15 Worth the Risk

Upon waking from the Bio-Mechanical Integration Procedure, Burns didn't notice any changes. He didn't have any cybernetic implants though so he didn't really expect to feel any major change right away.

"Jimmy, what's up? Have you noticed anything now that the procedure is finished?"

"Not really. Bear in mind that procedure wasn't designed for me anyway, so there's no guarantee it'll affect me at all. Besides, even if it did there's no telling how useful it'd actually be. You have to remember, my technomancy is highly specialized. I'm great at retrieving data undetected yes but outside that I'm nothing much. This procedure wasn't really designed for my particular brand of technomancy. Still, you should be able to benefit from the enhancement. Try putting your power armor on and see how that goes."

Burns nodded and walked over to the Onyx Flood. He felt a jolt the moment he touched the black armor, almost as if he'd been electrocuted. The moment he interacted with the armor, information flooded in. Thankfully, Burns was used to large info dumps so he handled this one well. After several minutes he was finally able to suit up.

It was only as he began equipping the power armor that he really felt the effects of the procedure kicking in. Before, although it was form fitting, the Flood was still just a piece of equipment. Now though, Burns could feel the changes happening as the armor became a part of his body. A cocoon of the armor's black metal formed around the Erratic Jack as his body began changing and mutating.

Several hours later, Burns had fully integrated with what was once his power armor. The Jack's body had grown and changed significantly. The black metal that made up most of the power armor flowed through his recently-enlarged veins and arteries in liquid form. At will, Burns could draw the metal out through his pores, forming an exoskeleton that perfectly resembled the Onyx Flood's old form.

In essence, the power armor was now another portion of the Jack's body. Although he realized he'd have to consume even more food to support the ability to repair the armor using his own regeneration, when combined with his gene mods the Jack suspected he now possessed truly incredible defense.

Satisfied with the procedure, Burns looked into getting the next one underway. His idea for this procedure was rather simple. Since he could now modify his body to accept machines as a part of him, acquiring a power source for them would only make his ability to abuse this latest enhancement even greater. Thus, Burns requested his second 'enhancement' be in the form of a fusion core.

Fusion cores were really just nuclear reactors that were small enough to be portable. With one, Burns would have a surplus of energy at all times.

Although it took some time, the Jack was eventually able to get an agreement from an Aceron employee that a fusion core could in fact be considered his second enhancement. From there, Burns simply spent some Aceron credits to purchase a large amount of food, which he ate rapidly. After the changes his body had just gone through, the abundance of calories and nutrients he'd need had only increased. He still intended to integrate the fusion core into his body as well, which was going to require his Bio-Mechanical Integration to make further changes.

Ultimately, Burns spent roughly two days before he was finished with his two enhancements. Although he was clearly taller and probably heavier, to the casual observer it might seem that Burns hadn't changed much. In truth though, his body was vastly different. Burns body composition was hardly recognizable as human anymore. Just as one example, a fusion core now rested comfortably inside his body, protected like other internal organs by his rib cage.

In the time Burns had spent getting his enhancements and adjusting to the changes they'd caused, the war against the aliens hadn't stopped. In fact, most of the enemies in the Americas had already fallen, leaving the last few enemy bases with little hope of survival. Aceron, the behemoth megacorporation, had already turned its gaze outwards. Online, rumors of an expedition into Europe or Asia were already spreading.

As for Hayashi and Donovan, they'd stayed at the facility while Burns wrapped things up. The Erratic Jack suspected Hayashi stayed out of a desire to focus on training more than out of a desire to form a team with anyone. Although the Cruel Jack had stuck with them this far, his new power seemed to have stolen his focus and, Burns suspected, possibly convinced him that a team was no longer necessary. Recent events may have also contributed to such an idea, as the threat of war or alien invasion may seem to have been diminished in the Cruel Jack's eyes.

Donovan also stayed and unlike Hayashi, he clearly seemed intent on forming a team of Jacks. The Steam Jack used the contacts he'd built up over the years to begin looking into which Jacks to attempt to recruit. With his fame, Donovan had little doubt he could build a group of elite Jacks that would possess shocking might.

By the time Burns was finally finished with the enhancements, Donovan was more than ready to discuss his preparations. The two met at a cafeteria inside the underground base to have their discussion, although they spoke through communication systems to avoid being overheard.

"While you were busy I put together a list Jacks I think we could work with. I mostly prioritized Jacks with potential and ambition. All of these people are looking to gain as much strength as possible. Most of them haven't worked on a team regularly but that's why I have the elixir. I've also looked in buying similar items and I've already managed to snag a few."

Burns thought about what Donovan had said for a moment. How he handled this conversation would have a tremendous impact on his future. While he'd been dealing with his enhancements, the Erratic Jack had had plenty of time to consider Donovan and his idea of a team of Jacks. To be more accurate, Burns had thought about his relationship with Donovan and the form he expected it to take. Thus after a fair amount of consideration, the Erratic Jack had decided what he'd do.

"Before we discuss anything else, I think I should state some things. You and me, we're alike. Both of us can and will do almost anything to achieve our goals. We both desire power and see each other as a means to gaining more. So long as the two of us work together, I think we can accomplish a great deal. Thus, I'd like to suggest we agree to work together as partners."

Donovan chuckled. "That's an idea but I know we both see the real issue. How would we ever trust one another? You and me, we know how fallible the elixir and things like it are. There's always a loophole to exploit or trick to use. What you're really suggesting is that we actually trust each other not to backstab the other as soon as it's convenient."

"Yes and no. I'm truly not sure I'm capable of trusting you but would such a partnership actually require we trust each other? So long as the benefits of such a partnership are great enough, any betrayal would simply be a waste. If we can actually come to trust one another, that's one acceptable outcome. If we can't, it just means at some point we'll have a falling out. Considering the benefits, isn't that a risk you're willing to take?"

"You mean we'd enter a partnership expecting a betrayal down the line? How would that ever produce anything of value though? We'd spend so much time plotting against each other we'd never be able to get anything else done."

"Perhaps but you were already planning to form a team of Jacks with me as a member, knowing my character. The truth is, I don't see much value in plotting against each other in the short term. I think you share that view. As hard as it is for us to trust one another, imagine what we could do if we did truly work together. We're already a cut above most Jacks and neither of us has reached our limits yet. With two minds like ours working in concert to build our own group, just picture what we could accomplish."

"People like us, who pursue power, rarely like to share it. In spite of that, you think we should share our power for the purpose of gaining more. The problem with your offer beyond the need for trust is simple: I'm older than you. The longer such a partnership were to last, the less of a threat I'd pose to you. For you, this offer has more value than it does me."

"It does, you're right. That should be an incentive for you though. If we really do work together, I don't have nearly as much reason to betray you since I can simply inherit your power when you eventually become too old to continue working. More than that though, try considering the future where you don't join me. In that future, we will assuredly become competitors. Conflict will be inevitable and one of us will almost certainly suffer."

"I see. You're saying the risk we pose to each other is already so great that working together is actually safer in a sense. If we can be partners, the risk that we become enemies decreases. Mhm."

Donovan stopped talking as he considered Burns' proposal. It had merit and, more importantly, it showed what Donovan had already suspected. Burns saw the same opportunity he did. Right now, Donovan already felt threatened by Burns not because he was an Erratic but because of his cunning. If that same cunning he feared could be used to work with him, well, wasn't that too valuable an opportunity to pass up? For all the risks involved, this partnership's potential was enough for Donovan.

"I'm in" the Steam Jack said.

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