
The beginning

-A group of friends is shown in a room-

-Vannessa: Have you played Ouija board?

-Erick: Of course I'm not even going to play it (Exalted)

-Vannesa: Are you scared? (As challenging)

-Maria: He's scared, he's scared (In Burlesque tone)

-Erick: Of course it's not let's play anymore (Determined but deep down with fear)


Vanessa takes out a box full of dust and very battered in it she takes out the Ouija board and with a smile asks Are they afraid?

The moment Vanessa takes out the Ouija board, the room is completely silent and with a very strange feeling, one of those calms that disturb and the feeling of a very dense environment that makes everyone in the room feel chills.

-Vannesa: Ready?

-Erick: Yes! (Decisively)

-Maria: Let's play (Excited)


As they put all their fingers on the board, they felt a huge chill that only made them turn to see each other.

Between glances Vannesa asks the first question, Is anyone there? Nobody expected what would happen that night but as expected that wood that served as a guide for the answers threw an answer, with amazement and terror they saw that answer where it said

-Yes-, with terror everyone immediately withdrew their hands, what they didn't know is that the game had already started, someone was already with them.

-Vannesa: Guys we have to continue until it is our turn to say goodbye (With a very shaky and broken voice)

Erick and Maria looked at each other in terror

-Erick- How do you think I'll keep playing (With fear it shows)

-Maria :( She is speechless)

-Vannesa: We must finish or we won't know what will happen next (He says with concern)


Suddenly the board begins to move alone, with fear and distrust they follow letter by letter where the indicator moves, and they felt a deep fear when reading what said "I am here and they will not escape from me", between tears they shout with fear. "Let's get out of here" Maria yells.

-At that moment everyone runs to the front door-

But suddenly the power goes out and noises are heard all around the house, everyone stood terrified but among all that noise is heard with a very serious and deep voice "They will not leave here", Everyone hearing that voices run through the darkness trumpeting with everything in front of them and when they get to the door they hear very loud knocks on the door, so loud they felt it would open suddenly.

-Vannesa- Let's go to the Back Door (Terrified yells)


When they all turn desperately to run to the back door, they see a shadow in the background that was barely distinguishable from the moonlight streaming through the windows.

-Everyone falls out of fright crying and begging-

Please let us not want to disturb you, At that moment you hear a scream so sharp that you feel your ears are bursting as well as things begin to fall with such force, the chairs are thrown with force, things are slammed against the walls.