
Chapter 1

Scene I

I keep praying to who ever that is ready to hear my voice, to grant me my heart desires.

The desire for the night to come more faster than it use to be because today was really the worst day I have experienced as a prince.

I have had many other worst days at the castle but have never experienced more hatred like this before, I ran to my room when I believe that I have heard enough of the stories about my mysterious life.

I sat at the edge of my royal bed weeping expecting no one to come and console me.

it was lonely inside my room, I walked closer to the mirrow standing at the corner of the room, watching myself with with displeasure in me.

The ideas of how I became the most fearful prince of Arsgard is still something that I can't just imagine.

I have never stepped out of the castle since I was born but the fame of the white haired prince has been the topic of the town.

This is the brief story of my Life.

My name is OLIVAR HEMSWORTH, I was born as the noble prince of ARSGARD, a mighty kingdom that has been known to be a fearless, brutal and ruthless dynasty.

I can't say much about how big the kingdom was but it has been rumored to be a stumbling stone to mighty and dearing kingdoms.

My father, king Arthur Hemsworth have recently told me so many jaw dropping stories on how Arsgard has defeated many kingdom that's twice it size and how they have enslaved many kingdom whom have refuse to be ruled by them.

The huge map of the Kingdom which hanged at one of history room of the Kingdom shows that the kingdom has north south, east and west.

I can't say much about what all the dynasty in the kingdom are known for. I can only give a vivid explanation about the castle because since I was born, I have never stepped out of the castle.

My mum, Queen Ellen have tried to let me know that I'm not different from other kids as I always consider myself but I don't believe her stories because I no that I'm different from others and nothing I can do about it.

The avoidance I receive daily from other kids has made loneliness my must favorite moment to think and encourage myself when watching the dearing images on my wall.

when I'm bored watching the stack of acient pictures on my wooden shelf, I will sleep off.

The cracking sound of the golden flower jar at the edge of my bed waked me. I rolled to and fro from

my bed looking for my cloth.

I couldn't find it, I stand up with my body uncovered exposing the mark on my them.

I bowed before my mum and sat at the Royal chair very close to my dressing mirror.

The scent of the flower she is stuffing inside the flower jar mde me feel good.

My mother loves me a lot and she always make sure that I have whatever I needed.

"How was your night Oliva?"

"I slept well, mum how is my father?"

"He is very good but he went off with the chariot very early this morning".

I watched her through the mirror as move around the room arranging the things I have put off from shape,

She did told me that she was seventeen years old when she got married to my father the king.

The marriage was not actually a love founded one,

her father married her off to my father when their kingdom was under attack.

AZARD was my mum's home land

Her father meet with Arsgard king Hemsworth III who was my father's Dad then, my mum was used as dowry to pay back Arsgard for helping to conquer Ashvill.

The story she tells me sometimes makes wonder how she managed to conceive me through my father.

"When I got married to your dad, I was just a little princess that enjoy sitting in my little garden watching some brightly colored butterflies sucking on a bright flowers."...

It was never my intention to marry your father,

he is a man I have never meet for the first time in my life;

I have heard many things about him, I was told by my maidens that he's very brutal and killing someone is never a problem to him.

"what I feared most was not the breath taking description of your father.

what I feared most was birth pain and the fear of making love with him,

I could have flee to another land but that could be very foolish of me.

Running away could have put both my life and the life of my people in danger,

it's a fate that I as a princess will never run away from, I have no say since it's a matter of life and death of my people."

I listened closely as she tell her story, I realized that

Her thick shinny black hair looks so unkept and messed up.

Her white night gown looking so shabby exposing her red nipples. I tried not to look twice by closing my eyes.

"mum, you look so unkept what's wrong?"

I am becoming so uncomfortable now and I said that trying to know if she could restructure herself.


"Oliva what's the problem?

She ask turning away from the bunch of flowers she was stocking into a golden flower jar that's at the corner of my bed, she came closer to me dragging her sweet honey scent that she always go about with.

The scent always make me feel like hugging her all the time.

I can't believe that she is my mother because she looks so young and beautiful.

many could not believe whenever she is called the mother to the fearful prince of Arsgard.

"Can you help me comb my hair?"

I ask trying to know if she could stop staring at my face through the mirror.

"why not?"

She walks to me closely, took a spiky golden comb and started working easly on my white silky smooth long hair.

"Mum, why do I look different from others?

She stopped instantly and breath heavily as her slim slender hand shakes, a warm air from her nostrils brushed my face.

"Oliva, what difference?"

she asked me pretending and trying to hide her sudden change but her voice betrayed her due to its unsteadiness.

I got angry but was able to subsidize it immediately.

"Mum don't pretend as if you don't know and see the differences"

"Son, you're normal and their is no difference between you and other kids okay"


I called turning round to face her with my white hair on my hand.

"you call this normal right?

a white hair that illuminates in the night! a dark blue eye that turns red like a burning coal when I'm angry!

A taste for blood and raw meat when I'm hungry?

A heart piercing noice every night when I'm sleeping?

been avoided by my mate at the playground?

Mum are these normal life?

Tears rolled down my eyes, I tried to control it but I couldn't, I wept on my mum's arm allowing my burden to flow with my tears.

scene III

I walked through the dark tunnel of the secret understand ground cementery, passing by thousands of open graves, I did not go through the dark tunnel because I like it, I was trying to avoid my mates that loves calling me a white haired wizard.

The tunnel leads to the main castle where my father lives. I came into the well decorated palace, I walked to my father's room.

I saw him facing the map of another kingdom I believe he was about to go and conquer.


He turned around with the cup of red wine on his hand.

"Oliver, what brought you here?"

"I came to know how your journey was, mum told me that you left very early today"

He narrowed his dearing eyes, he walked to me and stoop down looking at me.

"that is very good of you, it was a nice journey"

He breath heavily before he stood up.

"Oliva I have e never been a good father I was mean to be but I promise,

"You will get to know everything about yourself someday okay.

"go back to your chamber and have some rest because tomorrow, you will be going to the north to join the army, there you will make new friends."

This sounds so weird but golden to me because this was actually the first time I'm seeing my father talk to me in such low and lovely tune.

I hugged him and wept on his broad shoulders.

I can feel his strong structure because this was actually the first time I'm hugging him and I don't want to let go of him.


As usual, I was woken up very early in the Morning by CARLOS my friend who was never afraid of how I look.

He has been my personal servant ever since their kingdom (ALTRON) were conquered by Arsgard some years ago.

Carlos was one of the lucky survivors who were taken alive and luckily enough, he was taken to the Royal castle as a servant.

I liked him from onset because of his courage and bravery.

apart from my mum and dad, He was actually the first human that ever talked to me despite my strange looking nature, I toke him as a reliable friend and he values me like a brother.

"Prince Oliva, wake up, its time for breakfast.

He stood shaking my head.

"Hey Carl, good morning"

I said trying to remind him what he should say first.

"Sorry my prince!!

it's okay and I'm telling you this again, my name is Oliva not prince okay"

He nod his head making his curly black hair to swing up and then down.

I love black curly long hair but mine was heartbreaking. I'm always jealous of Carlos whenever I help him comb his hair.

" you will be leaving to the northern part of the kingdom tonight

do you know that?

"yeah, the king told me that last night.

"clan of the soldiers, at the heart of the desert, a waste land, you're going to be a soldier?

Carlos was staring at me with such a funny face and was wondering how I could hear that and still stay cool.

"Carl, I have been suffering from loneliness for many years now"

you've given all you could possibly give just to make me happy and I really appreciate it"

this castle has been a hell to me and I think it's time to look for my place else where.

Moving to the north with a new identity will definitely give me a new life.

Now Carl I will be very happy if you could go to the north with me".

"Well Oliva it's not something we can discuss now

and mind you, they're many waiting for you at the dining."

"Yeah but I have to take my bath"

"Your bathe is ready"


You really want to know what makes me look very different from other people? Now hear this.

I have been facing so many challenges in terms of making friends.

I don't really know much about the way noble people are treated amongst the commoners,

but i know that a prince shouldn't have a problem in making friend but

mine was a different tale. Every body that works at the Royal castle avoids me like a plague for a reason best known to them.

One of the things that makes me look very different is my long white hair that glows dazzling white whenever I'm happy or emotional.

, Scene visit

I was alone at my mother's garden watching the beautiful flowers blossom to the peace wave coming from a place I don't know.

I heard a noice coming from a distance, I could tell that it's the white Burney rabbit my mum has been keeping as a pet.

I took it up feeling it's heartbeat and smooth body

it's white fur look very much attractive to me.

I was suddenly distracted by an invisible figure which flashed it's shadow at my presence,

I try to catch a glimpse of the shadow but it suddenly disappeared to the air.

"Who is that?"

I asked looking around because I can feel the presence of someone around me and it's evilness.



I called but none answered me, I tried to know if I could read the presence but could not.

This is really strange to me because it was the first time I'm having difficulty in reading someone presence around.

I can sense the evilness and breathe taking odour of the person.

I dropped the rabbit and stood up with my fingers folded trying to figure out what is happening.

A very dark shadow arose in my front,

a mighty dragon that was believed to be the god of the Seven Seas which flows round the Seven mighty Kingdom of North.

The dragon was very scary and powerful that when it fully arose from the water, it could sweep off the kingdom with one of it's wings.

legend says that it can kill with just a breath from it's nostrils and when it opens it mouth, it pours out fire more deadly than a volcano.

Its can shape shift into anything that's around it.

thick veil covered the whole garden.

All I can see now is myself going deep down into a dark tunnel.

My hair magically grow longer and more white.

It started glowing more than before.....

"prince Erik Hemsworth, the reincarnated god of light"

A deep powerful and bone rattling voice called from the dark tunnel which seems as if it has no end.

In a calm voice I said to the unknown being.

"My name is Oliva not Erik, you've taken a wrong person"

"Hahahah...Oliva. is that what they call you?

The voice which is more deeper now asked hysterically.

"That is not what they call me, its who I'm"

I said this trying to hide my fear.

"god of light, a fearless and brutal being that spares not the life of anything different from human, you Enjoy blood more than the fine wine Arsgard produce'

"how did you get to know that?"


" Erik I can help you know more about yourself on a condition"

I started feeling some piercing pain at my shoulders, it feels as if something was growing out of it.

I groan in pain, a pair of white mighty feathers started coming up very fast.

I felt a mighty power taking control of my body and soul and this compelled me to speak to the invisible beast.

"I'm the crown prince of the great Arsgard, you can't give me a condition and I command you to tell me all I need to know about myself"

"Erik god of light, you're in my realm and your order don't work here"

but if you must know who you're, you have to give me a strand of your hair"

"A strand of my hair?

I can't do that.

I couldn't stand the stench of a burning flesh I'm perceiving as the darkness becomes more thick with rumbling of thunder and lighting.

"Erik god of light, you're stubborn and hard to deal with but I assure you one thing....

Oliva.... Oliva get up.... what's wrong with you? hey you there go get the herbalist immediately.

prince Oliva.

After so many effort from many hands that has been running all over my body, I was able to gather some strength after many attempt.

Scene vi

Opening my eyes, I could see that I'm in my bed with white warm cloth on my forehead..... looking up, I see Carlos sitting at the edge of my bed with his eyes closed in a deep sleep.

I smiled at him and stood up and put on my clothes then tap him on the face.

"My prince, you're awake?

Thank goodness..

carl, what happened to me?

"one of the guards found you laying unconscious at the Queen's garden and he called for help"

The door opened slightly. My dad and mum walked in with the guard. My dad asked Carlos and the guard to leave the room.

they both left the room, my mum sat at the edge of my bed and my dad stand staring at me.

"Oliva how are you doing?

My Dad asked looking worried.

I'm okay

"No you don't look okay, you look so pale and exhausted"

The queen who looked so worried said as she reached out for my chick.

"Mum I'm fine"

"Oliva since you claim to be okay.....get prepared because you will be traveling through the desert tonight with three soldiers to the wasteland of Zamorah to join the army"

"My lord, he just recovered from what you and I can't explain and you saying that he will be traveling through the desert tonight"

Don't you care at all about the safety of him at."

I can see tears dropping from my mother's innocent face, she try to persuade my father to postpone the journey to another day,

but I know my father very well, to change his mind is very far from his opinion because he believes that what makes you a man and a king is your ability to maintain your words no matter what.

I can see fear in his face and how fast his heart beats but he can never revoke his words.

He bent over and took the face of my mother that is already soaked with tears, he cleared it with his palm then took her up.

"My lady, I'm not happy about sending my son to the Wasteland of Zamorah to join the army, but you should know that he is no longer safe in the castle.

Humans, Demons and Witches are after you, willing to kill him...but

"But what your majesty'

I can see anger in my mother's face, My father goes closer making both of them looking at each other on the face.

I Know you loved your son very well and believe me when I say to you....if you really care for him, you have to send him away to another clan.

He is not well known by the people except those that live in the palace and some magical being"

I can see a new hope on my mother's face, she sniffed and hold my father's hand.

"what should we do?, how are we going to Chang his identity and appearance?

"We give him a new name, get new clothes for him and maybe dye his hair"

"What name shall we call him?


My father raised his head up with his eyebrows raised in shock, mum was dumbfounded.

"I choose Erik, that is my new name..


yes your majesty

They both looked at each other .

Get prepared for the journey.

Dad I would love to go with Carlos.

No problems, I will send somebody to come and get your hair dyed and call Carlos to pack all you could need for the journey.


Very cold at the middle of the desert, a very thin little air was taking some particle of dust up to the sky tracing a visible spiral line at the face of the bright moon.

A white smoke rose to the sky from the camp where some group of men are resting with their camels.

We approached the camp , having just our bags one of the warior near the feet of the shadows causing it to stop instantly.

"all trespassing is considered as an abomination to this desert so be you what, I order you to retrace your feet if you love them."

One of the people sitting near the glowing fire threatened as he draw two arrow from his back setting to shoot if the shadows makes any further movement.

with his loud voice, others started coming out of their tent heavily armed with sword, bow and arrows, slings, javelins, boomerang and some other dangerous weapon you could ever think of.

A tall heavy man walks through the middle of the blood thirsty warriors with his sword ready to strike anything that could make a move.

"Hey...five idiots, what brings you to this wasteland of Zamorah at this time?

"we're citizens of Zamorah and we've come to be enrolled into the army"

"unmask yourselves, so that I can have a better view of you."

The five shadows lower their Vails exposing their handsome faces.

"Good.. but I have never set my eyes on any of you for once, you sure you are from Zamorah?"

The hug warior came closer examining the hand and body stature.

"Yes, we are descendants of Thedeus the great warior Arsgard have ever seen,

"we have been living in the South off the Green valley as hired labourers"

One of the five answered showing no sign of fear as he stand face to face with the hug warior.

"unarm yourselves and come forward so that my comrades will have a look.

They don't have much on them, except five daggar and two linen backs that contains clothe and foods so they surrendered all these as they move forward to the group of soldiers.

"What is your name?

One of the soldiers who looks like he is second in command of the warriors asked looking at one of the five with a cold eye.

My name is Ca.....

"hey... stop, I did not ask you okay"

"The young tall one with slim body and a longer hair, what's your name?"

"It's Erik"

"Erik, it sounds a bit familiar to the name of a god that once ruled this Arsgard."

He stands from where he was sitting moved closer to Erik, he goes round him for some minutes and then stand at the back of Erik, he took off the cloth covering half of Erik's face, he brought his face closer to Erik's neck and goes back a bit,

He then faced others with a hard deep voice

You what's your name?


"Carlos, the name sounds like an Ashvill's

feeling your hand, it looks so soft and the look in your eyes tells me that you have never raised a sword before."

"You with blond hair what's your name?

I'm Gerald

"you, what's your name.

It's Neil

"you what's your name?"


He goes back to the huge Warrior whisper something to him, they come closer to Erik with a dearing look on their faces.

"Erik you look exactly like the coursed prince of this kingdom, what makes the difference is just that you have black hair, his was white that shines bright."

After taking a deep stare at Erik, he takes some step backwards facing the five of them.

"Both of you have the stature of a warrior except Carlos, he could be sent back home by our Lord when we take all of you to the city in the morning."

My name is Armstrong, chief in command of the fifth Battalion of Arsgard Warriors and he is Viktor the viper my subordinate"

come over to the fireplace and rest for tomorrow, we will journey to the city to get you started.

They moved forward to the fire and sat down... opening one of their bags, Carlos shared a loaf of bread they had, He intended to give the remaining to the other soldiers but none collected it.

"So, what's life like as a soldier in the desert?"

Gerald who looks more intelligent and matured asked shifting one of the burning woods to make the fire burn more.

"Life has been good but challenging at times....king Hemsworth Iv is a very good man, he provides every necessary thing we need in the desert, food, cloths, water, meat, weapons and armor.

Viktor looked so mean while saying this as he fixed eyes on the raging fire with his hand crossed on his knees.

'we could do anything within our power to protect King Hemsworth and this kingdom from other kingdoms."

Armstrong added as he raise his sword to the sky.

"You said the prince is coursed?

why and how?"

Both Carlos, Gerald, Neil and Smith looked at each other as Erik asked the question.

looking well, you can tell that his dark blue eye was about to change showing that he is angry.

Carlos was very close to him, he gave him a smooth beat at his back to calm him down before he got exposed.

"My name is Sarpowasky,

I have been a guard at the palace for the past fifteen years and I can tell you half of the palace mystery.

"Erik, you look exactly like prince Oliva,

the difference is your black hair.

I can't tell much about the prince but the reason why many believed that the prince was coursed is because of his hair color which was believed that the white witch said not to be shaved, for the day it's shaved he will die.

His eyes was said that it burns like a coal and it protect him from black witches and demons because he can see clearly in the darkest place.

He doesn't eat normal like other human,

He drinks blood instead of wine, he eats fresh meat instead of normal food we eat.

He was believed to be the god of Light whom prophecy said will be reborn but many don't believe he is the god of light that will be reborn they say that he is a demon because of his hair.

"But to me, I believe that he's the reborn god of Light because I was there when he was born, I saw the sign that shows that really, he is.

"There's a prophecy that says something that even the deaf could hear clearly;

"On a certain a season, during the time of war and famine, the wall of the mighty kingdom will be laid waste, the fountain that waters the heart of the desert will turn into a lava, burning with an unqunchable fire of the enemies, it will turn into a desert and the tree that provides shelter to all the bird of the air shall be cut off.

the land and hand that creates war vessel shall be slain by the work of their hand.

The creatures they despise will hunt and kill them for fun and other kingdoms that feeds from the crumbs that falls from their dining table will make fun out of them.

but before then, the god of light that ruled them during their young age will be reborn from the Royal family, and he will save those that believes"

"' Tht is the prophecy....we have been training so hard so that we can stand strong during those days and have been calling for more men to come into the fold."

it's a prophecy that can't be changed and we the Arsgard Warriors believe we can survive that."

"This is very awkward"

"Gerald, you and your friends will use one of the tent tonight, rest and get prepared for tomorrow, I and my men will be on a night watch, good night.

Good night brothers.

Gerald, Erik and three others were left at the fire place.

There was a deep silence amongst the five as they keep staring at each other sheepishly.


"yes your majesty"

"Gerald stop that, don't call me that, we are no longer in the castle, we all are soldiers now"

" yes Erik but that won't take away the fact that you're the prince of this kingdom....the king to be and as well the reincarnated god of light."

"Gerald do you believe that I'm the reincarnated god of light?"

"My prince I was there the day you were born and I'm so blessed that I witnessed the birth of a god."

"I, Neil and Smith was there, we saw how it happened, that's why his Majesty, your father believed that you will be more safe in our company since we were able to hide the secret from others.

Erik takes in a heavy breath, trying to calm himself down.

"Gerald, do you think I can live up to the expectation of whom you believe that I'm?"

" I can't say anything about what you can do my prince"

Erik direct his gaze at Carlos who is speechless as he listens to what they're saying.

"carl,what is your opinion on this?"

"my prince, I have no word to give out here, I'm just an outcast, so my opinion is limited as far as Arsgard is involved"

"my prince, I think it's time to go to bed, go get a little rest, I and Neil will keep watch outside your tent while Carlos and Smith stays indoor with you."

'okay, Gerald, please be careful and watch over yourselves."

I waked up very early in the morning, though I can tell that I didn't wake before others but it's very early when I waked up.

I sat on the spreadsheets for some moment thinking about the dream I had last night,

looking around, I see Carlos sleeping peacefully I turned to the left to see if Smith had a good sleeping time but I couldn't find him there, turning toward Carlos to wake him up, Smith walked in well dressed.

"My prince get prepared, it's time to go into the city."

"Alright, how is Gerald and Neil?"

"They're good, they are waiting outside;

Smith direct his gaze at Carlos who was very deep in sleep.

"Carlos, wake up and prepare the prince and meet up with us outside the tent.

Coming out of the tent, what I saw was very impressing, all the soldiers are well armed standing tall and strong, seeing how they are silently talking to each other with smiling face and sometimes laughing heavily, you could see that there's a lot of love amongst them.

"Gerald we have ninety men here and it will be wrong to go into the city with all of them, so I and fifteen others will be going with you into the city; the horses are all girdled and ready to go.

"That's good sir, let's go then.

We rode on a white horse with a great speed, going through many Sandy area, passing through many small villages. I can see many little children whom I believe are been brought to be a warrior.

They show no sign of fear even though the speed we are going with should be something that can scare a ghost. I later realized that the white horse we rode on means peace.

We arrived at a great Wall with a massive black gate. looking up at the top of the wall, there's thousands of archers fully armed with their bows and arrows well set on their hand.

We rode toward the massive black gate.

With a wave of the hand we alight from the horse back.

Sarpowasky walked to the soldiers standing at the front of the gate, they shake hands and kept discussing, after some moment the gate opened with such an ear piercing noise.

A beautiful young lady came through the gate... walking towards us....I couldn't hold myself, it feels like there's an unknown energy dragging my inner spirit toward her.

my heart beats faster than before,

She has a blue eye which is more pleasing than mine. with her red lips and curly brown hair it will be very hard to asserting if she is a human or ghost.

With my spirit I can feel how smooth flexible her body is..

looking more closely at her I did find more amazing thing about her.

i started having some strange feeling about myself.

Someone touched my shoulder, I turned around to look, it was Carlos covering my hair, it's turning white.

"My prince don't allow your feeling to over power you; consider talking to her later okay"

I looked around to know if anyone Was watching, no body noticed what happened except Carlos, Gerald, Neil and Smith because their eyes is always on me.

"Shall we?"

The voice sound so angelic to me, I turned to see who is talking and surprisingly, it was the female warrior.

she came closer to me and took off the Vail Carlos used to cover my hair.

She raised a strand of my hair which has turn into the black it was before.

i thought she saw the change before and I was shaking with fear, the first time i feared my fellow being.

"You have such a nice hair"


She moved her body in such a rethymical way as though she walks with the wind.... going to Sarpowasky, she hugged the fat strong man..I just felt like laughing, she sunked into the arm of Sarpowasky like an air.

"Lord Cyrus is waiting for your arrival at the banquet hall, so don't keep him waiting."

We left the horse at the gate with the guards, we go through a narrow path before coming to an amazing field, a field that's twice the size of the Royal castle, now I'm beginning to doubt the story that says something like "Arsgard is the smallest dynasty".

The field is so wide and well fenced with copper cable.

There's beauty in the field.

There are millions of young men and women training with many different type of weapons.

The swordmen are all in a black armor and a red cloak , the ladies with swords are clothed with red armor with blue cloak.

The archers are in the same uniform of all white, the Chariot are pink, they are many soldiers with different dressing code; the color combination was just amazing.

We approached a well decorated building with two soldiers standing at the entrance, we entered inside the hall with long dining table with thousand of chairs arranged at the both side. Standing at the first end, you could hardly see the face of the person sitting at the other end.

"Have a seat Sarpowasky, the five with you should keep standing" A voice echoes from the deep end"

"Thank you Lord Cyrus"

"What brings you to the City?"

"My lord, it's nothing serious, I have brought in one of us who have been living as labourers at the South, according to them, they have come to be registered as warriors."

"What are their names?"

"My name is Gerald




I'm Erik

" Erik??? Hmm interesting, my name is Cyrus; the chief Warrior and the commanding warlord of the Arsgard Army, I'm the ruler of the vast territory of the wasteland of Zamorah..King Hemsworth has pledge to security of Arsgard into my hand because of my sincerity and integrity to him and I urge you to buy my trust with that;

"Here in Zamorah, the clan of warriors, we are brothers and sisters working to achieve the same goal,

"the goal we aim for, was for Arsgard to always be the dynasty that stands tall above every other dynasty.

" For we the Arsgard citizens to be respected and feared anywhere around the Earth.

"We aim to be the living that directs the will of the death, we aim for supernatural powers that could help us control mortal and immortal being.

" for us to achieve this, we born and train able bodied men as witchers, Wizard, and even blended ourselves with some creatures that are quiet different from us so that we can learn some unknown abilities from them.

"Three things I require from the five of you is sincerity, integrity and love.

Sarpowasky will read all the rules and regulations of this camp and make sure you obey them because once you fail any little of it, execution is the penalty.....and never try to escape the camp once you make a covenant with your blood because you can't, this desert is guided spiritually and physically.....

and never bother or be afraid of the beings I told you about for they're under a serious restrictions and control with some magic powers.

you can go now".

All these things really necessary for the safety of Arsgard?

I kept pondering what Lord Cyrus is saying.

blended with some being that are quiet different from us to learn more hidden things from them, this is strange and awkward.

this is really bad and this takes my thinking back to the prophecy I heard earlier, "the being you despise will hunt you down and make fool of you"

this is really weird and I believe my instinct when it tells me that repercussion will soon hit Arsgard.

We arrived at Sarpowasky's Chamber, we all were welcomed by his shinny young wife who was also a warrior and his two children, a boy and a girl who look exactly like him.

they are of the same height and age and probably they could be twin.

We went up through a well decorated stairs, coming up, we meet the same girl I saw at the city entrance, she look more beautiful now in her all white armor with her well designed and decorated bow on her hand.

thousands of metallic arrow are well arranged in a white arrow bag that is in her back.

I couldn't control myself staring at the beauty standing before me, I always believe that my mother was the most beautiful woman on Earth but this girl is making me doubt that.

I kept staring at her for long as she twist her lips to different shapes oozing many words in such a lovely tune as she talked with Sarpowasky.


my mind was cought up with Sarpowasky's wife voice which came from behind us.

"Food is ready, come over to the dining table all of you"

"well I have to go now, it's late already..... maybe when I come back from the camp I eat then"

"No, you're not going anywhere; you need to eat something first.

Sarpowasky's wife insisted that she should eat before going to the camp, I kept waiting for the moment her name will be mentioned but none called her by her name, I wanted to go through her mind but I don't trust myself, I might get exposed.

"Please can i ask you something?"

I looked behind to see if I heard well, it was the Voice of Neil whom I know that he never talk much or ask questions about anything before, he is well trained warlock who could perform any kind of magic you can ever think of, he can teleport to anywhere he wants, he is perfect in handling the sword, according to Gerald, Neil single handedly killed a hundred and fifty six of Ashvill's solders during a battle between them, He is very humble, Royal and trustworthy and maybe that is why he was selected to be my personal guide.

Smith is an agile and aggressive young man, he is an amazing warrior that is perfect in sword and arrow.

Unlike Neil, he talks a lot but can easily get angry.

Gerald is the combination of Neil and Smith, though he don't have magic powers but his skills in handling sword and arrow is breath taking, even magician can not withstand his speed and agility when fighting.

As a magician, before you could pronounce a spell, he is already on your nose.

I looked at Neil as he stand resting his back on the wall, Carlos was looking at him with amazement in his face. Neil looked back at us with a smile.

"yes my dear, what could be the question"

Sarpowasky's wife who looks like she is amazed too asked him.

"Where is the dining room located, I need to eat since none of you wants to eat; I'm very hungry and I can't hold back anymore"

I can see smile creeping out of everyone's face suddenly, everyone started looking at me, I realized that I have been laughing so loud, this was actually the first time I laughed and I really feel so amazing.

"Erik you look so handsome when you laugh"


The girl in white keep staring at me, I wanted to take off the black veil that has been covering my head since we arrived to the city but Carlos takes my hands down.

"Sir you need to excuse me and Erik, I and him need to go the chamber you showed us as our own, so that we can help Smith and Gerald to put everything in place, Neil will be at the table with you till we come"

Carlos dragged me with force down the stairs taking some short cut till we get to our chamber.

"What's it"

Gerald and Smith asked at the same time as we came inn unannounced.

"It's your prince, he have gotten us exposed at Sarpowasky's Chamber."

I was happy at Sarpowasky's house, in the presence of his household, this is not good, I went straight to a mirror and took my veil off.

my hair is all white and shinny, I lay down helplessly on the bed. with tears all over my face

"What should we do now?"

"I believe they didn't see his hair, what we should do now is to get a dye and paint the hair again".

"where's Neil"

"He is with Sarpowasky at the dining room"

"Is he aware of this?"

"yes he noticed it first, I took the prince away pretending to be busy with work here".

I looked so helpless on the bed, tears streamed down my chick, I become so angry at myself.. my anger overpowered me though I wanted it to; I loose control of myself and become weird.

I, Carlos have been with the prince right from the day I was taken as a prisoner on the chaotic war that broke between Arsgard and Ashvill. Ever since I knew Prince Oliva or rather prince Erik, I have seen many strange and dark things about him... I have never been afraid of him knowing fully well that he can't kill or hurt me as long as I play by his rules which includes leaving him alone when he is not in a good mood, not to make him angry, getting him some row beef to eat every morning and making him to feel loved when he is lonely.

Though, human with super natural powers like Erik are very unpredictable sometimes because the power possessing them can make them act other way you never expected.

I have been told that Erik has the power to shape shift into a mighty and fierce being with wings that could weep the entire castle away when he launches himself into the air.

I never believed this till this day, after meeting with Lord Cyrus, the Leader of the Zamorah desert.. we went down with Sarpowasky to show us where we will be sleeping as a new recruits, something that made Prince Erik angry happened.. Excessive happiness or anger can make his white silky hair to glow dazzling white..

After seeing a girl which I believe he has feeling for at Sarpowasky's Chamber, this I believe made him happy

the happiness overflowed and the sudden change started taking place, I wanted to prevent Sarpowasky and his family from seeing him.

I took him to our Chamber immediately,

Erik sank into the bed with tears on his eyes, I try calming him down but something out of ordinary happened.

his dark blue eye burn red, his silky white hair glow with such a powerful and blinding white, his skin becomes golden as white Wing shoot out of his back.

A mighty wings that could cover the whole room if spread.

Erik turned into the most beautiful and amazing creature I have ever seen.

The White resilience of his hair illuminates the whole room.

We all stand in awe as he lift himself for about twenty five inches above us.

Suddenly, Neil slightly opened the door and walked in slowly looking at the floating body of Erik.

Neil's eyes become black as he hume some silent words out and with so much effort, he created a triangular shape in the air with his hand, he said some strange word with a loud voice and pushed the glowing triangle toward Erik which hits him like a splash of water.

The triangle hit the helpless dazzling and floating body of Erik with might force which lifted us all off our feet

Erik looses his balance and he slowly landed on the bed and started to return to his normal self again.

I watched Prince Erik as he lay down as though there's no life in him.

I turned to Neil whom I never know he has a magic powers,

He looks so exhausted, I went closer to him to know if I can be of help.

getting closer to him, i see blood coming out of his nose and mouth because of the powerful magic he just performed,

I took a white pice of cloth to clean the blood but his dark eyes frightened me

"Carl, don't come closer;" This word shakes my bone, he turned to Smith and Gerald who are still looking shocked,

"I can't tame him anymore, he is matured now and we can't afford to lose him"

Getting up from his knees, he sat at one of the chairs as he cleared the blood with his hand.

"What should we do now, since you can't tame him any longer,

it simply means that we could get exposed someday."

I can see fear in the eyes of Smith as he says all this.

"Neil you will go to the castle tonight and tell his Majesty what just happened now"

After saying this, Gerald goes closer to Erik who is still unconscious and used the blanket to cover half of his body.

"Lord Gerald, going to the castle to inform the king now can be more dangerous"

Neil assured as he gets up and goes closer to the sleeping prince and observes him.

"Neil you can teleport"

Gerald asked as he walked round with his arm folded

"Yes but there are many eyes watching us through crystal balls, they can trace us through my scent and Portal which I passed through and once they get here, they will kill the prince since he have not learn how to use his power."

We kept quiet and keep looking at Erik as he move one of his fingers.

"What we can do now is to keep hiding him with more sensitive eyes till he learns how to handle the sword and after that, we take him to the East coast to stay with the witchers, he will be more safe there".

"Carlos, the prince takes you like a brother and trusted you more than his father, he has defended you in many occasions, he has saved your life many time, he has given you the privilege to eat from the Royal plate that we as a warrior and a pure blood of this kingdom has never had the opportunity to do, you know almost all his secret and he is ready to waste his life for you and now is the appointed time to repay the good work"

"You all should know that many demons inform of human came in to join the army of Arsgard immediately they know that the prince is here, about thousand of them, they can sense the presence of him but can't tell who he is except in his original form which four of us have seen now"

"So Carl, I'm not asking much from you okay all I want you to do is be more mindful and watchful of what the prince eat, who he talks to and where he goes"

Prince Erik has saved me in many occasions and I'm ready to give my life to save him from those who wants to kill him.

Neil deep his right hand into one of the pocket inside his black long jacket and brought out four black bracelet, he shared it to us and asked us to put on, we did and he then bring out a white necklace with a scary head of a wolf that has such a sharp fangs and a piercing eye, he put it on Erik's neck.

He brought out bracelet made with silver balls, he enchant it with some unfamiliar words and put on Erik's hand.

" the necklace will make him invisible at the eyes of the demons and some other wicked being that could seek to kill him, the bracelet will keep his inner being from surfacing and once the balls on it starts vibrating, make sure you take him out of the place immediately."

After Neil finished saying all this, he stood up and asked us to stand up, we did.

" Put on the bracelet, it connects us together in the spirit and it can help us out with each other's security, it can help you dictate demons and some other magical creatures by making a little noise that you alone can hear and most importantly, it help to teleport you to any place you wished by saying the name of the place and rubbing it. And remember, don't use it for a selfish interest.

After saying that we all put it on, I'm very glad to have such a gift and now my mission of saving the Prince is a bit easier and I can't wait to experience teleportation.

Gerald steps up, straights up his hand as he clinch his fist Smith did his and Neil straight his, Gerald looked at me inviting me to join so I raised my hand with fist,

we joined it together and with a metallic voice Gerald said

"Arsgard pledge to the Royal family"

" With my soul heart and spirit, I pledge to give my life for the glory and safety of Arsgard royalty, to protect and guide the future of this Kingdom from any foreign powers and rules, with my blood I pledge".

After saying this, Erik coughed, he sat at the edge of the bed looking tired and helpless, his hair was a mess, he tried to get up but he slumped back to the bed we rushed and held him, he sat back, his hair was still dazzling and his eye have a ring of hot coal in his dark blue Iris, it makes his eyes look so charming.

The red ring appears in his eyes whenever he is hungry and needed to eat row meat, I stood up to go get some row meat from Sarpowasky's wife but Neil brought out a fresh meat neatly cut and packaged.

He put it on a plate, he also brought out a bottle of blood, he gave him this, Erik took it from him and eat like he have never eaten for so many months now.

Just some moment after eating, his eyes turned to it's original color.

Without wasting much time, I started dying his white hair, the hair seems to be so hard and sharp than before.

I worked on it so easily not to get him pissed again.

Just a moment after the dying, the bracelet on my hand make a little noise, I looked at Gerald, Neil and Smith, they both looked at me, it seems like their bracelet also made the same sound, with the wave of hand, Neil magically rearrange the room.

it looks so neat that you could hardly notice that something strange happened here.

Gerald gave me a node to open the door.

I opened the door, It was the female warrior, she is on black cloth.

"Can I come in?"

I looked at her for some moment I observed that she only came with a sword,

she looks like she have been in the battlefield for the rest of the day.

I looked at Gerald seeking for a permission to open or close, he nodded for opening approval,

I opened the door for her slowly, she walks in observing the room, she moves her eyes to all the corner of the room, she looked at Gerald, Neil and Smith.

After looking at them she direct her eyes to where Prince Erik was sitting, Prince Erik looked at her back so sheepishly, she moved her little red lips as though she wants to smile but rather she shouted at Gerald whom she believes was our superior.

"Why did you all fail to show up at the training?

you kept Sarpowasky and Lord Cyrus waiting at the field today and you have gotten two of them angry with you".

We kept quiet as though she doesn't exist, she got angry.

"If you're not ready to talk, no problems but you all are needed at Lord Cyrus Chamber tomorrow,

"we have about thirty thousand able bodied men registered today and if you don't get focused, all of you will be dispatched before tomorrow afternoon".

Thirty thousand recruiters?

I can see the sudden change of expression in the face of Neil and Smith and Gerald.

I have nothing to say, it's just that thirty thousand recruiters are demons in human form here for Erik who I believe never knew what is at Zamorah desert for him.

She turned to leave the room but the most lovely voice I have never heard before speaks,

"Wait a few moment brave soldier, do you mind introducing yourself to us"

we all turned in amazement to the lovely voice of Erik.

"He is back"

Neil said out of astonishment.

The lady turned as she looks toward Erik.

"do you have a name?"

"my name is....emm, yes I have a name, It's Susan"

" you have such a wonderful name, so Susan any other day you meet strangers, always speak nicely to them and always maintain your dignity and respect their privacy,

les you hear what will mislead you okay,

now go tell Lord Cyrus that we will be at the training field very early tomorrow and tell Sarpowasky that something came up that's why we were unable to make it to the camp,

make it clear to him about how remorseful we feel for making him angry,

now go and tell him that"

She walked out of the room, Erik went back to the bed we kept staring at him as though we never seen him before.

"why are you all looking at me like that?

go have your night rest because tomorrow is going to be a tough one"

He then turn to the wall, I carefully studied his back because he had no cloth on top of his body, I see some little trace of line that runs from back of his shoulder down to his waist.

it's four lines emerging from a deep wound on his shoulder.

it was so deep that you could put your two hands on them, little trace of blood was dripping down from it.

it's probably where that his wings might have came out from, I can imagine the type of pain that the prince is passing through now, as he keep turning shoulder by shoulder, he can't lay down with his back because of the pain.

I can't bear seeing him in such pain, he didn't say anything about what he is going through but a look at him will explain everything to you.

I took a warm wet towel to clear the dripping blood but Neil told me not to do it that they will heal before day breaks.

This means that he will keep suffering this till day break, I wanted to help reduce the pain but I'm afraid of what might happen because Neil who knows much about what the prince can do when pissed have told me not to go anywhere closer to him especially now that he has admitted that he can't tame him anymore with his magic.

We sat together discussing what we could do to hinder the prince from been exposed someday

Neil made it clear to us that when Erik becomes unstable that he could overpower the bracelet and his inner spirit will surface, the only thing that the bracelet will do was to help cajole him at the first stage of his transformation and that's why I will need to take him out of any place he is immediately my bracelet makes any noise.

It's going to be a big work for me because I know Prince to be a very stubborn being and very hard to convince, how to make him go in and out of a place when this bracelet makes noise will be very hard for me,

East coast could have been a better place for him to be, to go become a Witcher but a Witcher that could not handle a sword is as good as dead.

Smith took out his daggar and placed it on the round wooden table and lay on the bed with Erik, Gerald sat on the floor with his head on the wall, he fixed his gaze on the roof with his eyes widely open.

Neil whom I have never seen sleeping before, sat on the couch with his eyes widely open. I kept thinking about happened, how the prince changed so sudden,

my thinking drive me to the world unknown, silence overpowered me as my eyes shut down and the room become dark. My body becomes weak, I battled effortlessly to keep my eye open but couldn't, I feel off from reality. What is happening?"

The day was still dark and everywhere looked so unfriendly to Susan as she walked to and fro in her well decorated room.

It's a little girl's room and all manner of sparkling material is here or there,

there's a large royal bed at the corner of the room, a massive mirror hanged on the wall at the left side with table beneath it,

on the table are well arranged beauty costumes and some newly plucked red roses which gives the room some fresh scent.

There was a jar under the table which contains some precious jems and jewels. They are the spoils she gets from many battles she have won with Arsgard Warriors.

At the another side of the room, was a huge furniture which contains her clothes and armory and some other things she may never want anyone to see or know about.

Her silver sword was on the table that stands at the middle of the room, the room was painted with red wax and the floor has red rug, standing beside the entrance was a huge candle stand that has six red candles burning with much effort as it light and warm the room. The room looks so amazing with its color but not with a visitor, you could get scared in the night as a visitor because everything in the room looks like its raining blood.

At the back of the huge furniture was a tinny black door that you could only get into it by squeezing yourself like a dead tree branch.

The door has been there for many years but she doesn't have the idea of what is in there and she have never made an attempt of opening it even though it often spark and a ray of blinding white light coming out from it.

The room has another two attached apartment, it's very small so she used them for kitchen and bathroom.

I was unable to get sleep into my eyes throughout the night, The room I grow up loving has become a nightmare to me.

Anytime I tried to sleep, I could hear my name been whispered into my ear.

Once I get up hoping to see someone but I can't see, though I can hear some footsteps on the stairs that leads to my room.

I often see shadows on my wall, a scary type.

This is the first time it's happening, I could hear a panting heartbeat and cry of someone that appears like it's running away from someone that's trying to kill it.

I could see blood streaming down the wall and the floor been flooded with blood and my bed burning with such a great fire, I tried to get off the bed but I'm always chained back by the red candles which have turned into six big demons, I tried screaming but it seems like my mouth has disappeared.

at the mirror, I can see Arsgard on fire with all the able Warriors we have produced in Zamorah been slain by some mystical beings like Werewolves, Trolls, Vampires, Demons and Elves, the blood of the dead Arsgard Warriors and the nobles flows from inside the mirror down to my room, everything in my room float on top of the blood.

The fire rages higher and higher, it burns my flesh with a great smell of sulphur, I tried to get loose but it seems like the more I try to get free the more tightened the chains becomes, the burning candles keeps laughing with such a horrific tune. Just when I was about to be totally consumed by the fire,

Someone that a word cannot describe appeared before me, he is all white; his hair, cloth and armor are all white

he has an eye that burns red, he have a mighty white wings.... He flew around Arsgard overshadowing the whole land with its wings with a lightning sword he said something that I don't understand because a knock come to my door and within a twinkle of an eye, everywhere changed to its normal position.

Was It was an illusion or should I say a vision but It look so real to me, I can't stand up to open the door.

After much knocking on the door I managed to get up walked toward the door, I opened it.. It was Clara my fellow archer.

"Susan, I have been knocking on your door since morning, what's happening?

"you look so shattered, what happened to you?

"Clara I'm fine I was overstressed yesterday that's why I'm still on bed"

"Okay, do you cook anything, I'm very hungry and I can't afford to go to the field this way"

"I have chicken and veggies in the kitchen, go put it in the oven"

"okay, go take your bath and get prepared so we could go together to the field, everyone is already at the place"

"Everyone?, Is Sarpowasky there?"

"yes and that five mysterious guys"

Hearing this my heart leaped, the image of Erik formed in my mind as goosebumps appears on my naked body that is soaked in a warm water,

I can imagine how his long silky smooth hair lit up the first time I saw him.

Though I see it as an imagination because I was far from him at the gate but what about the third time at Sarpowasky's Chamber, he might have some odd secret he is hiding and maybe that's why Carlos is always around him to have him covered.

But come to think of what I have seen, I strongly believe that the man called Erik is not an ordinary person judging by his look.

He looked so cute and handsome, his dark blue eyes can hold any lady down.

His red little lips and nose looks so perfect on his oval face.

His bearless face makes him look like a little girl.

His gold coloured skin could make you take him for dinner.

I will be the happiest person to have him as a friend or probably be his wife.

"Susan what's is keeping you at the bathroom?"

My thinking was immediately interrupted by the loud voice of Clara whom might have been tired of waiting.

"I will be ready in a few minutes"

I hurried to where Clara was eating chicken, I was wondering why Clara was staring at me so harshly.


why are you looking at me like you have seen a ghost?

"Susan, don't tell me that you don't have a towel"

I looked at her and then looked back at myself at the mirror, I realized that I'm naked, I have forgotten the towel at the bathroom.

"you pressured me and that's why I forget to cover myself up with the towel".

I behaved like nothing ordinary has happened as I moved closer to the mirror to have a closer look at my breast which looks more bigger than it was before.

looking at my red nipples makes me understand that I'm not longer the little girl I use to be. I felt them then turn to Clara smiling so sheepishly.

"you're a girl right?"


"good, I have nothing to hide from you and beside everything you've seen on me, yours is times two bigger than them"

"lie, your breast are bigger than mine and your bum are getting big"

"it's okay get up, we have to go before it will be too late."

It was a brand new day, full of new things known and unknown. Erik, Gerald, Smith, Neil and Carlos are all dressed in a black armory with red cloak, there are strand of white material wrapped at the breastplate of their uniforms.

They look so perfect on the costumes, the difference in their faces makes them look like a twins from different mother.

I don't really know why I feel so ease on myself, I felt a new energy.

A perfect energy that made me have peace of mind for the first time.

I was the first to wake up this morning except Neil, whom I never know if he sleeps at all.

I went straight to the bathroom without waiting for Carl to prepare the bathe.

I did it myself and I enjoyed doing it, I dressed up with the help of Neil, I put on the the armor they brought to us, Carlos waked up and prepared a fresh meat for me before preparing a roasted chicken and potatoes for themselves.

We stepped out of the room looking like witch hunters.

As we walk through the narrow path that leads to the field, I felt some dark power within me,

the wolf necklace that is on my neck vibrate violently, though I have it covered with my leather breastplate but you can feel it by looking at my chest.

the bracelet on Carl's hand vibrates also making the silver balls on them to swing with some noise coming from it.

Gerald, Smith and Neil approached immediately as we walk down to the front row.

I felt so uncomfortable here with the stench of a burning sulphur, I looked around to see if there's a furnace around but couldn't find any.

I looked at Gerald Neil and Smith with my face tightened up.

"Gerald, do you mind letting me and Carlos to go look around?"

"my prince, this place is not safe for you, and walking around with just Carlos will put your life in danger"

"I'm not comfortable here"

" And that's because you're a god, and you can't feel comfortable in the midst of demons, werewolves, and some unclean beings."

I looked at Neil as he says this, he never looked at me eyeball to eyeball, he faced the field watching the four soldiers fighting.

"Neil stop saying that, I'm not a god I'm just an ordinary human being like you"

"My prince, the earlier you accept whom you're the easier it becomes for Arsgard and you.

listen to me my prince, for you to overcome your enemies, you have to know whom you're"

"Please Gerald, I really need to take a break from here"

"if Neil should go with the two of you"

"no Gerald, Carlos is enough"

"He is not enough for your safety"

"Why do you always feel like I'm not safe at this place? and why do always try to protect me just like a child?"

Gerald turned facing me with a manly look on his face.

He have several marks created on his face with sword.

The one I always take so serious when looking at him was the one that runs from his forehead through his left eye down to his jaw.

Sometimes, it makes him look very handsome when smiling and sometimes makes him look urgly when he frowns his face, I believe it was a painful encounter the day that the sword run through his face and I feared the man that was able and brave enough to get close to Gerald in a battle to the extend of giving him such a mark.

Judging by what I have seen him do, I can say that he is a fearless and brutal man. with a sword in his hand, he can slay a half of all the soldiers Arsgard have. he moves like lightning in the battlefield and he has thousands of talent in handling a sword.

"you want to know the reason why I and others care for your safety so much?,

I was instantly brought back to reality.

" You're the prince of this land, the hand that will rule this Empire when your Dad the king is no more and apart from that, you're someone Arsgard can never afford to loose no matter what, if anything should happen to you...have it in mind that this kingdom will be sweep off with the broom of annihilation."

"it's okay, I have heard you, Neil and Carlos let's us go, I need a fresh air.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

DavidStiphenobinnacreators' thoughts
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