2 chapter 2

And so the question was--- Did she really jump? Or----

The irony of the situation after that incident was, he was the accused one. Yes, Arnav Singh Raizada was accused of the incident which happened with Khushi Kumari Guptha. He was accused of the murder attempt.

He let out a bitter laugh as he made his way into the Observation Unit where khushi had been breathing since the past five months. He opened the door slowly resulting in a small screeching sound and then smiled a little looking at her.

"Hey" he greeted as he walked the distance between the door and her bed all the way observing her. There she lay covered in a light yellow gown, her hands straight on her sides, her hair let loose and her eyes staring up at the ceiling at nothing in particular. He placed the flowers he had brought with him on the bed-side table and came in the vicinity of her view--- as usual she did not blink and did not acknowledge him. He checked the machines attached to her and-- as usual they indicated her well functioning heart. Sighing he dropped himself on the couch to her side and continued staring at her"his new daily routine.


"Mr Raizada, could you please tell us what were you doing there, at that time of the night?" the officer who seemed to be in his mid-forties arched his eye-brows at the highly respected young man whose popularity in the business class society cannot go unnoticed by anyone.

"Like I said sir, I was on my way to my flat from the airport; The London flight lands at that time" he simply stated.

"I don't understand the reason for further investigation here Mr.Rathod. My client stance is very clear in this case, I hope you heard what the driver had to say about this. My client wasn't there with her on the terrace when she fell!" voiced Shyam Manohar Jha, the official lawyer of AR-Industries.

"Ofcourse Mr.Jha, but do you realize that Mr.Raizada and his driver are the only witnesses in this incident? We are just doing our duty, this case seems peculiar and we would require CBI Investigation as well, we sure did narrate to you the victim's story, dint we?" Ajay Rathod spoke with utmost patience and conviction.

"What do we have to do anything about the victim's back story Mr.Rathod?, I don't get it!" Shyam argued.

"Khushi---" the both arguing gentlemen turned their attention to Arnav's voice. "The name is Khushi kumara Guptha and victim' is not any way to address her" he spoke, his voice stern and authoritative.

The officer sighed and settled down in his chair opposite to Arnav and Shyam was flabbergasted at his brother-in-law's nonchalant reaction to the issue in hand and sudden interest towards the name of"whatever she was.

In that next instant the officer swerved his head up to meet Arnav's gaze and he looked on skeptically. "Are you telling me that you know this girl even before that night?" he asked and it was Shyam's turn to stare at Arnav. He just hoped against the hope that the answer would be a no' but one look at Arnav's determined gaze, he knew he was wrong.


And then he narrated a story"a little story that has a Khushi Guptha he knew. She wasn't a stranger, neither a friend; she was just someone he knew. He talked about her like a distant observer and gave all the details that he could recollect about her, all that he thought would help the investigation go further and half an hour later, the three men sat in dead silence processing the information.

"Thank you Mr.Raizada, for being honest with us. This could really be useful in determining vict"I mean Ms.Khushi's stance during the incident, is there anything else you could remember about her?"

Arnav just nodded and shrugged, while the officer leaned back into his chair not before giving Shyam a side-way glance. Ofcourse Shyam Monohar Jha's desperate efforts to get his wife's brother safely out of this case had gone all in vain and that too because of the person himself.

Perfect"bloody hell"perfect!'

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