
In The Wrong Hood? (III)

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Calm your tits lady! I don't even know you! How can I agree to the sudden adoption offer? I screamed inside my mind before I decided to look around to see how the others were reacting to the offer, but they looked completely unbothered, which meant that only I was the weird one.

"Reo-kun, there is no need to hurry, why don't you take your time and get to know them?" The head matron said softly. The head matron must have noticed the conflicted look on my face.

"Of course, we would be happy to" Mai immediately agreed with the suggestion while Ren simply smiled and gave me an encouraging look. Like I said, I wasn't against getting adopted, but getting to know them before closing the deal wasn't going to hurt anyone. However, instead of answering verbally, I simply gave them a nod.

"Then Reo-kun, why don't you show them the orphanage and your room?" The head matron suggested. 

"Alright. Please follow me" I asked the couple to follow me outside the orphanage so that I could show them around before taking the two of them to show my room. There was not much in my room except for my books and some clothes. 

"So, you are in kindergarten, right?" Mai asked curiously.

"Yes, I am in the first year" I answered without missing a beat.

"So, what do you like to do in your free time?" Mai asked. It was obvious that she was trying to learn more about me and she was at least being genuine, so I didn't mind answering her.

"I love reading books" I answered before I turned to look at her. Maybe, I should ask her what she likes to do in return or they might think I am Edgy McEdgelord or am I overthinking again? But I still decided to return the question to her in return. "What do you like to do in your free time?" I asked, making her smile widen.

"I like to play billiards in my free time" Mai answered and my eyes grew wide in surprise. I am not sure about the exact prices, but I think billiards tables are pretty expensive.

"You mean you have one in your house?" I asked excitedly. 

"Oh yes, we do" Mai answered with a smile. "So, what kind of books do you like to read?" Mai asked.

"I like…" With that, the conversation progressed and I managed to learn quite a few things about them. Mai was an investor while Ren worked at the Detrenat Company as a fitness model. Ren and Mai weren't elites of the society or anything, but they were quite up there. I wasn't going to have any money problems if I got adopted.

However, I felt like something was amiss… The two of them seemed like they were the perfect couple, but I still couldn't give up on this opportunity… 

"I will be happy to become a part of your family" I finally agreed after the trip around the orphanage was finally over. Mai seemed to beam at my words and ended up kissing me on the cheek while Ren simply wrapped his arm around Mai while smiling brightly…

~~Two Days Later~~

Two days passed away in the blink of an eye and it took them two days to get all the formalities and the paperwork out of the way. Even though Mai and Ren were pretty rich, they were unable to skip the paperwork… As expected, paperwork was the bane of any civilized society.

"Don't become complacent. You have a strong Quirk, you need to become a Hero" Hojo said while glaring at me, but he still held out his fist.

I raised my own fist and bumped his fist with a smile on my face. "Don't worry, I will become a Hero or who is going to keep you in check?" I said and after giving me a nod he walked away. It was obvious that Hojo was jealous of me since I was getting adopted by a well-off couple, but didn't allow his jealousy to turn into hatred.

Hojo might be a supremacist, but he was a nice kid… He was only two when his family died in a house fire when their apartment was set on fire by a Villain on the run and Hojo was later saved by Shield Hero Crust. That was the reason why he was so obsessed with Heroes. 

"I am sorry, you have to leave your friends" Mai apologized in a solemn tone, but I quickly shook my head.

"We were simply acquaintances" I answered and Mai simply gave me a skeptical look.

"You already know the difference between friends and acquaintances?" Mai asked.

"I think so" I answered with an unsure look on my face. 

"Then you are already more mature than most people" Mai nodded her with a satisfied look on her face. "Alright, let's get going or do you want to meet someone else?" Mai asked and instead of answering, I walked up to the head matron who was looking at me with a kind expression.

"Thanks for taking care of me until now" I respectfully bowed my head. The matrons never liked me due to my reclusive attitude, but the head matron always took care of me regardless of what the others thought. 

"Hoho… There is no need to thank me, Reo-kun, I was simply doing my duty. Now, off you go, young man" The head matron tried to shoo me off with a smile on her face. I opened my mouth to say something, but I decided not to. What was I even supposed to say here? After all, I was just a 5 year old kid.

"Thank you" I still mumbled under my breath, but I was loud enough for the head matron to hear me. After that, I turned around and walked up to Mai. The two of us climbed into the car. It was a Porsche 911 Roadster and I was surprised to learn that Mai loved to drive on her own even though she could easily hire a driver.

"So, what do you think? Nice right?" Mai asked while holding the steering wheel. "I bought this when I was in college" Mai explained.

"This is so cool!" I exclaimed giddily. I was trying to be as calm as I could, but I wasn't able to stop the kid inside me from squealing in excitement.

"I am glad you approve, now let's go" Mai said as she placed her foot on the throttle…

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