
Protecting From The Beast

Viviana was terrified beyond anything. She tried to get up, but her knees didn't cooperate thanks to the panic she was having and the blow she suffered on her knees.

Although she couldn't hear the sound of footsteps, she could feel the beast walking close to her body and her heart pounded with each step the beast took.

And there it was… right in front of her face, to oppress her with its evil influence as she was on her knees.

The fluffy beast with fur white as snow and eyes blue as the deep sea licked its lips as it looked at her right into her eyes.

She knew this breed of the spawn of the devil—the Persian cat!

"Meow," said, the cat.

Vivian trembled in fear and her ears went stuffed. All she heard was the sound of her heartbeat. She clasped her hands together, closed her eyes, and bowed her head.

If she needed the help of Saint Michael at all, now would be it.

"Sancte Michael Archangele, defende nos in proelio, contra nequitiam et insidias diaboli esto praesidium. Imperet… Ah!"

Her sincere prayers were interrupted as she was lifted. Not even bothering to look at the face of the one who lifted her, she hugged the strong shoulders. Burying her head in his neck, she proceeded with the prayer.

Archangel Michael had already sent help.


Her sincere prayer was once again interrupted by a loud laugh. She recognized that voice. Her heart was pounding already, and she started to panic more. She thought her heart would burst.

"You little…" Leander could not hold back his laugh. "Sugar, step back…" he laughed some more as he gently pushed the little cat away with his leg.

He has never seen anyone get this scared of his mild-tempered, divine-looking cat. At least Cinnamon would look a bit scary as he does not accept strangers much, but Sugar—no one is afraid of Sugar.

But she has to… This little woman who was not afraid of his gun or his snarl has to be afraid of his little cat's meow.

Leander held her close to his chest. She struggled to get out of his hold but as Sugar kept circling around his leg, she clung on to him like a koala. Her eyelashes were trembling, and a drop of tear hung on her lower eyelid raring to fall at any moment. Biting her lips, she was trembling in his embrace. Even in her minion-like appearance, she was so adorable; much more adorable than anything he has ever laid eyes on.

Leander's eyes softened, and so did his voice as he saw the vulnerable side of her.

"You are adorable, Minnie…" he kissed her cheek. She didn't mind his kiss then as she was busy "escaping" the cat. She was still muttering the prayer under her breath.

He wanted to stay like that for all eternity, kissing her, but the servants in the house were looking at him weirdly. Or maybe they were mocking the cute little minion in his arms in their heart.

That cannot be allowed.

He was about to disperse the crowd, but he was embarrassed to see the weird smile on Katerina's face as she stood by his bedroom door. He decided not to make it a big issue.

He realized that he has a lot of servants in the house. Maybe he should fire some of them for privacy.

Viviana did not care about anything except escaping the cat. The cat may have sensed her fear, it kept on following her. Well, it was following the guy carrying her, but…


She only then realized that she was clinging on to Leander for dear life. After what happened some time ago, isn't she willingly in his embrace? What if he...

'Ah! Get away from me, cat! Shoo!'

She did not bother to worry about Leander when the cat was still there. But just as he stepped inside the room and closed the door, she jumped down from his arms.

Letting out a sigh, she bowed her head. She didn't expect that her plan to escape would face such a hiccup. It is embarrassing and her knees were still hurting. Her stomach hurt too.

"That scared of cats?" Leander asked with a chuckle. He bent his knees to get to her level.

She did not like to be mocked by him. It is out. Her embarrassing secret she kept protecting for ages is out. She decided to face it head-on. "Cats are how demons walk on earth," she candidly spoke about her belief.

"Is that so?" Leander laughed. "That's why you prayed to St. Michael in Latin?" He observed her. She was bowing her head. He wanted to tease her.

And of course, he wanted to kiss her more. But he did not like to see her in fear. So, he controlled himself. He can tease her with words.

"You didn't call for the protector earlier when I…" He stopped and turned to look at Katerina standing by the dresser, astonished.

He did not want Katerina to get any ideas. He had already forgotten that he left Viviana in a state where no one would have to guess what might have happened. It's funny how the brain works. To protect whatever the human finds important, it would at times alter reality.

Katerina was indeed astonished. She heard Viviana and recognized that prayer. But for Leander to know exactly what prayer that was and to even know the language… His family is not religious for obvious reasons. Leander has never stepped foot inside the Church seldom.

How does he know about the prayers?

Katerina was impressed. Leander was always smart and studious. Although he didn't go to school much, he was wise, and he learned things on his own. It is a shame he had taken on the role of the street boss of the family. He definitely deserves to be the Don.

But more than that, she heard Leander laugh. The entire house did. When was the last time he laughed so freely?

"Umm, Katerina," Leander interrupted her thoughts. "Please bring dinner for Minnie."

"Yes," Katerina bowed her head and walked out of the room.

"Katerina," Leander stopped her. "For me too. Ask Nathaniel about the dosage of my medications," he added.

He was in a bad mood some time ago after seeing her scared, but now his heart had become light. And it made him hungry. He also felt weak and tired. Maybe the infection is finally getting him. He needs to rest.

Katerina left the room with a smile of relief.

Leander turned his attention towards Viviana. She was staring at the bed in deep thought. He walked past her and purposefully grazed her arms with the sleeves of his shirt. When she stepped to the side with a grunt, his lips curved up.

"Were you trying to escape?" he asked in an accusatory tone as he reached the bed.

Firmly placing his right leg on the floor, he swiftly rotated to face her. He's seen the leads of movies do stuff like this that would impress their lady.

But it didn't work well for him. His head spun and he almost lost his balance before he supported himself. His body needs rest so badly and is not allowing him to make an impression on her. He cleared his throat fisting his hand over his mouth to hide his embarrassment.

He is trying to impress her... Will he succeed?

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