger saved them sounds very questionable."

"And yet there were many who believed you, and of their own free will."

"That's the trouble with this very thing. By leaving, I deliberately destroyed the chance to gain all their trust. Even if Lynia had welcomed us with open arms they would all be very skeptical and they would challenge her identity. Therefore, it was best for an outsider to present himself in such a manner to prevent chaos. I don't mind this role since I chose it consciously. However, I don't have time for it now, I must act myself soon."

"...I still think that you had other thoughts... you are very similar to Master in this case. Both of you are stubborn and foolish when it comes to your own good. In the process, you forget your own value and slowly disintegrate."

"I already told you that I have no issue with that. This was probably what your master meant: it's not about sacrificing yourself for others, it's about inner strength and proving it by getting yourself out of that very position. If he really is a master then he knows that there is no right or wrong, it is just a point of view that is constantly changing. A clear division between good and evil, right and wrong, would simplify everything, but you, I and even he knows that nothing in this world is simple. Just try not to think about these things too much, it's a waste of time trying to find a reason or cause for it."

Ryu was intrigued and at the same time surprised by Leo's ability to change his manner. Before him stood a man, even younger than he, yet appearing far older.

"How can you sound so much like a master? You' re just a young swordsman, that such words come out of your mouth makes no sense. How can you speak like that?"

"Who knows, maybe I am older than I look? True, I may be just a person who simply repeats these words. But perhaps there is a reason I am capable of these words. As I said last time, words remain words, they are very useful, but once your ears are closed they have no effect so try to act more on instinct. That' s how I will act from now on."

Ryu could see in Leo's eyes that he was determined of his next move.

"What do you plan to do if you don't want to stay here? Did you close that chapter in your journey, or something?"

"Hahaha, of course not since it's only just begun. Now that I'm free to act as I please I'll look for opportunities to make your circumstances easier."

"Do you want to act alone without support? Your partner won't like it at all."

"Oh, it ought not to. Nevertheless, it's time to act. You're bound to face some dangers in the near future that you must avert. With the resources you have at your disposal now, you should be able to overcome them together with your leadership. We have been practicing it, don't act the same way as me instead learn to trust others and help them with their everyday life. If you really don't want to be alone anymore then deal with others as you dealt kindly with your master. Naturally, their authority is not very significant, yet it is of some importance. Moreover, Lynia is right, in the end I am really just a simple soldier with a loose mouth. And now that soldier will take the first step with the training of one of the strongest warriors."

"Tsk, once again you just say what you want...are you sure your worth is not great enough?"

"Depends. In the case of war, absolutely not, therefore I will soon provide other proof. I' ve already arranged everything, I should be back in 3-4 days. Until then, be surprised what my return might bring. I trust that you won't say anything to Connor...although even if you did, you both don't know where I' m going exactly."

"...I'm counting on your return, we're not done with each other yet."

"Haha, that would be far too boring anyway."

At around noon, Leo left the area around the fortress and made his way back to Alteria. Arriving there, he wanted a chat with Carleen. After a brief moment, she arranged a little time for him though not without testing him in training first. Like before, Leo was barely able to lift a finger afterwards nonetheless he put up a good fight.

"Haha, I didn't expect you to come back so soon. So, what are you here for? Do you want to join us and give a hand to the city?"

"I'm afraid I'll have to decline that offer. In fact, I have another reason, and that is to ask you a few important questions."

The atmosphere became more serious and Carleen prompted a private conversation without even allowing another ear to listen in.

"I am interested in the defense of the city: when was the last time there was an encounter with an enemy? It is very important for me to know this. You know I am not a spy let alone one who would betray you."

"Ha, if you were, you'd be in shackles by now. Now, I assume you've met Lynia. Still, such a question wouldn't come out of her mouth. Tell me, what are your intentions?"

"To follow the tracks back no matter which way. There is no time to lose."

"Are you going to rush back towards death again?"

"Please Carleen, it's very important. I'm not asking for support but just this one piece of information."

"...Ha, as you wish. But before that, you tell me how you can even still sit here."

Leo disclosed everything that had happened to him in the last few weeks. At some parts she became very calm, at others a thoughtful and surprised. Despite the fact that it sounded very complicated, she decided to believe her former successor.

"You've left quite a mess there. It's a miracle the news hasn't gotten here already. Very little has happened on our front lately. There was, however, one encounter with an unpleasant group of elves. Their party wasn't very large, nevertheless, they threatened us with a siege if we don't surrender to the "almighty god Yrasil". I probably should have captured them on the spot rather than laughing at them. Well, if you want to know exactly, they were coming from the east with about 100 men. Less than half of them looked like they had proper training as soldiers. Still, my eye could be deceived. They didn't say anything about their further journey but went straight back in the direction they came from. That was one day after you left the city. Just imagine if you had gone east, you'd probably be dead right now."

"Did they all look like soldiers from their appearance or were they wearing something else?"

" Nearly all of them carried weapons from what I saw. Maybe two or three of them had a whip on them.

Leo's eyes lit up, this was the best answer Carleen could have given.

"Wait a minute, you're not planning on following them are you?! I mean, how will you know when or if you'll even find their camp?"

"Haha, as I expected you already know about a potential plot. Indeed, I think they''ve set up a camp a short distance away. I mean, why would they have their own camp when there's a whole army full of supplies and a huge camp of their own in the other direction?"

"They probably have another job: slave drivers. I don't like that very job at all and yet you plan to look for them on your own?"

"If it really is the case that dark elves are being tortured inside this camp, then it is even more important to rescue them right now!"

" Nevertheless, you have little chance by yourself. Why would you want to go so far for someone else?"

"Haha, you misunderstand Carleen. It's true that I still owe Lynia a debt but nothing will make me die for someone else this way. Anything I do is done on my behalf. I admit my plan is not the very best however I will attempt it."

"This attitude will eventually destroy you without you even realizing it."

He himself had said this very sentence many times before. And each and every time he got the same answer. Having been asked the same question now, Leo realized just how intended his answer was.

"If this is necessary to keep me alive, then I will do it with pleasure. You said before that nothing in this world is impossible. And you have also heard the story just now. I think that should be more than sufficient proof for my case."

"You can talk as nonchalantly as you like. Your life is still at stake here, you won't get a second chance. Death is still death, and I don't believe you want to face it."

"...I wouldn't be so sure about that...At any rate, words like that don't sway me. Apparently someone cares about me?"

"As a former commander, I don't want to see a talented soldier just die like that. Your worth in the army still exists. If you weren't thinking like this, I'd be more than happy to take you in here."

"Ha, I appreciate that but we both know I will never return. Thanks for the information though, next time the drinks are on me."

"Hmph, your confidence is shrinking your brain. I fought many battles, designed many strategies, performed many miracles on the battlefield but I can't figure out a way to win with your idea.

"Win? Can you really win in this world? Anyway, I'm not just going to go straight into their lair. There are other ways for me to get to my objective."

Carleen no longer recognized any former commander, his responsibility was owed solely to him.

"I used to know a person like you. A person who just wanted to push through such unnecessary utterly dangerous ideas. Actually, he had lost his family in the war. The way he appeared, he didn't give himself a chance, he had nothing left of his life. As I expected, he did not come back. Then one day I passed through a deserted village and in one of the houses that very man had hanged himself. His diary said that he never intended to go out again. The words he used to try to convince himself did not help him win the battle he was fighting with himself. You're still lucky, Leo. You are able to convince yourself of your words and act on them. Tell me about your companion. Does he know about this? Making risky decisions for yourself or for your soldiers is very different. What's the difference? You've lost all rationality. Don't you want to keep your life?"

Leo grinned a little sad when he heard this question. The young man knew that no one would understand him, nor what he had experienced, nor who he encountered. And what this someone considered to be his top concern. Thus, for him, there was only one possible answer.

"Yes, I do. That's exactly why I'll be doing this."

To Leo, there was an extreme difference between living and being alive, a difference that was as clear as life and death. His mind didn't give himself a chance to think otherwise.

"...Tsk, have it your way. I can't stop you anyhow. From the way you're trained, there should be a good chance you'll survive at least for a while."

"Glad to hear that. I'll see you la later then, try not to train your soldiers to death."

"Ha, that's really nothing compared to the work ahead of you."

"Work? Why should I take them on? I'm not the lead actor in my own show."

Carleen realized where Leo's great self-confidence must have been coming from. If he were to be truly successful then Carleen would realize what kind of person Leo is.

Once the commander gave him some rations to take with him, he headed straight east. A whole other day passed before he heard loud screams from far away. Like once before, he knew immediately what was in front of him: yet another torture camp for the enslaved dark elves. Even though the condition of this place was very gruesome and horrible, Leo couldn't help but smirk. All was prepared just as he wanted for the show. There were many different large houses and training grounds around. This camp was much bigger and worse than the first one he was fighting at. Either dark elves were targets or playthings for their tormentors.

"Hello ladies and gentlemen, it' s a beautiful day for all of us today as well, isn't it?

Leo couldn't believe what he was witnessing. Absolutely nothing he had seen before came remotely close to this place. This was pure horror on a whole different level. Instead of answering with a broken expression, everyone started to put on a big fake smile. You could be as badly broken or injured as you wanted, absolutely everyone joined in on this action...almost everyone. It seemed that one dark elf had forgotten this particular daily ritual.

"Oh, do I see a sad face there? What happened to you? Say, what's the matter, don't you have a good time?"

"Y-yes I do, there is nothing that could bring me more joy than serving you."

She desperately tried to smile as much as the others, but the supervisor didn't like her smile at all. His victims and slaves were treated like dolls. And if one of these dolls suddenly appeared different, something had to be wrong.

"Really? It doesn't look like it to me..."

"I-i really am happy...I-I'm sorry."

Tears suddenly sprang from her half-smiling face. Unfortunately dolls couldn't usually cry....

"Hmm, but they don't weep. What a shame, you've become useless."

Even before she could beg for her life, he had drawn his sword and decapitated her in front of everyone. Blood splattered around, the rest of her body fell to the ground. Not a single one of the prisoners and slaves dared to make a fuss even at this sight. In the end, they smiled while looking at the decapitated corpse of one of their sisters.

("What the fuck is going on here? Talk about insane or deranged.")

The other soldiers and guards focused on the officer's instructions. It almost appeared that he had placed them under his hypnosis. He himself was neither muscular nor very tall. This person had to be very important in other aspects. Leo observed the daily routine of this place for hours. Had he not been used to this world, then he would have puked several times. The things that happened here surpassed all sense, morals and scruples. Numerous women were publicly raped in the middle of the day while everyone was watching. Leo realized that he was seeing the children or wives of other slaves.

"You mongrels should enjoy being pampered by us. Remember, we're going to clean you from your filth. Be grateful that we are keeping you alive at all."

"Y-yes generous sir, I am. I will serve you forever."

Without him having to force her, the woman turned, embraced him, and kissed him passionately while looking into the eyes of another dark elf. Afterwards, the raping continued. With every passing minute, Leo was finding it harder to watch this horror.

"Argh, let me go! We didn't do anything to you so why are you doing this- urgh-.

Those who resisted were either beaten with mercy or ruthlessly robbed of a body part on the spot. Like wild animals, those soldiers blanked out all their reason and conscience and gave free rein to their lusts. Be it pleasure, torture or even death, no one was safe from their deeds. When the order finally came for them to stop, one of the soldiers failed to notice the words of his leader. In that moment Leo understood that they did not differentiate between dark elves and their own people.

"You've played enough, you little maggot! It seems your value here has expired!"

Not batting an eye, he once again took his sword and executed the decapitation.

"Tsk, how I hate defective soldiers. Clean his body and put it in my room. I'll take care of it later. This maggot has given me more work today than I expected!"

Although Leo was getting angry and impatient, he had to wait and see. As the day passed, nothing changed in the cruel ordeal. However, Leo realized that this camp possessed no commander. It really was just this one officer who could easily be defeated in battle. His soldiers were capable but not invincible. Attacking with a squad would mean their defeat. Still, something couldn't be right, it all looked far too easy. As evening fell he saw muscular dark elves being dragged out in chains and led into a small arena.

"Hear ye, it's time again for our wonderful contest. This time we have chosen 5 of my finest specimens to experience a fireworks display of emotions. For they are not just any dark elves, I have selected them specially. Each one of them originates from the same village, yes, even the same household. Is one of the four brothers going to be the victor or will their father be the strongest of them all? Let's find out!"

The male dark elves participated in the arena once every three days. Usually it was families or friends who had to kill each other. The survivor was allowed to spend a night with one of the women as a prize, whereby being allowed stood for must. The soldiers made sure that he enjoyed his reward properly and did not play any tricks. So the winner had no choice but to involuntarily and seriously rape a woman of his race until they told him to stop.

"Then let's begin, I hope you have all placed your bets. Alright, here we go, let's get this show on the road!"

The entire family who had to battle each other had tears in their eyes. But their survival instincts forced one another to follow the order...almost everybody.

"I'm sorry but I can't take it anymore. It is best this way, let one of you stay alive and hope for a miracle. Though my time is up."

One of the brothers took his sword and slit his throat. The other brother, standing next to him, began to cry while blood splattered his face. Standing rigidly there, and already giving up inside, he heard a loud scream behind him. As he turned around, he saw the furious and angry face of his other brother who beheaded him without hesitation. His body fell over and his head rolled to his father's feet. He gasped briefly and kicked his son's head away.

"He was a weakling just like his other brother. They have given up, but my time has not yet come. Just as you were born, you will now find death here."

"I don't think so, you old bastard. It is time for you to leave this world."

The other brothers, as well as their father, seemed to have no problem killing each other and began the fight. It wasn't long before things got serious and the spectacle began. One of the brothers lost his arm before his father pierced him with his sword. From now on there was only a son and his father. Both smiled as they rushed towards each other.

"Die already old man. I can take care of mother by myself."

"You must be joking. I'm the only one who can satisfy my wife."

The elves cheered them on while the officer ordered the lifeless bodies to be taken to his special room. Everything there was abominable and degrading, no one cared anymore that they are family. Inside them there were no more emotions, they tried to survive at any cost holding on to their empty shell. Ultimately, it was the son who not only killed his father, but also pierced his corpse several times and smashed it. With a wide smile and bloody face, he looked at the cheering crowd that took him to his prize. Against his expectations, he got a night with another woman. Instead of rejoicing, he told them that he would have preferred to have his mother.

Leo witnessed all this with his own eyes and heard it with his own ears. All of a sudden he didn't perceive anything from the outside world, his friends, Connor, Ryu and Lynia. Now all he could see was this small vile world of never-ending horror that held him in its spell. It was clear to him what to do, but whether he could keep his sanity was very unsure for him. Before long, he understood that in order to fight insanity, one had to carry a part of it within oneself.

Heyho Author Here,

A little heads up:

The next one or two chapters wil have somewhat the same intensity and gruesomeness of this one. Since I wrote a lot of building chapters I now wanted to bring more action into it. These chapters showcase what this world and its beings can be capable of. I will mark these chapters as Rated-R just to be clear.

Lonewolf11creators' thoughts