
2. Accepted

"Maria, dinners ready come on!" sis called out. I was so exhausted due to jet lag still I dragged myself into the kitchen towards the dining table.

"Oh, did you make all this?" I asked amused

"Yep your favourite dumplings and sushi" she grinned

"Thank you sis I really needed something like that"

"We'll have red wine after this, I have especially ordered it, for you" I nodded and smiled at her. Maybe she isn't guilty, she doesn't knew anything about it back then. She loves me so much and I don't think she did anything intentionally.

"How does it taste?" sis said bringing me out of my thoughts. I took a bite of sushi.

"It's amazing," I moaned at the sight of flavourful sushi

"By the way what are your plans, will you be working at Williams with Aven?"

"No I applied at Dankworth..."

She gasped" oh God you know what you're doing right?" Her face was now red and I could tell she's holding herself back for having an outburst at me.

I nodded, we finished our food and went to bed


I woke up with ringing of my phone

"Yes" I picked it up with a lazy voice

"Ms Smith?"


"Sorry for calling you on short notice but we went through your resume and we have decided to call you for an interview, can you come by 10am?" I sat upright on the bed. I was suddenly wide awake.

"Yeah of course" I replied within a second

"Okay see you then"

I hung up

Looking at my phone it was 8:30am. I got up took a shower then wore a black pencil skirt with a white blouse giving it a professional look. Took my bag and left.


Getting out of the cab I took in all the features of the amazing, tall and elegantly built building. I remember the last time I came here, with him. I still remember we decided our future. Then that promise which brought me back to the same place where I left. To see it we actually have to move back a bit to observe till the top. New York would look stunning from there, I am sure. It was a glass sky scraper decorated in blue carved glass windows.

I checked the time it was 9:50am. Increasing my pace I halted at the reception. Receptionist who had blond hair, she told me her name Sarah and guided me to Ms Zaina's office. Mumbling a thanks I rushed to the door she guided. It had a metallic plate on the door printed with 'Zaina Sherade'.

I knocked politely, after few seconds the door opened appearing a fine elegantly dressed lady in white dress pant and a shirt with short hair. She seems in her forties still beautiful for her age. She opened the door wide and ushered me in.

"Good morning, Ms Smith" she nodded towards the seat across from hers.

"Good morning, Ma'am" I said while taking a seat

"Sorry we had to call you on a short notice"

"No it's okay"

"Great, so Ms Smith, you've written that your boyfriend is the CEO of William Cooperation, so why do you want to work here? why not there? We are rivals just in case you don't know"

"My boyfriend proposed me last year only, and it was my dream since high school to work here and I assure you that if you choose me everything will remain confidential from my side." I tried to convince her

"Looking at your Qualifications I was impressed but when I read this I thought I should talk to you first, thank you for giving us your time" she said while standing up and putting her hand forward for me to shake "You'll get a call if you're selected"

We shook hands "Thank you"


Aven called me today asking for dinner and I told him about my interview he wasn't pleased with it. But he respected my decision so he let it go. We went for dinner. Sis also joined us as she was alone at home and soon he dropped us home.

I changed into pj's and it was 8:30pm now when I thought of watching Netflix, then suddenly my phone rang, it was an unknown number.

"Ms Smith?"


"Congratulations you have been selected as personal secretary of CEO of Dankworth group of industries. Will you be joining from tomorrow or..."

"Uh, no no I'll start from tomorrow. Thank you so much" I cut her off, I couldn't hold my excitement.

"You have to be there at 9am sharp, have a good night, bye"

I can't believe I've been selected, this is soo unreal

I rushed to sis room barged in without knocking and hugged her soo tightly.

"Relax Maria" she said pulling away. A smile spread on her face looking at me.

"I have been selected at Dankworth" I squealed

Her smile dropped and now her face was serious "you sure about this?" She asked sternly

"Absolutely" I replied right away

"Good luck then" she patted my arm. I nodded and went to bed. I know that no one would be happy with my decision but I have reasons.


I woke up at 7:30am, had shower got dressed. Drank coffee, collected my keys, bag and cellphone and headed towards the door. I took a cab and on my way I messaged Aven that I've been selected, he told me he'd pick me up but I denied his offer. He always shows that I am his first priority and that he isn't concerned about work, I know he loves me so much but work is important too.

Heading inside, I asked for my floor from the receptionist, Sarah. "Take the elevator and go straight to 70th floor, it's only for CEO and secretary"

I nodded

The elevator was a scary thing, even if it was an engineering marvel. Protruding for exterior face of the building, three sides were made of glass. Fully encapsulated within the glass compartment I felt like I was flying as I rose to the 70th floor.

Finally it came to a halt and I stepped out. It was a huge area with 2 desks, on one there was as girl sitting, she came towards me with a huge grin. There was a staircase leading somewhere up most probably to the CEO office.

"Are you the new secretary?" She asked with a wide smile that is plastered on her face.

"Yep" I replied coolly

"Cool, I'll be your assistant, Jen" she brought a hand forward for to shake

"It's nice meet you" I took it

"Okay now go straight to stairs and there's the CEO's office"

I nodded "Thank you"

I hope you all are liking it, find out the connection between them

Stay tuned