
Erratic Magic

I wake up gasping for air and look around, I am still in the same room I was in yesterday. I don't know why I thought it would be different. It is always the same. Waking up to the same test tubes, the same voices echoing through the walls and the same screams banging around in my head. It was never going to change. I am only stuck in here because the world could never find out that there were people -children- out there with such great power or that is what Doctor Murphy said the reason was. Me? I used to believe that theory but now, now it feels like we are in some sort of experiment, a mind game of sorts. I got up putting my blonde hair in a ponytail well walking over to the door and knocking knowing Doctor Murphy was going to be there. Doctor Murphy was the first person I met when I got here but that was about a year ago. He used to be so nice and kind until D.E.M got to his brain.

"I know you are out there Doctor Murphy! Come to give me another 'save the world' bull crap speech?"

There was a faint clip when Doctor Murphy walked into my room a frown plastered on his face. The scar going through his left eyebrow looked deeper today as if it had been reopened. His glasses had a bit of a crack in them from our last encounter and he had very obvious bags under his eyes as if he had not slept in weeks.

"Miss Fox please, we both know that at some point whether you like it or not you are going to have to save the world. So stop being so selfish and petty. We both know what's more important when it comes down to the millions of innocent lives or yours."

I knew he was right but god how I wish he was wrong how I wish I could wake up from all this and laugh as I realise how crazy a dream it was. I would run down to my mum and dad and hug them as if I had not seen them in years and then it hit me, do I even have a family? Do they even know I am gone? Would they even care if I was gone?

"Cleo Fox, are you even listening to me?"

"Why should I?"

"Because I am your superior."

"Whatever, you can leave now."

"I am afraid I can not. You will learn some respect today. Guards!"

I turn to see about thirteen guards come up to me with tasers. If it wasn't for the power disabler on my wrist I could have easily taken them but right now I have not eaten in three days and I haven't slept in four so the best I can do is comply.

"Take her to the chamber"

I remember the chamber perfectly. I went there about a week ago after saying that I felt bad for Doctor Murphy's wife and that a mop would be better. I didn't even bother to scream or beg, It's not like they would listen. When we finally get to the end of the department I get a chance to read the sign 'Department of Erratic Magic' so that is what D.E.M stands for, how did I not see that last time? Before I could think any further on the subject I got thrown onto the floor. The guards look at me with a bit of guilt in their eyes as they lock the door. I remember how their torture was not physical but mental. I couldn't sleep Doctor Murphy made sure of that but what I could do was plan my escape. First things first weapons because even if I can get these power cuffs off it will still take a while to recharge heck I may not even be able to control my powers when I do. I rack at my brain trying to remember if I am good with weapons or not and to my surprise, I recall being amazing with daggers, now I just need to find one. Looking around the room I see the clothes of a guard hanging up. I grab the white shirt and get a whiff of what smelled like a mix of rotten eggs and skunk but I guess anything is better than the rags I am wearing now. I continue to search the room when I see a flame thrower, what type of people leave that around? I decide that right now is not the time to worry about the stupidity of my captures but to use it to my advantage by melting the power damping bracelets. I feel a surge of power go through me making me feel alive once again. With my new found energy I break down the door of the chamber and run down the corridor.

"Hey, you! Who let you out?"

I gave the guard a sarcastic smile which must have taken him by surprise, giving me time to kick him in the stomach as he fell to the ground. I grab his gun and quickly shoot his leg so he can't chase me. I continue to run with over twenty guards chasing me now before I get to the door I stop when I hear a shout.

"You won't survive a day out there Cleo all you are is a scared teen with no clue what is going on in the world."

I turn around smirking, pulling down on the door handle well, Doctor Murphy looked like he was about to burst with rage.

"Well, Doctor Murphy what better way to find out than to see it for myself? You should know one thing though." He glares at me with a questioning look. "Never underestimate someone who has the capability to let the world burn"

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