1 The Dream


[Mayday, Mayday. SV-122 has been detected by the enemy and is under attack. I repeat, Our ship is currently under attack by the Hugans. Requesting back-u-Arrggh, *Boom*]


"Sir, We just lost contact with SV-122." said by the soldier, in-charge of communications.

"Find their location ASAP!" The General of the Space Federal Union, commanded loudly to his subordinates. 'I hope my son is okay' the General thought to himself gloomily and not showing it in his face.



"I need to flee from this ship before it explode." Zelor said, gasping for breath due to being hit by a debris, from the exploded part of the ship, in the chest. "Damn! why does this escape pod look so far?" Zelor cursed, the escape pod that should be reachable in a few steps, look so far to him. "I need to hurry." Zelor said gritting his teeth from the pain, 'Especially now that the ship is about to explode that every second counts' Zelor thought to himself, not having the strength to waste in to talking. After struggling for about 5 minutes, he finally reached the escape pod.

"Sigh, I finally reached it!" Zelor said relieved, after reaching the escape pod, Zelor then activated the escape pod immediately, and the rumbling sound of the engine can now be heard.

[Initializing, Calculating destination, Searching for closest inhabitable planet, Destination is located , Destination on course , Planet VXb-812] said by the AI of the escape pod, after being activated and calculating the destination to escape to.

"Planet Status." Zelor said to the AI, hoping to know more about the selected planet to escape to by the AI. After a few seconds the AI responded to Zelor.

[Planet VXb-812, 1.5x the size of Earth, Oxygen is present in the planet, Has a rocky surface like Mars, Inhabitants-Hugans, There is a Hugans base located in this planet] answered by the AI.

"Oh Sh*t, Looks like I'm entering hell itself." Zelor cursed for his bad luck. "Guess I've got to do it, The Humanity's Fate now rest in my shoulder." Zelor said gathering his composure and courage.


"Ugghh, what was that weird dream, I feel like it's something very important but I can't remeber a single part of it, Ugghh, this headache is killing me." Zelor said in a hoarse voice after waking up, not remembering a single part of his dream, he just put it in the back of his mind and decided to forget about it. Then, he got up and check the time in his holographic clock, "Crap!, it's already 7 in the morning?!" Zelor exclaimed when he realize what time it is.

'I need to hurry or Dad will yell at me again, especially now that there is an important meeting in the Space Federal Union, even if I'm late at least one second I'm dead.' Zelor thought to himself, shivering in fear, thinking about his father's angry face. Then, he rush to take a shower, after cleaning himself up, he rushed downstairs and eat breakfast that is prepared by robot maid.

Finally done he left the house in his levi-car, luckily there is no more traffic, because all vehicles on earth are now levitating and not on wheels. Driving fast but safe is Zelor specialty so, He reached the Space Federal Union Head Quarters in less than 30 minutes.

"*sigh* I barely made it in time" Zelor said relieved, looking at his watch that read 7:50. Now that so many people are around, Zelor fixed his demeanor and put on the dignity of the youngest Lieutenant General of the Space Federal Union. Zelor, now entering the Head Quarters, received salute from all the members of the SFU, while the young male Cadets are looking at Zelor with respect and admiration filled eyes, the young female cadets are looking with sparkling eyes because of Zelor's handsome face and tall, muscular figure.

Entering the top floor of the Head Quarters where the meeting is being held, Zelor saluted to all the officials that are already there and sat at the chair designated for him, just beside his father, after waiting for a few more minutes everyone is finally in the meeting room and began the meeting.

The General of the Space Federal Union, Zelor's father, Levo Legrand, started the meeting in a grave tone, "Ladies and Gentlemen, today we will have a very important meeting, Humanity's Fate is at stake due to the new weapon that is being developed by the Hugans, The Star Obliterator, and now we will Commence Operation, Infiltrate and Destroy-Star Obliterator or ID-SO."
