
Chapter Six

The Unexpected Attitude.


On that black Friday evening, I had just got back from the garden, where I had gone to spend some nice moments with Juliet, the love of my life. The only beautiful thing that has ever happened in my life.

As I stepped my toes into the room, Tay haunted me, not with a gun or cutlass, but with rage.

"Please, take your belongings and leave my house." You're such a disgrace and a disrespectful fellow to your parents. After all they've been through in bringing you up to this stage, all you can think of is disrespecting them. Please, leave my house. I do not take such things from people like you," he fired at me.

I stood there, puzzled as to why he was spewing those words from his mouth; we had never had any problems before I left the house at noon. Why the sudden change of attitude?

"I don't understand what you mean, Tay. Why are you chasing me out of your house just like that?" I asked.

"You don't understand what? Your parents called me and said I do not advise you, saying all kinds of words to me that I've spoiled you and made you a stubborn rat, that you now have no respect for them. How many times have they warned you to keep away from the General's daughter? No, tell me, how many times? " He thundered.

Fear gripped me instantly. I never knew Tay could be this brutal. Someone who has always been there for me, supporting and advising me to take the step that is right for me. At that moment, I felt disappointed and insulted.

"But, I've told you how I truly love this girl and I can't do without her. It's just a matter of time. I know my parents will say "Yes" to me when the time comes. Come on, why are you ranting in your voice and disturbing the peace of others?" I said, trying to bring in a joke, but the game turned out to be very different. My friend meant every word he said.

"That does not concern me, so count me out of that and do not make me repeat myself. Take your things and leave for good before I lose my temper." When he flared up, his voice this time around sounded like the voice of a lion about to devour his prey.

My heart sank inside my stomach at the loud top of his angry voice. Though I have a lot of money in my bank account, I'm not sure where I'm going from here; perhaps I'll stay at a hotel and pay for monthly room service before my service is due.

I just moved into Tay's apartment to spend a little time at his place while I await the place I will be posted to serve, but I was surprised at the change in his attitude overnight and his actions towards me. I just have to take my things and leave. Obedience, they say, is better than sacrifice. In order not to get hurt, I quickly arranged my belongings. I had just a few things here.

I left and he didn't bother to ask me where I would pass out for the night. At times, life can be hurtful and full of twists. I could still remember how Tay had been under my roof while in school, feeding on my food items and many more to mention. Why will he repay me in this way?

Why would he choose to be against me even though my parents seem to not support my union? At least he is supposed to talk to my parents and let them see a reason to approve my union. What is too hard to understand there? This and many more flashed through my mind.

I walked away from his apartment, found myself standing at the roadside with my bag swung on my shoulder. I flagged down a car and the driver took me to the Anex hotel, one of the classic and finest hotels in town.

I met the lady in charge, and paid for my room, ROOM NUMBER 041. A young guy in his early thirties directed me to my room.

That night, as I rest my head on the pillow, I find it very hard to sleep. Numerous thoughts ransack my brain. I stood up, went on my knees and prayed fervently, asking God for clear direction.

Because I believe, nothing can be impossible for God to do. A man can disappoint at any time, but God never disappoints because he is a covenant-keeping God, the master planner of our lives. After praying and laying all my burdens before God, I forced myself to bed and slept like a newborn baby.


To be continued


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