
Equipped: Armory of Legends

Park Jae Sung a prodigy of effort and care for the people he loved the most. But, he still lost everything. After 10 years of hard work, he manage to rise up from he ashes. With his self created companion by his side anything can be accomplished. Still, fate is not always as it seems. "Huh? A gift? Armory of Legends?" [Yes. Master will be able to summon legendary weapons from Earth to Etterra, enhance by the world energy.] [Excalibur, Ruyi Jingu Bang, Mjolnir, Poseidon's trident and many more. Master can equip them.] Join in the journey through the world of Etterra and see what happens when a prodigy and his companion crushes through it all.

IPNH · Fantasy
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64 Chs

Chapter 50: Pseudo Primordial


The shine on his chest had receded. The sound of the newly beating mana heart can be heard by Adrian and Cassie.

"The result is as to be expected. Only by breathing, I can feel mana flowing into me." Adrian felt proud that the modification is a success.

"You look different. Your presence is just like us but you are not." Cassie gives her comment after realizing the change to Adrian.

"That is a part of the idea came from. Don't think about it too much. We need to proceed with the second and final step now. "Adrian just skip Cassie's questions as he just had a little over 5-6 hours left until someone knock on the door.

"Aria, now it's your turn. I will continuously pump absorb mana, you need to split my mana passage and turn weave it into a mana vein as I cannot modify the soul yet." Adrian gives instructions on Aria on what to do.

The second step is using Eve's Mana Method to make a mana vein connecting to the core, that is the mana heart. Primordial decedents had mana passage to channel their mana but Eve's Mana Method can help to expand the passage into a vein. It sounds easy but it is actually difficult as mana passage is of spiritual manifestation, meaning it connected to the soul.

This is Adrian's improvement on Eve's Mana Method. He created a mana heart to compliment the mana vein. The mana heart exists between physical and spiritual form. It acts as a core to the soul and pysical body. All he needs to do now is building the mana vein by following Eve's Mana Method and connect it to his mana heart.

Eve's Mana Method needed to be practice in stages, as the more you advance in level the more mana one had. But Adrian is different, he wants to complete it in one swoop. With Eve's knowledge and experience he was able to make the modifications by adding Aria's assistance to made it into a reality.

[Responding. ARIA will be able to modify Master's mana passage after gaining permission by Master. Initiating Sub Skill: Marionette…]

[Notice. A massive amount of mana is needed. ARIA need to recreate the situation of transmigration in order to succeed.]

[Advice. Master needs the usage of both Durandal and Excalibur to made Master's idea into a reality.]

"So, it seems like I can wield 2 weapons at once but what is the point, I can only show only one weapon the public." Adrian felt disappointed as he had the Armory of Legends but can only show one legendary weapon.

[Selected: Excalibur]

"Equipped. Urgh… still so bright. So, how can we do this? I need both hands to create a circulating mana circuit with Durandal.". Equipping Excalibur still made the room shine as bright as the morning sun. Adrian becomes puzzled on Aria's suggestion

The bright light shines through his windows and the gap under his door. Hoping no one notice it.

Suddenly, the chains of the Grimoire of the Fallen suddenly begun to move. It warped itself on to the hilt of Excalibur and making it float.

"Aria? Did you calculate this will happen? Did this even count as 'wielding the weapon'?" Adrian did not expect the grimoire to move and hold Excalibur.

[... Yes]

"Uhh… okay then. I will be lying down now. Let's begin the operation. Remember Cassie, I will be leaking tons of mana in this operation. You can try to absorb it as it is my mana so you can advance." Adrian felt awkward all of the sudden but he just ignores it.

He lays down on the bloodied carpeted floor holding Durandal like a fallen knight but his hands are still in the same circuit position. Then, closing his eyes and begins to focus on circulating mana using his mana heart and Durandal.

Adrian lays down because the operation involves the soul. Pain to the soul can immediately made one faint lake the time Adrian is celebrating his 5th birthday.

Tons of mana begun to surge. If the Grimoire of the Fallen is not present the whole villa will be able to sense it excluding Marylyn, of course. The mana is first directed to the mana heart, as a storage condensing it to fit inside the heart.

"Ugrahh…" Adrian screams out in pain as his mana heart is just a new-born. The burden on it made him feel pain but he did not complain.

The process of gathering mana went on for three hours, even with the help of Durandal and the mana heart.

[Notice. Amount of mana had reached 11000 numerical values. Enough for one to become level 1 Sun Power. Conditions of the operation had been met. Master, please proceed.]

"Ugh… 'Primordial magic: Soul enhancement'." Adrian cast a spell that he takes from Eve studies in her later years. Magic runes begun to form on the floor, arrange it into a magic circle. The spell actually needs a lot of Light element and mana, but Excalibur's presence made it doable.

[Operation begins.]

After Aria's announcement, Adrian's mana passage begins to split in to tiny threads like the insides of a fibre optic cable. The mana from the passage starts to leak out from him.

"Argh…" Adrian begins to jolt in pain. His body actually jumped up like a fish on land.

"Eh?" Cassie is freaked out seeing Adrian jolted and mana is leaking from him like a fountain. She felt worried but she still does what she is originally ordered.

Aria uses the stored mana form the mana heart to weave the tiny threads and made it into a vein similar to a blood vessel system. The only difference is there is 18 acupoints which is the modification the Adrian made to Eve's Mana Method.

The acupoints will serve as a booster to mana flowing through the mana vein. All of them connected to the mana heart.

The operation went on for 2 hours. That is 2 hours of Adrian jolting around like a fish on land while unconscious. Durandal is already been thrown away a few centimetres away from him, as it had done its job. Luckily, the vacation villa rooms are sound proof. He already tested it when he unpacks his stuff.

[Notice. Operation successful.]

[Warning. Master had incurred soul damage.]

[Warning. Master is low on mana and blood.]

[Notice. Master's stats had been regressed significantly as too much damage is taken to the soul and too much mana had been leaked.]

Adrian's heart is still beating. As the sudden stop of pain and a series of warnings is sounded, he immediately jolted back up.

"Puhuahhh…. Hah hah hah. Did it work?" Adrian sits on straight as he regains his consciousness but did not pay any attention to the notification.

[Responding. Congratulations. Master had successfully created a 'Mana Vein']

[Advice. Master needs to heal and clean up as soon as possible. As 'Ralph' will be awake in a few minutes.]

"It's a success but look at this room. Sigh… Fortunately, magic exist I just need to open the windows first." Adrian felt proud of what he achieved but at the cost of a dirtied room. Dried blood on the carpet illuminated by Excalibur can be seen. The smell is even worst.

"Cassie, can you help me clean up, please?" Adrian tries to stand up but he can't. He is too fatigue and hurt. Luckily, Excalibur is still equipped while floating with the chains.

Then he realizes he had no mana. He looked to his right seeing Durandal laying not far away. He crawled to it with all his might.

"Okay, I help you, as you had provided me lots of mana that I advance a stage. You had regress significantly Adrian. It's like the Pearls of the Lake, I gave you is for naught." Cassie says she is willing to help him clean up but later saying something that Adrian did not realize.

"Huh?" Adrian looked at the spiritual visage casting water to clean up the carpet. Then he finally checked his notifications.

"Status" "Analyse"

[Name: Park Jae Sung] [Age: 10] [Level: New Moon stage]

[STR: 265 [AGI: 270] [END: 310] [INT: 535] [Mana: 1560]

[Affinity: 10 Elements]

[Name: Cassiopeia] [Type: Spiritual force]

[Mana: 3520] [Level: Half Moon Stage]

[Affinity: Water]