
first time I met you....

IN high school....all teacher were in the staffroom finding good students to make them Porocters ... Erik and allan were called by her class teacher and her teacher wants them to be the porocter of school .but all teachers want Erik become a head girl. ... ....Erik is very able girl .the first position holder in the school..a beatiful girl, has short black hair and about 5.4 feet tall and always focused on study ..while allan is also simple beatiful like fairy and has long golden hair she is very simple .she never put makeup because she doesn't need it.

when they were going to staffroom Erik saw Allan and it was not the first time she met her ...because one of her classmates is already her friend. ..she see her everyday at school but doesn't talk much just say "hi" to each other and that's sit. ..

Erik is in class 10th B and allan was in 10th C

they both have separate class and separated teachers but Erik class teacher is senior to Allan's teacher and she has responsibility of guiding school porocter to control the school

so Erik teacher wants Erik become a head girl and allan teacher wants allan become a head girl but after all ..

Erik teacher wants to make two head girls because the school is very big so it needs more than one porocter. ...at last both of them were selected as (the chief porocter)

chief porocters are very power at chief porocters have as much respect as teacher even they are normal student as others but still have alot of respect ..

in every school when chief porocter is passing through the Windows of the classes students become calm ...and afraid because of the power of the chief porocter rank....

they both were happy as they were given a high rank. .but suddenly Erik's teacher announced that Erik will be the first chief porocter and allan will be second.....when allan heard that ...her face became red because she wants to be the first one....

she was silient ... Erik walks towards her and says "hi allan congrats you got the rank of cheif porocter "she smiled and said "thanks and congrats you also got the the porocter ship".....Erik noticed her eyes are so beatiful and her eye lishes are long and curly. ...Erik said how can someone be beautiful like that...."it seems like first time I see you i didn't notice before " ...she woke up from her thoughts and said..we must work hard to control the school and now it our responsibly and be strict to student ...Erik said with straight face ... beacuse she is first porocter she can order ....Erik is very punctual and responsible so doesn't want something go wrong and her teacher become disappointed. ...but allan is little bit careless about porocter ship .....beacaus she Is not the first one....

next day Erik is walking in school towards her class so she heard students saying "ohhh god look at Erik she became chief porocter how lucky she is ...she is gonna be very respected" .... Erik smiled and keep walking.....

they both got porocter ship and they are together now..what gonna happen next...

Nasreen_Bibi_6731creators' thoughts