
Entertainment For The Bored Immortal

Fang Jiuyi was a transmigrator from the Blue Planet. And like any other transmigrator, he is also aspiring to become immortal and eternal. After struggling for hundreds of thousands of years, his aspiration became a reality. But there was one thing he didn't anticipate after he reached the top. There was nothing to do! Continue cultivate? What for? He is already the strongest. He was not a local who was addicted to cultivation! In the end, even when he became the strongest, he couldn't escape from his human nature. He became bored, so he tried everything to alleviate his boredom. After millions of years, he came back to square one; he had already tried everything. So he chose to slumber. When he woke up again, he finally had some ideas to alleviate his boredom! *** Wei Fang, a native of the cultivation world, was suddenly offered to bond with a system. He treats it carefully, as he needs to offer his soul to it. But, when the circumstances called for it, he didn't have a choice but to do so. Something that he felt to be a devil previously turned out to be something that could help him achieve greater heights in cultivation. Armed with the system, what path would he choose and what height could he achieve?

Wall_Clock · Eastern
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97 Chs

Fly Swatting Palm

Wei Fang looked at the virtual screen with anticipation as he said 'open' in his heart.


[With this charity, you would not be so pitiful anymore.]

He ignored what the system said and looked at what he got. He saw three images shown under the words.

The first one was the image of a vial; there's 'Healing Ointment' written under it.

The second and third were the images of books. One of the books had an image of a man with bulking muscle and a strong body, and the second book had an image of a palm swatting something flying. Because the image is small, he can't get a clear look of what it was.

But, when he saw the text under it, he immediately knew what it was; the first book had 'Body Forging Method' under it, while the second was 'Fly Swatting Palm'.

"Is this cultivation method and cultivation technique?" He was confused when he saw it.

The illustration on the virtual screen was different from what he knew about the cultivation book. If someone from Blue Planet saw these, they would know that these images were made like a skill book in an RPG game.

Isn't cultivation method or technique usually recorded in an old and worn book, and only the title is shown on the cover? What about these images?

Wei fang thinking was correct, because usually a cultivator, even those with a low cultivation base, if they wanted to write down a technique that they made, would write it down in an old book.


Because it would look more convinting, as it would look like a technique that had already existed for a long time. So, it was rare to find a cultivation book in a brand new book.

So, how does he retrieve these items?

Just as he thinks about it, a new message is shown.

[Do you want to retrieve the items?]


[Host! Please brace yourself!]

"What? Why?"

Suddenly he felt piercing pain in his head; it was so great that he started writhing on the ground.

The pain was directly felt in the soul, so it was normal for someone like him who was still a Qi Condensation kid to feel so much pain.

Wei Fang didn't know how long had passed; he felt it was already so long after the pain subsided.

His forehead was full of sweat, and his breathing was ragged; only he knew how much pain he had to bear.

If he could, he would choose to die rather than experience it again. But at that time, he couldn't think of anything; all he could think and feel was pain, and pain—there was not even a thought of suicide in his mind.

But now that he was awake, his thinking was normal again.

"Can you give a warning before doing these?"

[The system already gave a warning; it was just that the host was slow to take]

He was then reminded of how the system asked him to brace himself.

The system might as well not have given that reminder.

After he calmed down, he noticed a vial was in his hand.


He remembered there was no such thing on his hand before.

When he looked at the vial, a message popped up on the virtual screen.

[Healing Ointment]

[Can treat any external injuries for someone under the nascent soul stage. Just apply the ointment to the injured area, and the injuries will heal in a few minutes.]

[The system noticed that you are often injured, so out of pity, the system added the healing ointment for you.]

"So this is from the system? Should I check just how effective it is?"

"No, I already ate the healing pill before, so let's use it for another time."

Even though he didn't know how effective it was and it looked suspicious, he still chose to use it later. Now that he was poor, he needed to be frugal; there was no need to waste it just to check how effective it was.

Then where are the 'Body Forging Method' and 'Fly Swatting Palm'?

Just as he thought about it, he suddenly felt like he understood everything about the two books.


He didn't know what to say; it was an understatement to say that he was amazed. He was shocked to the core.

He never knew something could be done like this. He knew there was a method of transferring knowledge to a person's mind instantly, but this was beyond just transferring knowledge. It was more like imparting comprehension.

He knew everything without the need to comprehend the two books. He was also amazed at these two books, especially the Body Forging Method.

But he was a bit confused about the Fly Swatting Palm technique. Just what is this technique used for?

It was a technique used to swat fly, like its name suggested.

"System, what with this Fly Swatting Palm Technique?"

[Everything about the Fly Swatting Palm Technique has already been imparted to the host's soul directly; the system believes that with the host's intelligence, he could understand it.]

What? So everything was imparted directly to the soul; no wonder it hurt so much.

But what with these? Does the system think that I am an idiot?

[Finally, the host became self-aware. The scariest thing is an idiot without self-awareness.]

Even though Wei Fang always endured system derision, his vein still bulged at his forehead.

I need to be patient. "So, what with it? Is there anyone bored enough to create a technique for swatting a fly?"

[Yes, there is. There was even someone bored enough to create a technique to slumber and pee@$$@#$#]

What happened to the system? Is it experiencing some error?

[Sorry for the inconveniences, there was a bit of trouble on the server. The system will give you a simple introduction to the Fly Swatting Palm history.]

What is a server? And why did the system seem more polite than before?

[Fly Swatting Palm]

[This technique was created by the joint effort of several immortals because of the plague caused by the Ancient Corpse Fly disaster, also called the Fly Plague Carrier.

These fly had high resistance to attacks produced from energy, even the strong sword energy, but were weak against physical attack.

Normally, this fly would be inside a primeval forest or inside a danger zone, where only strong cultivators could venture.

These flies didn't have any interest in any lifeform and were only interested in corpses.

But one day, someone from the corpse refining lineage crossed the place where the flies live. He was not aware that the jiangshi he brought with him was infested with these flies.

When he realized it, he was already in a city full of people.

The Ancient Corpse Fly, which finished devouring his corpse, began flying out to search for another food source.

These flies didn't attack any residents, but the plague they carried made the city plagued with deadly infectious disease, making the city a dead city in just a few weeks.

With these flies flying in the open, another seven cities fall quickly, which draws the attention of an immortal.

After the immortal failed to eradicate the Ancient Corpse Fly with his grand technique, he noticed that these fly were almost not affected except being pushed away.

When he investigated further, he noticed these flies were almost immune to his attack and could only be killed with a physical attack.

Without choice, he consulted with his friends as to how to kill these flies.

Finally, they come up with the Fly Swatting Palm technique, targeted especially for these fly.]

[Reminder from the system: The best technique was neither the strongest nor the grandest; it was a technique that fulfilled its purpose.]

Wei Fang sucked in a cold breath.

So this was a technique created by several immortals; how impressive it was. Even though it was just used to deal with flies, it just showed how impressive those flies were.


Wei Fang looked at the system reminder.

It seems the system really did become gentler and not as mean as before.

[Even a child would understand after the system explanation, so the system hopes the host could work harder to improve his intelligence, so the host could be smarter than children.]

Nevermind; maybe it was just my imagination.