

Now in front of the Village, Hyang starts thinking on how to prepare Bing.

He decides to first remove the dirt marination and apologize afterwarts for cracking him up as well.

Hyang: "I'm really sorry about what happened.

 I'll make sure you're able to stay at an Inn without that dirt layer on you.

 More importantly though. You need food and water.

 A cheap herbal pill ball should be enough for that.

 Ah, I'm gonna tell the innkeeper

 that you're in a bad state

 and to call me if something happens.

 Just in case.

 But for now, just the Pill."

He takes a Herbal ball out of his ring and concocts a plan on how to use his knowledge of the cherry blossom

arts to open Bings mouth without touching as to not risk his own hands to freeze to death.

And on how to make him swallow the pill without getting to close.

Hyang thinks: *A petal that blossoms into a flower? No...

 A Stick with a bud at the tip that then opens his mouth through blossoming?

 Wouldn't work either...

 A Blossom wind through the nose! Yes yes that's it!*

After thinking through on how to make that move

and trying it out on the pill.

He concentrates his Qi precisely

into a cherry blossom wind.

Feeling confident about his grasp on his new technic

he blows the Pill up.

Up into Bings Nose with his precise cherry blossom wind.

To then lead the Pill into Bings throat with the cherry blossom wind.

Which also quite swiftly dissipates since it is in direct contact with Bings Ice Body's naturally absorbed Qi.

However, fortunately enough, Hyang manages to land the Pill in Bings throat.

*Hyang swipes his forehead with his hand*

Hyang thinks: *That was close. That was dangerously close.*

After having calmed down from nearly getting a pill stuck in Bings Air channel,

Hyang cuts the dirt off of Bing with his skillful swordsmanship

and tries to heat him up through a camp fire before entering the town.

First a fire on a stick to test if it's safe for bing.

And then the whole camp fire in

a way to not harm him, in a,

a caring way you could even say.

Watching the fire Hyang can see that,

while it does prevent Bings coldness to immediately spread for a moment

it doesn't change a thing about his condition

and the fact that the fire extinguishes

and the wood freezes because of his cold Qi aura.

Hyang thinks: *He seems just fine laying there.

Inside the fire.

Still, a simple fire seems insufficient.

It's visibly unable to resist his cold Qi.*

Hyang cuts down two trees and trys to make something

resembling a sick patient carrying thing,

also known as a stretcher, out of it.





As Hyang focuses mostly on the momentary

practicality of it, he cuts the trees into quite thick

board like puzzle pieces that can be shoved together to

form a wide enough board for Bing to lay on.

He also cuts grooves in,

big enough to place fire stones inside of.

The ones that he carries in his spacial ring.

Hyang thinks about how to prevent the wood from burning without having to soak it in

1000 year old cold Qi-spiritwater or having to alloy it with 1000 year old cold iron.

As a result, he starts to glance at Bing's cold snow white hair.

Hyang: "I do have some things that would be able to prevent the wood from burning.

 However, I believe your hair could possibly be more efficient.

 Unless~ you have something against it, of course.


 Doesn't sound like it. Well then, excuse me."


He cuts Bing bald acquiring his hair,

however Bing's hair doesn't look shorter to the untrained eye.

For some reason, it seems only cleaner - glowyer - seethroughyer.

A bit confused by it, he just continues undisturbed

rationalizing it as one of the wondersome things

brought through the Dao upon this world.


And thus he glues Bings hair

on the wooden board in hopes of it preventing

the wood from burning when in contact with the fire stones.

Hyang: "This should work."

And it does work, to his surprise.

Allowing him to transport Bing without a dirt layer

while having to focus Qi into spots used to carry him.

Now able to move around without Bing looking weird.

Hyang takes him to an inn as secretively as possible

since he hasn't cleaned up the underlings of Longos.

The small town looks like a starter village

if the final boss had taken control over it.

Except that it looks more scuffed with starving horses,

dragon symbols and "medaal" here and there.

Now as he enters the Inn and goes to the counter.

Innkeeper: "Welcome to our humble lodging. What is it you desire?"

Hyang: "There isn't a need anymore to act high class all the time.

 Lóngoslordos Spangurtos has fled the village."

Innkeeper: "Oh, in that case. Good day sir what's ya business around here?

 And what's up with that stiff guy buy yar side?"

Hyang: "One room, please. As isolated as possible."

Innkeeper: "Very we- Ayay. Here is the key with room number.

 All the way up the stairs on the right side at the end of the hallway.

 Have a good one."

Now that they are in their room, he puts Bing down.

To feed him some of the cheapest regeneration pills, he has to heal Bing a bit over time this time.

Taking it out of a small murim bottle, opening the lit with a plop.



Hyang: "Puh."


Hyang leaves Bing laying on the wooden board

with the fire stones and the Bings hair "life hack",

as to not have him freeze or burn down the entire Inn while he is gone.

Hyang: "Also, I've got some things to do.

 Should be back in the evening."

Leaving the Inn he goes to the former village chief to report his failure

that still somehow succeeded, since Lóngoslordos Spangurtos didn't die but fled instead.

Hyang knocks on the door of a shabby house, the house of the former village chief.





Village chief: "Ah, Hyang it is a welcoming sight, to see you well and healthy."

Hyang: "The pleasure is mine.

 Unfortunately however, I didn't manage to capture that fiend.

 But do not be too worried. While I chased him, he said he would be taking

 revenge in a hundred years for what happened today.

 Which means he won't be back in your mortal lives foreseeable future.

 I've even found his sombrero, that he lost, on my way back."

Village Chief: "Hmm, we will have to prepare our children for that future since none

 of us cultivate after all. I'll arrange a festival for this occasion.

 Nonetheless, to celebrate our freedom of that tyrant and his cult.

 I hope that you could join in, even though, a rogue cultivator

 like yourself is always on the move. By the way, could we have his Evil Sombrero?"

Hyang: "Of course you can have it. I suppose I'll be joining the festival as well."

Village Chief: "We will use his Evil Sombrero to burn

 as a highlight of the festival and a symbol of our freedom.

 The festival should be starting tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

Hyang goes to finish off the remaining followers

while the news of Lóngoslordos Spangurtos having been defeated

stars spreading faster than a forest fire.

Doing his best to catch every single follower of Lóngoslordos Spangurtos

he continues throughout the night until the start of the festival.

While impressed by the townfolks determination

to swiftly start a party and celebrate their new found

freedom of Lóngoslordos Spangurtos.

Helping him aswell.

After the celebration starts,

he stands around kind of just taking it in

with a mixture of awe, surprise and confusion

toward how fast they set it up,

during which the music starts playing.

While standing there, the old townsfolk

get him hooked into dancing with them.

In the middle of the festival they dance in front of Lóngoslordos Spangurtoses

wealthy looking home while it is being burned down broken and stepped upon.

And then as a Highlight of the festival they burn his Sombrero

on a pedestal high enough so that everyone can see it.

While they are dancing around it in multiple circles.

Dancing circles moving clock wise and counterclockwise in a repeating pattern.

With the dancers swinging their legs and clinging on to each other.

Singing about what no longer will be.

Choir guide🎙: 🎵"No longer will someone else be punished for someone else's doing."🎵

Choir🎤: 🎶"No longer will someone else be punished for someone else's doing."🎶

Choir guide🎙: 🎵"No longer will our children be burned for for upsetting the Lóng."🎵

Choir🎤: 🎶"No longer will our children be burned for for upsetting the Lóng."🎶

Choir guide🎙: 🎵"No longer have we to long for Lóng to be no longer there."🎵

Choir🎤: 🎶"No longer have we to long for Lóng to be no longer there."🎶

The celebration continues deep into the night until most have fallen asleep,

sleeping drunk outside in a summer night.

Some vomit here and there in the town square.

Hyang on the other hand didn't get drunk since he is a cultivator

and as such has an abnormally high resistance to mortal liquor.

Now that the party has finished

Hyang returns into his room at the Inn.

He opens the door to his room.

Hyang: "I've taken a little longer then I expected I wo-"

To see that Bing is no longer there.

With only the wooden sick person carrying board remaining.

Which he swiftly takes into his ring to start his search for Bing.

They might be bad lyricists, but they must be great at playing instruments. Right?

Noguidecreators' thoughts
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