


 The sunlight hits my eyelids through my curtain as they flutter open reminding me that night time was indeed over; I had to get up from my neverlasting slumber. Why is it so bad to start a brand new day? It is terrible because the only thing I enjoy is sleeping and it is the only thing I have ever been good at. Everything else just bores me so sleeping is the only love I have left anymore.

  It is hard for me to stay focused on anything in my life everything just became boring at some point. Ever since that day everything stopped nothing could distract me from the truth my attention to anything was always ephemeral. Classmates and counselors always told me me to try to go out my comfort zone and make friends maybe fall in love because when your in love nothing is boring life has meaning and life has color but no one was ever here to stay. Everyone disappeared. My reason's disappeared. But I still have to get up everyday because I mean something to others I have to live for them because they couldn't live life for themselves.

   As I get up to start my morning routine I feel my head hurting in the same spot it always does. The pain always came from the heart shaped scar I got twelve years ago in the incident. I didn't think much of this  I figured it would eventually go away like everything else did but this time it wasn't ephemeral. Shock and fear takes over me as I stare at the shadow figure standing behind me while brushing my teeth in the mirror. It was tall and it had grip on my head where my scar was. It's nails were piercing my head causing blood to start to drip from my scar. I tense up as it makes eye contact with me in the mirror. I choke on the toothpaste in my mouth as its dark brown eyes meet mine.  

"So you can finally see me again Y/N," Its deep voice echoes through the room.

 My fear is at it highest by now I lost control in my body as I fall down to the floor. My vision is going blurry and soon all I see is darkness. The same darkness that I saw twelve years ago.

"Y/N Wake up! We are almost there!" My brother's voice roars into my ears.

"Hey stop your shouting Hyung-Seok! It's distracting me I can't drive with all the yelling.

Wait I remember this. This all happened twelve years ago why am I here now this is right before the incident! I look to my side and see I man waving his arms and hear his muffled shouts saying to stop the car. It was all too late everything went back in slow motion as the explosion goes off launching our car across the intersection. The sound of the explosion leaves a ringing in my ears and the shouting of my mother and younger brother barely hearable over sounds of metal impact and shattering glass. All I can see is multiple shards of glass and blood splattering all around me. I close my eyes shut as I prepare for impact on the road and feel nothing but pain in my head. As I open my eyes I see my brothers limbs scattered across the road and my mom's body impaled with metal from the someones car door killing her and my soon to be arriving sibling.

 The only pain I can feel is emotional and the pain in my head. Every other part of my body is covered by the tall dark shadow figure. My eyes start feel heavy as I hear the sirens come closer.

"Y/N Wake up! We are almost there!" A voice says… Wait is that…

"Hyung-Seok!" I say as I open my eyes.

 Tears escape my eyes as I am greeted with an unfamiliar face that is not my brother. There is no way it could be my brother he died twelve years ago.

"She's awake!" The paramedics shout as I see people rushing to me flashing lights in my eyes and taking my blood pressure.

"Y/N are you okay?" The voice says again.

I squint my eyes at him.

"I'm sorry but do I know you?" I ask.

The paramedics share worried glances.

" I think she's having some memory problems from the concussion speed up!" One of them shouts to the man driving.

"My name is-

"His name isn't important it doesn't matter close your eyes Y/N don't you like sleeping."  A voice says drowning out all the other sounds around me.

"WHO ARE YOU! HOW DO YOU KNOW MY NAME!" I shout while crying.

"I told you my name is -  



"I'm not talking to you! Who is the other voice?!"

My eyes go wide as I come to realization.

"Oh, So you figured it out i'm in your head only you can hear me. You might want to shut up before they think your mental," It says.

"GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" I scream.

"Y/N what  do you mean who is in your head?" The guy asks.



"Stop controlling what I say!" I yell.

"No, Y/N just close your eyes before I make you,"

"No!" I protest.

The shadow figure appears in front of me and reaches towards me and presses down on my scar again.

"I didn't want to do this but you left me no choice Y/N,"  He says with frustration in his voice.

"S-Stop P-Please-,"My eyes close shut as I see doctors rushing me into a building.