1 My name is Angela

"Kikikaka" (laughters inside her dream)

"uggghhhh" caressing her head feeling groggy

Stood up. Feet fell off the bed. Eyes blinking fast. Grinding teeth. Strings on her shoulders, as long as a rope used for thug of war.

Breathing heavily, approaching the mirror.

Her eyes bulged like eyes of the kraken. She nearly passed out as she saw her face. Then read "Aurora" aname engraved on the bottom of the mirror's frame.

"It always happens!"

"This isn't me"

"Who am I?!" the agony is growing

she rocketed outside the unknown house crying very hard. then she felt a thing fell off her shoulders and she knew what was it.

A doll knotted by long strings.

"Where am I?! Is this a nightmare?" she stood in the middle of the lawn full of emptiness. then suddenly a beam like head of a kitten embraced her entire being. 1, 2, 3 poof then she's gone.

a piece of note was falling from where she left.

it says

"My name is Angela"
