
Chapter 27 - Hero Battle Arc 1

"I AM-" Ren was silently reading his book when a familiar voice came from the door.

"-coming through the door like a normal person!" All Might yelled as he slid open the classroom door and thrust himself in.

Everyone was stunned to see All Might there. Ren unfazed since he had been spending time with him at their training and amazingly he was the kind of man who isn't like Batman who shoved their beliefs into other people having told him that he is not a person who is heroic and doesn't have any hero complex.

Though, Allmight knows he won't go out his way to harm others and only act like normal and rational person. Ren placed his book on his back while his classmates were murmuring among themselves.

"Whoa, it's really All Might!" Exclaimed by Kaminari.

"Wow! I heard it from the others, but I still can't believe he's going to be our teacher!" Remarked by Rikido Sato, a brown spiky-haired and full-lipped tall boy.

"His muscles are so manly up close!" Kirishima remarked admiring Allmight's muscle.

"That's a costume from the Silver Age isn't it?" Tsuyu Asui asked, she was the short girl with frog-like features, putting a finger on her chin.

"Its style is so different, it's giving me goosebumps." Said Mashirao Ojiro, a blond-haired teen with a large tail with a furry tip. All Might proudly marched to the front of the room and turned to the students.

"I am your teacher for Basic Hero Training! It is a subject where you train and learn different aspects of heroics in order to learn the basics of becoming a hero! I ask you to take this subject as your life depends on it, which it probably does, it's why you all came here to this school after all!"

All Might crouched down and flexed his muscles. Ren hoped he at least took some tips and lessons on how to teach students and properly guide them.

"Let's get right into it! This is what we'll be doing today....." He then stuck his arm up in the air with a card that read 'battle' in hand.

"....combat training!" A grin appeared on everyone's faces upon hearing the end of his sentences. They were finally able to take the first step in being a hero while Ren was occupied in thinking about what he would eat later.

"Combat Training." Ren muttered under his breath looking forward to fighting his classmate and somewhat giving some entertainment

"But of course! You can't be a pro hero without your costumes!"

All Might shouted out as he pressed a button on a small remote. Tall drawers on the side of the classroom slowly slid out to reveal many cases in them, each case with its own number.

"These are the costumes you designed based on your quirk and have requested before school started! Everyone follow me as we will be heading to Gamma Beta." All Might finished in another pose.

"Yes, sir!"

The class shouted in burning passion. Few minutes, they followed him where it didn't take them long to arrive at the training grounds where they head to their separate lockers to suit up where they all took off their uniforms where Ren showed a scar on his chest right exactly at the center. A mark that he didn't even try removing since he enjoyed remembering the struggle and fight he had with Kaina.

"I've been wondering and you don't need to tell us but…where did you get those scars?"

Sero asked, looking at the wound on his chest while Ren shook his head and said.

"I don't mind and I got it from training. That's all I can say."

Sero nodded not asking anymore as he got dressed into his costume while Ren did the same and opened the briefcase only to find his costume had been redesigned, making him raise a brow and saw a little note.

[ I already made the design and don't you dare complain! The costume is made from durable yet flexible armor made using the materials provided by Yaomomo. It also allows you to use your quirk without an issue. The material is absorbed to some degree with the addition of the cloak where it instantly hardens upon impact. I put my love into you which is why you should just accept it.

Love, Melissa. ]

He chuckled looking at body armor where it was a simple design having segmentation and put it on where it easily locked on his body with military style boots tightening it, having thought of using his old murim fashion but decided to go on modern a bit. The outfit was simple to wear and move as he put on a cloak over it.

These kinds of clothes would be hot but the material used isn't since Melissa was the one who designed it and had perfect fit for him. Ren then took a lower mouthpiece mask because it was for his preference.

Though even with all his so called mature mind still displays childish qualities due to wanting to experience new things. Even someone who is mature would act like a child on rare occasions.

[ A/N: I'm a chuuni and I just think mask is cool. ]

Obviously, the mouthpiece isn't simply for design as it has some features like connecting to emergency phone calls and more. Not to mention, it has a ventilator since the mask can fog up from warm breath.

"Is that your costume? We're strangely similar, does it help with your quirk?"

He turned to see a person with Birdy head, Fumikage Tokoyami who had the quirk dark shadow. Ren wondered how far his quirk goes and recalled that he'd been quiet when they had that lunch yesterday.

"No, I prefer simple and allows me to blend in the dark. Even though I mention I trained nearly all known martial arts, there are obviously some favorites and one for them is stealth."

The two of them had similar costumes with the only difference being the body armor and his mask and how the cloak goes over Ren's head since he doesn't need eyes to precisely see things.

"Is that so? Thank you for telling me."

"Right, anyway, have you considered my tips on your quirks?"

Ren gave each of them some advice with Izuku adding his own thoughts since he's more the quirk enthusiastic than him. Tokoyami nodded and said.

"I'm considering it. I've never thought that meditating and mind exercise would help but I'll try."

"Well, if Dark shadow is an extension of yourself it's best to have the perfect synchronization between the two of you. Hope you get strong."

Tokoyami nodded and gave a thankful smile while Ren only thought how useful a puppet he'll become for him if things go sound. Though, only if he becomes a threat and is used as a puppet.

Ren glanced at his other classmate having the same costume as the show with only difference being Izuku having his mixture of Epsilon and Redesign from Kozumari fanart that Ren once saw. It was slicker and showed his muscular frame around the same build as Garou but more thicker.

Ren thought it was likely Allmight who sponsored his suit since he will be his successor and gave some privilege. He nodded but noticed a gaze coming from Todoroki scanning him and Ren wanted to tease him.

"Sorry but I'm straight so stop staring."

Todoroki only glared at him and left the place with a gaze ready to murder while Ren just laughed it off.

"That was a good one, dude. Seriously he's been staring at you the whole time, what's up with that?"

Kaminari remarked laughing as he saw Todoroki left while Ren shrugged and said.

"Maybe, he thought I'm a girl since my face does look like one."

"True, I would have mistaken you for a girl if you weren't wearing male uniform."

Kaminari always made the mistake to flirt with him which made him shiver and Ren chuckled. Meanwhile, the female locker began to wear their costume where everyone had the same costume design with exception of Momo and Toru who opened their briefcase and only put on some bracelets where it immediately spread through their body where the other students were amazed by it. Momo had her old color scheme while Toru had a more vibrant color because she likes cute things.

"Woah, I gotta have one of those next time."

Mina commented looking at how cool they had their costume while Tsuyu nodded and said.

"Agree, but isn't this kind of costume expensive? It would take a while for us to have one."

"True, still that kind of cloth isn't my style." Camie added showing her curves with her catsuit costume, not shying away while Jiro looked at her and to her chest making her sigh.

'...whatever, breasts are just fat anyway.'

Jiro thought to herself feeling a bit self conscious about her body. After a while everyone head to meet up with Allmight as they stepped out to the sun showing off their costume.

"Looks like our new heroes have arrived!" Allmight remarked looking at each of them while Ren glanced at their costume and nodded.

"Looking good, students!"

All Might's smile grew wider as he let them have their chat as Ren went to Momo and Toru complimented their costume.

"Your costume is really cool, Kazuno-kun~ what do you think of mine?"

Camie flirtatiously said while Ren unfazed but complimented her as well.

"Looks great in you and from your body I can see being agile. Have you done gymnastics before?"

"You got that right, hot stuff."

Her body was perfect for studying Capoeira since it's a martial art that needs powerful movement and core strength.

"How about mine, Kazuno-Chan?" Tsuyu said, showing off her costume.

"Looks great on you, it captured your character perfectly."

"Hey hey hey don't forget about us! How about me and Jiro-san?"

Mina came to them showing her costume dragging Jiro who feels a bit embarrassed while Ren looked at them and said.

"Same goes for you two, it compliments your character but quick question, is your costume DNA base?"

"It is! I don't want to accidentally melt my clothes."

Ren nodded then looked at Jiro who seemed self conscious but hid it well and he just nodded and said.

"I can see you really punk rock huh? Well, do you have any support items for your quirk?"

Her quirk may be versatile and even dead but it is reliable for support items. Ren wondered if there isn't truly anything to improve it but her quirk is still useful especially allowing her to know the location of people from the vibration via plugging her earphone jacks.

"I do, it's my boots."

"Then try requesting something in your arms because it would be much easier to access. Also, you can ask for it to adjust the frequency since sound can be a deadly tool."

"How so? Beside how Present mic-sensei uses his quirk." Jiro asked to use the present mic as a basis and Ren said.

"Sound can disrupt the equilibrium and balance of a person with the perfect frequency. Just make sure to have sound canceling headphones."

Ren recalled a sound ninja from Naruto who uses sound frequency to disorient someone. Jiro nodded considering his suggestion and Allmight called out to them as they all walked into the waiting room.

"The clothes make the Hero, and I certainly think you'll make quite the impression when you all debut!" All Might coughed loudly to get all their attention.

"All right, you zygotes!" His voice boomed across the room.

"You all look the part of future Pros! However, you lack the experience and skills when it comes to being one! Now, shall we begin with the combat training?"

"Sensei! This is the battle center from the entrance exam, so does that mean you will be conducting urban battles again?" Asked Tenya who appeared as extra robotics with his stiff movement in conjunction with his hero suit.

"No, we're going two steps ahead! Indoor anti-personnel battle training! Villains' battles are usually seen outdoors, but the truly heinous and clever villains are more likely to lurk indoors. Imprisonment, house arrest, backroom deals... all of these almost always happen indoors or in the shadows in this hero-filled society of ours. With that in mind, for this test, you will be separated into 'Heroes' and 'Villains' for a two-on-two team indoor battle!"

As surprise rippled through the class, Tsuyu bravely asked whatever was in her mind.

"Without basic training?"

"This is a battle to understand those basics!" Said All Might, clenching his left fist in front of him quite passionately.

"However, this time, the key point is that there is no robot you can just destroy."

"So... what determines victory?" Asked Momo.

"Can I still blast them until they die?" Growled Katsuki

"Will the punishment be expulsion, just like Aizawa-sensei?" Asked Ochako nervously.

"How will we be splitting up?" Asked Tenya, raising his hand to ask the question.

"Wait wait, give me a moment!" Proclaimed All Might with a sweat drop trailing down his face.

"I'll answer your question one at a time, so be quiet!" Seeing the students quickly settle down, All Might coughed into his fist.

"No, I won't expel anyone like Aizawa. Our task today is only to help you give an introduction to hero work. Anyways, moving on!" All Might announce.

"Allow me to explain today's task! The situation is that the villain has hidden a nuclear weapon somewhere in their hideout! The heroes have to go in and dispose of it! The heroes will have a limited amount of time to either capture the villains or secure the weapon in order to win. As for securing, you merely need to be able to touch it for longer than three seconds. The villains, in order to win, must either secure the weapon until time runs out or capture the heroes!"

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