
Chapter 7

0730 – 04 | 26 | 20XX




I woke to the steady rhythm of Grand's heartbeat.

Carefully, I shifted on the bed and eased in the comfort of his embrace—a short-lived feat where I was nestled in the comfort of his arms and nothing separated us in this moment of bareness.

I lifted my head and stared at his face.

Grand was a rare kind of beauty. In this peaceful sliver of time, I let myself drown in the familiarity of those tousled golden hair accentuated brightly in the slice of light escaping through the blinds. I smiled as he snored lightly through his nose, his thin red lips parted slightly as it always did when he was sleeping.

As much as I missed the days when it was just all about us, I don't think I was ready to get back with him. Yet, at this moment, I would trade everything to return back to a time when everything fell into place. Grand loving me just as I loved him—no remorse, only pure bliss.

While tracing the splotched-shaped birthmark in the middle of his torso, right on the pit of stomach, I remembered the first time we met.

He had been a scrawny twelve-year old boy who came from Sector 30—a city downwardly lateral to the Capital which was Sector 36. The sector from where Grand came from was rich, heavily manifested from the way that he moved and the clothes that he wore—leather vest and boots of high quality, the latest smart watch, and he had that air of princely elegance around him.

At that time, when we first looked at each other, I was sweaty and battered-looking after a gruesome sparring with Master Shu. I was wearing my training clothes—hair tied on a pony tail, a white tank top drenched in sweat paired with black leggings. When Grand saw me beside his father, Commander of Battles Vladimir Arthur Buenavista, he eyed me with a judging stare.

His eyes assessed me from head to toe, and I didn't stop myself from rolling my eyes at him, and sneered, "You look like a fine lady yourself, little man."

Master Shu and the Commander of Battles stopped talking at my remark, and turned their attention to me.

At my retort, Grand blushed. Then, his father laughed. "I think they'll just get along very well, Arnold."

Master Shu just placed his arms on my shoulder, eyes crinkled in a harmless smile. But later that night, he made me do a 25-meter tumbling in the Training Arena ten times. The following morning when I woke, it had felt like someone crumpled my thigh and arm muscles.

After that first encounter, I never saw Grand for a while. Yet, I was curious about the wealthy boy with gangly limbs who wore large-rimmed eyeglasses. I had never forgotten his hair which reminded me of sunshine—strands of sunlight woven like a crown atop his head.

So, I sought him.

And listened to talks about the new kid in the Edwards' Sphere of Sector 11. I listened to how they talked about how the wealthy boy would thrive in the life of one of the Aileron Cities—poor cities of Proxima Nova. They talked about him, alienated him.

At that moment, I felt a surge of interest about this boy whom no one had ever encountered. They said he kept to himself because he didn't want to talk to people like us. They spread word that he was elitist, and wouldn't associate himself with people who lived in Sector 11.

But one rumor allowed me to find him—he was always either in the library or the computer room.

I walked around the Edwards Sphere looking for Grand. When I was about to enter the library, I caught him heading toward there so I hurriedly hid beside the entrance. He didn't see me because he had his head down, arms clutched around a bunch of books.

Nerd, I had thought.

When Grand had entered the library, I cringed as his loud footsteps padded across the carpeted floor of the main aisle. As an Agent-in-training, I had always maintained silence and noiseless steps. And hearing the way that he moved, he would totally give away his position in a heartbeat.

I kept myself to the shelves across as I followed him. He turned right of the aisle, and I spied him from the shadow of the shelf returning five books. I stifled a groan when I saw that he was at the Mathematics section.

Positive, he's a total nerd, I told myself.

Grabbing another three mathematics books, for which Physical and Internal Technology was embossed on the cover of one book, he went to the nearest alcove and started reading.

Squaring my shoulders, I sauntered towards him with a mask of indifference. I moved across the hall, towards the alcove, and he hadn't even noticed when I was in front of him, hands on my hips.

I cleared my throat, looking down at him.

Maybe it was the light across the hall or perhaps the shadow, but I felt my heart skipped a beat when he raised his face to meet my gaze. He had that tinge of sadness in his eyes, a hint of aloofness and shyness that emanated right out of him.

And at that moment, I realized that I wanted to be with this boy of tangled golden locks who was too embarrassed to talk with anybody. I realized that I want to sit down beside him and make him feel welcomed in the Sphere.

So, I did.

"Scoot over, would you?" I demanded.

He just moved over to the side, and I sat on the bench beside him. He remained still when I took a seat, his eyes focused on the textbook he was holding. But his eyes were not moving, just merely staring at the letters as if he couldn't concentrate. I also noticed that his left leg was tapping against the floor as if he was nervous.

I waited for him to talk, yet he remained like a statue—trying hard to focus on his book but could never understand a word out of it. Not when I was there.

"Do you want me to go?" I asked.

Grand looked at me as he put the book down on the table. His shoulders tensed as he looked at me right in the eyes, his fingers unconsciously fiddling with his eyeglasses.

I didn't break the stare. As if thinking that he could not do anything about it, his throat bobbed, and softly said, "Hello."

Even his hello sounded unsure.

I crossed my arms, and raised my eyebrows at him urging him to go on.

Closing his eyes, he heaved a deep sigh and positioned both of his hands on his side. And when he looked at me again, he was smiling faintly. "Hello," he greeted again. "I'm Dorian Grand Johnson Buenavista."

Grand extended his hand to me, and when I grasped it in my own, I was amazed at the softness of his palms. It was far from the callouses that scarred at every lines of my palms, roughened and hardened in the height of my training.

Swiveling my body, I surveyed the books he piled on the table. Without looking at him, I said, "I'm Katharina Venice Cassavera." I picked one book entitled The Basics of Electronics and Electricity. Holding it, I turned my head at him. "Why are you reading this?"

He snatched the book from my hand. "Don't say this as if it's bad."

"Well," I started, turning the other Math books on the table. Looking at those thick books, I felt lightheaded just imagining what they contained. "Who reads this?" I teased, picking up another book.

Grand blushed a deep shade of red. "Stop it!" he huffed, attempting to grab the book off my hand, yet I raised it away from him. His ears turned red and his brows scrounged. "What are you doing here, anyway?"

"I need to see for myself what they were talking about," I replied. "They said you don't want to associate with us because most of us came from Sector 11. Is it true, then?"

"What do you mean?"

"Everyone thinks you're a snob," I explained. "And an 'elitist.'"

His eyes widen at the word. "No," he answered bashfully, ears akin to the color of tomato. "It's just I'm embarrassed. I grew up most of my years under the tutelage of my dad and tutors. I didn't have as much friends as you do or time to make ones."

"You're not what they call elitist?"


"But you are a nerd?" waving the book in front of him.

"W-what?" Grand stammered. "Why are you so mean to me?" he fumed.

I feigned shock at his words. "Mean? I am anything but mean," I emphasized, fluttering my eyelashes at him. "Why are you staying most of the time here in the library by the way?"

"I'm specializing as an Overlord, and I am going to be Commander of Data someday," he said. Light shone in his eyes and at that, I saw the strength and adamance embedded in those black-depth eyes. One of the qualities that I fell in love with—the determination in Grand's eyes.

I handed him the book, and he grabbed it. I gave him a smile as I said, "Then, we'll see each other as I'm going to be Commander of Espionage someday."

He shook his head.

I frowned. "Don't you think I'm going to be Commander of Espionage in the future?" I asked him. "Agent Vtraski is vying for the position, and I think she's going to get the position despite her mean attitude if that's what you are thinking."

"Hey don't say that," he replied. Grand picked up a pen and twirled it in his fingers. I had noticed that he couldn't stay for long without doing something. "I mean, espionage is really hard. I'm having a hard time in my Art of Fighting first days of classes back in Sector 30."

"Hmm, interesting," I remarked. "Why did you transfer here anyway? You could have gone to the Cortex Academy in Sector 36."

"My father is heading a naval battle at the Neptune Front Sectors," he remarked.

I raised my eyebrows, confused. "I don't talk history books, little man."

Grand rolled his eyes at me. He opened his notepad, and drew a map on the paper.

"You draw good," I commented.

"I love sketching," he retorted. "By the way, you know this map, right?" he continued, eyeing me. When I nodded but the question remained on my face, he sighed. "Well, the coasts from Sectors 10, 16, and 17 are our naval fronts. Meaning, these are the sectors where the Proximan Armada is stationed. And assisted by the Cortex."

I nodded, still confused.

"Ugh." He was exasperated. "Basta, my father is heading the boat fights in these cities. Yeah?"

"Oh," I exclaimed, sheepish. "Your dad is a Captain of the Seas?"

"No, he's Commander of Battles, Katharina—"

"Kath," I corrected.

"Kath," he repeated, annoyed. "Anyway, my father heads Battle Strategies. And so that we'll keep in touch together, he let me stay here in Edwards Sphere."

"Why not in the Neptune Seas?"

"It's Neptune Front," he smirked. "And no, he doesn't want me there. He told me he doesn't want me caught up if a fight breaks up there." Grand shrugged, sketching a boat on the page. His strokes were clean and precise, far better than my scrawl-like art projects. "I think he just don't me there because I remind him of my mom."

I was taken aback at the suddenness of his confession. I didn't talk, unsure of what to say. He's mood shifted slightly—shoulders drooping and eyes sad once again.

"Not that I'm a great agent like my mother." Grand chuckled halfheartedly, yet the movement of his wrist as he drew the mast of the boat was hard and furious. "I am never going to be a great fighter like my mom or a strategist like my dad. I remind my dad that I'm the last piece of my mom here in the world. And that he would never see her again.

"So, basically, he left me here because he doesn't want me with him. He doesn't leave me in the Academy because it would make him feel guilty that we're too far away from each other. It makes him think that he is breaking his promise to my mother if I'm at the Academy. But I just think my father wants to get rid of me. I don't know, I don't know, I don't know—"

The lead broke, tracing a crooked line on the paper.

He rested both his hands on the table, breathing hard as he stared down. Then he began forming fists and opening them—did it for a long time, matching with his heavy breathing.

"I'm sorry," I muttered.

With head still down, he inclined his head at me. "Thank you," he whispered.

"You're going to be a great Commander of Data, you know," I said him. At that, he fully turned at me.

"If you're saying that out of pity, please don't."

"No, Grand. I'm not saying it out of pity. I see you someone great someday. Who would read those books—" I pointed at the cache of books on the table—"and not aim to go high? You got the perseverance and determination in your eyes, Grand. Maybe, we could do it together. Side by side."

"You're gonna be a Commander of Data too?" he asked, eyes wide.

I snickered. "No, dummy. What I mean to say is that let's go for our dreams together. I'm going to be Commander of Espionage while you became Commander of Data."

He's mouth formed a little Oh.

I held his hand, and smiled at him. "We're gonna do it together, what do you think? And we're the only kids our age in this Sphere. The others are years ahead."

Grand looked at our enjoined hands, and I swore, he blushed. "I'm not a good fighter, I need to get through that first."

"Then let's strike a bargain."

A genuine smile blooming on his face, he said, "I'm listening."

Looking back at it now, I thought we would be staying up together. Staying up all night while he helped me get through my Mathematics Exams and sweating up all day as I helped him get through his Art of Fighting Practicums.

A bargain that blossomed into a daily routine of simply supporting each other.

I inhaled Grand's smell, feeling nostalgic and blue just thinking about the day that he came into my life. All gangly limbs and askew glasses and cheeks painted in the bloom of shy pink. We came a long way, and I never thought that we would ever be separated—estranged and treading a path where none of us ever thought.

As much as I clearly remembered the first day when I met Grand and the first time when I talked to him in the library, I could also reminisce the promise I made to him—that I would never leave his side.

But as I moved his arms wrapped around me, and got off his bed, it broke my heart to think that it felt like I was breaking my promise.

Dressed from my clothes strewn across the floor, I slid out of his room as silently as I could.

But before I closed the door, I stole a final glance at his sleeping face, devoid of hurt and remorse, and walked away with a tear sliding on my cheek.


I checked my phone to see my upcoming schedule for today, yet it seemed that they cleared it for the whole day so that I'd be able to fix the mess I made yesterday.

After I cleaned up myself, I grabbed an ensaymada from the cafeteria since I wasn't in the mood to eat much. By now, Grand must had had woken up. I didn't know if he acted as if nothing happened last night or if he had something to feel, I got no chat from him.

A good thing though.

"Hey Kath, what's up?" Arafox greeted. Arafox—or Foxy as we usually called her—is an Engineer who specialized in technological development. She liked to speak codes and techie stuff which made Riri and her clicked and became a couple.

"I'm good," I replied giving her a feigned grin. To be honest, I was tired and confused about how to sort out the Azazelian business. I had no hint of an idea on how to solve it. I was just hoping that Aidan Montreal would cooperate just as much.

Or else I'd be slitting his throat.

We walked side by side towards the elevator. "Going down?" she asked, smiling with me with her up-tilted monolid eyes accentuated by the dark eye shadow painted around it.

I nodded.

Foxy was one of the most beautiful women I had ever seen—and her fashion was always on point. As she walked, her long ash gray hair with purple highlight streaks swayed like an ocean of lilacs.

The otherwise bland navy outfit seemed different as she donned it in her petite frame. She tucked the pants right on the narrow curve of her waist, embellished by a gem-studded belt. When she spoke, her full lips had that juvenile snicker which always charmed people.

As an engineer, they needed protective gears—and instead of using a face shield, her face was framed by an eye visor studded with diamonds and crystals embedded on the metal frame. Aside from that, she had a glimmering black crystal choker around her neck complementing the paleness of her skin. Not to mention the designer bracelets that wrapped around her wrists and arms.

The only unadorned part of her body were her fingers and nails because of her job—but still, all of those were immaculate in their simplicity.

When we entered the elevator, she pressed first floor. "I'm going first floor to check on the transportations on the right wing," Foxy stated. "What about you?"

"Underground," I sighed. "Dungeons."

Pressing the button, she looked at me with concern. "This is about the Azazelian Mission the other night, isn't it?"

The door closed.


"Hmm," she inclined her head to the side, her diamond earring flashing in the morning light streaming through the curved door of the bullet elevator. "I don't get it why you were the only one reprimanded about this mission," Foxy continued, pouting her lip to the side. I got it why Riri was always head over heels to her girlfriend—she's totally cute. "I mean, you, Riri, Grand"—at the mention of Grand's name she looked down, but I just rolled my eyes at her as to say It's fine—"Sung-ho, and I were also to blame."

"Well, they always ask more from the Agent," I just simply said. I don't want to drag them with my mistake, but I wondered why I was the only one scolded. "You know, the Prestige questioned me as to why weren't I able to discern the difference between the twins."

"I never knew Brad has a twin," she exclaimed.

"Ditto," I groaned.

���Did Grand know he had a twin?" she asked.

For a moment, it got me thinking. "I didn't know, we had never really talked about that aspect of the mission. He just gave me the file. And I looked at it. Perhaps, I just got cocky and never really looked at the small details about Brad." But it bugged me, did Grand know about the twin thing?

The elevator dinged, and it opened on the first floor. From here, I could hear the rev of the cars and the engines humming from the motorcycles, and the guffaw and murmurs from the people who were entering the front doors.

"Gotta go, Kath," she waved as she stepped out of the elevator.

I waved back, the elevator closing around me.

As it slid a level down, it got me thinking:

Did I just get cocky at that time?

Or did Grand withhold information from me?

What are your thoughts about this chapter showing how Kath and Grand met for the first time? Also, what do you think about Grand now?

Are you ready for the next chapter where Kath and Aidan will meet again? What do you think will happen? I would really love it if you would leave a short comment for me take as a motivation and inspiration.

Thank you so much, amazing readers! You make my life a little brighter and remind me that beyond the four walls of my room are beautiful people who appreaciate the beauty of words and stories!

Love you all!

SmokeyWintercreators' thoughts