
Chapter 10 - Teacher's thoughts

The teachers were discussing how the examinees had been and took an in depth analysis about the students' quirks and abilities, not only how the exam went. They acknowledge the fact that quirks don't need to be all about causing destruction and read the file for some of the students. There are certainly some quirks who are a bad match to robots and Nezu shared his opinion on the matter.

"This young man, Shinso Hitoshi, his quirk is a bad match up against robots but I believe it would benefit heroes if he joined the hero course."

They agreed seeing his quirks allows him to brainwash someone and can easily take down villains without any fight from happening. Aizawa watches some of the footage and praises how he was able to evade and win against the robots. 

The timeline had shifted and changed ever since Allmight had given a speech about the unfairness of quirkless people and people that are labeled villains just because of their quirks. Ren had suggested it knowing that it could help and prevent many tragedies. 

He merely said that people can be a hero as long as they trained and worked hard to achieve their dream that only motivated the younger generation hearing their hero encouraging them. 

"Ever since you gave that speech a few months ago, this year's students are a lot better than before and making it harder to choose."

Snipes commented having noticed a spike in skill and talent after Allmight motivated the younger generation but it came at a choice due to the fact they still need to weed out the lesser students and might crash their dreams because of it. 

"That's good but if they give up after being rejected then they don't have the qualifications to be a hero."

Aizawa bluntly said seeing that they have potential but the real world is tougher than it seems. Nezu seems to frown because it could also lead to students becoming villains due to having their dreams squashed. 

"Let us give them a chance and inform the other hero schools about accepting them. Though, it pains me to say this is the only thing we could do as our school is limited."

Nezu shared his thoughts and the teacher agreed that their potential would be wasted if they didn't become heroes and being recommended to another school is better than outright failing.

"But I want that kid to be in my class."

Aizawa pointed at Shinso while Midnight giggled and said.

"Is that you and Emi's love child~?"

He glared at the R-18 hero who only laughed harder since it was basically true with verbal quirk from Emi or Ms joke and similar appearance from Aizawa. 

"It's best we consider their personalities, goals, views and other factors. Take that kid for example."

A block looking hero, Cementos pointed at Bakugou, was demolishing robots without care to the other student and said.

"With that kind of attitude, it's best we place him under guidance counseling and contact his parents. We can't let him continue his violent action."

They agreed since his quirk was quite strong but lacked the consideration of other people. A wolf looking teacher, Hound dog growled and said.

"Agree, we should also investigate their school since it's uncommon for the staff to be biased and likely fill the young man's ego."

They nodded since as heroes they had seen the dark side of their society and even with their influence it difficult to change the mindset for everyone.

"Right, I'll ask one of my friends to help."

Allmight added since he recalled the young man was his successor's childhood friend. Nezu nodded and gave his own thought.

"If the school had been found doing some misconduct then I shall use my power to shut it down."

They nodded and continued to discuss who to accept and those they'll reject removing Mineta from the list due to his perversion and previous action of running around and endangering other students. Then there was a knock and the door opened to reveal the student. They were all waiting in anticipation and everyone felt stunned.

'What!? This kid….makes my skin crawl and my instincts tell me to run.'

Hound dogs being shaken at what stood before them. He was mutant type and had the power of a canine giving him all the senses and benefits with the more animalistic he gets the stronger he gets. He witnesses how the young man seems to manifest a massive snake behind him coiling around him and ready to bare its fang. 

The other teachers were the same and being pro heroes gave them a firm grasp about how strong and skill is. But the future student before them was abnormal where Aizawa, a skilled fighter, noticed how there weren't any openings and even how relaxed he seemed it felt that one wrong move can be his end. 

The young man was Calm But Alert, Relaxed But Ready, Smooth But Sharp, Humble But Confident. It was clear that the information in regards to mastery of all forms of martial arts was not a lie because even without using his quirk he can easily defeat most if not all of them.

'They notice it as well…. it's best we do our best to guide and stop him from becoming a villain.'

Nezu said, looking at the young man Ren who was observing them and carefully analyzing them. He thought that most of them are not people to be underestimated but it's clear he can defeat all of them in one one fight without using his quirk but combined would require it. 

He glances at Nemuri who licks her lips upon seeing him being affected by his charisma and thinks how good looking he is in person. 

'Despite his look, I can feel his manliness from how dangerous I feel around him. let's see if I can snatch him from Blondie over there or maybe share him~'

Nemuri thought to herself since she normally jokes around about being lustful but she felt compelled to be with him as if finding the perfect mate. She wondered how far it would go but it wouldn't hurt to try since she hardly cares about people's opinions in her taste. 

Ren obviously read her thoughts based on her mannerism and inwardly smiled while Nezu began to speak.

"Welcome, Young Kazuno. We've called you here to ask a few questions and it won't take too long."

He nodded and sat down, Ren knew that they felt that his power could be a threat if he ever became a villain or vigilante. 

"Okay, my question is why did you choose to be a hero?"

"I'll be blunt and honest, my reason is to freely use my quirk without restriction in addition to gaining experience and growing stronger. Being a hero is nothing but a stepping stone in reaching my true goal."

Ren may have been a doctor who tried to save people from the tragedy of losing someone but on the other hand he was an Assassin who had stolen the life and the one who made the tragedy to many people. 

He was in constant contradiction of his belief and morals. His alignment remained neutral and not one who enjoyed meaningless bloodshed. 

"Only stepping stones? Then what is your goal then if not being a hero?"

"That's something I won't share."

They didn't try to pry his secret but made a mental note to at least not make him a villain. Nezu was satisfied with his answer and continued asking questions for half an hour trying to figure out what kind of person he was. When they are finally done, Ren heads back home with Melissa leaving the teacher to discuss what they observed.

"How do you all feel about him?" 

Asked Nezu having a good impression of what the young man is. It was obvious that he was not heading the path of villanary but he was uncertain since Nezu had a hard time figuring out his true goal. There is something that seems to hide his secret and understand the young man was manipulative and calculative. Obviously, he wasn't flawless but certainly one of the best. 

"The kid is a monster from his skills, intellect and certainly  he's a bit above his peers in terms of power, and he's most likely hiding more abilities."

Said Aizawa, having noticed how calm and stoic he was throughout the interview that it was difficult to find what he was thinking.

"Indeed, the moment he walked from that door, I felt my animalistic instinct to run and flee. He had the demeanor of a serpentine where even his small frame can be deadly once inflicted by his venom."

Hound dog shared his insight having his fur stand up and his body tense even after he left. 

"Though, I don't think he would need Counseling from me. Despite my comment, it's clear he's not aiming to go against us and answer honestly. He is not naive and seems to have a Realist view like Aizawa which isn't a bad thing."

"He's extremely enticing, I wouldn't mind giving him a ride sometime~"

Midnight word's made all the teachers just stare at her with a blank stare, they couldn't believe what she just said.

"Please stop having sexual fantasies about your soon to 

be student, and if you do end up making those fantasies 

reality please don't get caught."

Nezu warned her while Midnight was happy that she almost got permission to pursue him. 

"How did his written test go?"

"From his answer, it is safe to assume he is one who would favor an attainable task rather than going beyond. He also wrote that he prefers to save their love more than a group of strangers."

Snipes shared the written exam that consists of general subject to dilemma and they all agreed that he's not that heroic but not a villain either. He's someone who is neutral and they were worried that having someone like that to be a professional hero would be troubling.

"It seems we will have to come to a decision. Who's in favor of accepting you as a hero, you may raise your hand."

They essentially all raised their hands and Aizawa gave his opinion.

"Though, I don't like how he is doing this for selfish reasons, I'm certain his skill would still benefit us and letting him go would be a tragedy if villains get a hold of him."

"Agreed, it is normal that he would choose the people he knows over strangers and it's not inherently bad."

Cementoss added and everyone finished their discussion over Ren while the person in question was heading back home with his white futuristic motorcycle where Melissa rode in the back seat wrapping her arms around his waist as they drove through the road towards their pizza joint. He texts Momo about buying pizza to celebrate his exam since Ren dislikes having big parties.

Ren messages his parents to congratulate him but won't be joining their after party which was more like eating and cuddling while watching a movie since they'll celebrate it much later. They plan on going on vacation since there would be five weeks for summer break.

He wondered why Midoriya in the canon ever uses that time to learn and adapt but he can only think that his unaware and Allmight isn't the best instructor. That time is enough for Ren to rain even more and hope he'll achieve what he wants. If not then he'll just help Momo attain an alchemist ability since he's certain it would work. 

"You want me to create a suit for that girl you just met? Why? Did you find her attractive?"

Melissa sternly asked while Ren nodded and said.

"I can't sense her face and I felt sorry for her when I saw her quirk."

"Fine, but if she ends up having feelings for you from this action, make sure to take responsibility."

"Yes, Mam."

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